import { Plugin } from "@html_editor/plugin"; import { MAIN_PLUGINS } from "@html_editor/plugin_sets"; import { parseHTML } from "@html_editor/utils/html"; import { describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { click, pointerDown, pointerUp, press, queryOne } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { animationFrame, mockUserAgent, tick } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { setupEditor, testEditor } from "./_helpers/editor"; import { getContent, setSelection } from "./_helpers/selection"; import { addStep, deleteBackward, insertText, redo, undo } from "./_helpers/user_actions"; import { execCommand } from "./_helpers/userCommands"; describe("reset", () => { test("should not add mutations in the current step from the normalization when calling reset", async () => { const TestPlugin = class extends Plugin { static id = "test"; resources = { normalize_handlers: () => { this.editable.firstChild.setAttribute("data-test-normalize", "1"); }, }; }; const { el, plugins } = await setupEditor("
", { config: { Plugins: [...MAIN_PLUGINS, TestPlugin] }, }); const historyPlugin = plugins.get("history"); expect(el.firstChild.getAttribute("data-test-normalize")).toBe("1"); expect(historyPlugin.steps.length).toBe(1); expect(historyPlugin.currentStep.mutations.length).toBe(0); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("open table picker shouldn't add mutations", async () => { const { editor, el, plugins } = await setupEditor("[]
"); await insertText(editor, "/tab"); await press("enter"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o-we-tablepicker").toHaveCount(1); expect(getContent(el)).toBe( `[]
` ); const historyPlugin = plugins.get("history"); expect(historyPlugin.currentStep.mutations.length).toBe(0); await click(".odoo-editor-editable p"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o-we-tablepicker").toHaveCount(0); expect(historyPlugin.currentStep.mutations.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe("undo", () => { test("should undo a backspace", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "ab []cd
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { deleteBackward(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
}, contentAfter: "ab []cd
", }); }); test("should undo a backspace, then do nothing on undo", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "ab []cd
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { deleteBackward(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
(nothing to undo) }, contentAfter: "ab []cd
", }); }); test("should discard draft mutations", async () => { const { el, editor } = await setupEditor(`[]c
`); const p = el.querySelector("p"); editor.shared.dom.insert("a"); editor.shared.history.addStep(); p.prepend(document.createTextNode("b")); undo(editor); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]c
`); redo(editor); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`a[]c
`); }); }); describe("redo", () => { test("should undo, then redo a backspace", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "ab []cd
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { deleteBackward(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
redo(editor); //ab[]cd
}, contentAfter: "ab[]cd
", }); }); test("should undo, then redo a backspace, then undo again to get back to the starting point", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "ab []cd
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { deleteBackward(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
redo(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
}, contentAfter: "ab []cd
", }); }); test("should undo, then redo a backspace, then do nothing on redo", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "ab []cd
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { deleteBackward(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
redo(editor); //ab[]cd
redo(editor); //ab[]cd
(nothing to redo) }, contentAfter: "ab[]cd
", }); }); test("should undo, then undo, then redo, then redo two backspaces, then do nothing on redo, then undo", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "ab []cd
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { deleteBackward(editor); //ab[]cd
deleteBackward(editor); //a[]cd
undo(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
redo(editor); //ab[]cd
redo(editor); //a[]cd
redo(editor); //a[]cd
(nothing to redo) }, contentAfter: "a[]cd
", }); }); test("should 2x undo, then 2x redo, then 2x undo, then 2x redo a backspace", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "ab []cd
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { deleteBackward(editor); //ab[]cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
(nothing to undo) redo(editor); //ab[]cd
redo(editor); //ab[]cd
(nothing to redo) undo(editor); //ab []cd
undo(editor); //ab []cd
(nothing to undo) redo(editor); //ab[]cd
redo(editor); //ab[]cd
(nothing to redo) }, contentAfter: "ab[]cd
", }); }); test("should type a, b, c, undo x2, d, undo x2, redo x2", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[]
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { await insertText(editor, "a"); await insertText(editor, "b"); await insertText(editor, "c"); undo(editor); undo(editor); await insertText(editor, "d"); undo(editor); undo(editor); redo(editor); redo(editor); }, contentAfter: "ad[]
