New Application hr.applicant form {'search_default_job_id': [active_id], 'default_job_id': active_id} hr.job.kanban hr.job
Job hr.job hr.job.simple.form hr.job 200
Create a Job Position hr.job form new {'dialog_size' : 'medium'} hr.job.form1 hr.job recruitment_form_view 0 0
Job Positions hr.job list,kanban,form {'search_default_in_recruitment': 1}

Ready to recruit more efficiently?

Let's create a job position. hr.job 20 hr.job recruitment_list_view Load demo data code action = model._action_load_recruitment_scenario() Job Positions recruitment hr.job kanban,list,form {} Job Positions hr.job kanban,form {'create': False} [ '|', ('interviewer_ids', 'in', uid), ('extended_interviewer_ids', 'in', uid), ] hr.job.platform.form hr.job.platform
hr.job.platform.list hr.job.platform Emails hr.job.platform list,form

No rules have been defined.

Create a new rule to process emails from specific job boards.

Define a regex: Extract the applicant's name from the email's subject or body.

Without a regex: The applicant's name will be the email's subject.