", }); }); test("should type a, b, c, undo x2, d, undo, redo x2", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: "[]
", stepFunction: async (editor) => { await insertText(editor, "a"); await insertText(editor, "b"); await insertText(editor, "c"); undo(editor); undo(editor); await insertText(editor, "d"); undo(editor); redo(editor); redo(editor); }, contentAfter: "ad[]
", }); }); test("should discard draft mutations", async () => { const { el, editor } = await setupEditor(`[]c
`); const p = el.querySelector("p"); editor.shared.dom.insert("a"); editor.shared.history.addStep(); undo(editor); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]c
`); p.prepend(document.createTextNode("b")); redo(editor); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`a[]c
`); undo(editor); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]c
`); }); }); describe("selection", () => { test("should stage the selection upon click", async () => { const { el, plugins } = await setupEditor("a
"); const pElement = queryOne("p"); await pointerDown(pElement); setSelection({ anchorNode: pElement.firstChild, anchorOffset: 0, focusNode: pElement.firstChild, focusOffset: 0, }); await tick(); await pointerUp(pElement); await tick(); const historyPlugin = plugins.get("history"); const nodeId = historyPlugin.nodeToIdMap.get(pElement.firstChild); expect(historyPlugin.currentStep.selection).toEqual({ anchorNodeId: nodeId, anchorOffset: 0, focusNodeId: nodeId, focusOffset: 0, }); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("[]a
"); }); }); describe("step", () => { test('should allow insertion of nested contenteditable="true"', async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: ``, stepFunction: async (editor) => { const editable = 'a
`, stepFunction: async (editor) => { const p = editor.editable.querySelector("p"); p.className = "x"; editor.shared.history.addStep(); const history = editor.plugins.find((p) => === "history"); expect(history.steps.length).toBe(1); }, config: { Plugins: Plugins }, }); }); test("should prevent system classes to be added when adding 2 classes", async () => { await testEditor({ contentBefore: `a[]
`, stepFunction: async (editor) => { const p = editor.editable.querySelector("p"); p.className = "x y"; addStep(editor); undo(editor); redo(editor); }, contentAfter: `a[]
`, config: { Plugins: Plugins }, }); }); test("should prevent system classes to be added in historyApply", async () => { const { el, plugins } = await setupEditor(`a
`, { config: { Plugins } }); /** @type import("../src/core/history_plugin").HistoryPlugin") */ const historyPlugin = plugins.get("history"); const p = el.querySelector("p"); historyPlugin.applyMutations([ { attributeName: "class", id: historyPlugin.nodeToIdMap.get(p), oldValue: null, type: "attributes", value: "x y", }, ]); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`a
`); }); test("should skip the mutations if no changes in state", async () => { const { el, plugins } = await setupEditor(`a
`, { config: { Plugins } }); /** @type import("../src/core/history_plugin").HistoryPlugin") */ const historyPlugin = plugins.get("history"); const p = el.querySelector("p"); p.className = ""; p.className = "y"; historyPlugin.handleObserverRecords(); historyPlugin.revertMutations(historyPlugin.currentStep.mutations); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`a
`); }); }); describe("makeSavePoint", () => { test("makeSavePoint should correctly revert mutations (1)", async () => { const { el, editor } = await setupEditor( `a[bcd]e
` ); // The stageSelection should have been triggered by the click on // the editable. As we set the selection programmatically, we dispatch the // selection here for the commands that relies on it. // If the selection of the editor would be programatically set upon start // (like an autofocus feature), it would be the role of the autofocus // feature to trigger the stageSelection. editor.shared.history.stageSelection(); const restore = editor.shared.history.makeSavePoint(); execCommand(editor, "formatBold"); restore(); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`a[bcd]e
`); }); test("makeSavePoint keeps old draft mutations, discards new ones, and does not add an unnecessary step", async () => { const { el, editor } = await setupEditor(`[]c
`); expect(editor.shared.history.getHistorySteps().length).toBe(1); const p = el.querySelector("p"); // draft to save p.append(document.createTextNode("d")); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]cd
`); const savepoint = editor.shared.history.makeSavePoint(); // draft to discard p.append(document.createTextNode("e")); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]cde
`); savepoint(); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]cd
`); expect(editor.shared.history.getHistorySteps().length).toBe(1); }); test("applying a makeSavePoint consumes ulterior reversible steps and adds a new consumed step, while handling draft mutations", async () => { const { el, editor, plugins } = await setupEditor(`[]c
`); const historyPlugin = plugins.get("history"); expect(editor.shared.history.getHistorySteps().length).toBe(1); const p = el.querySelector("p"); // draft to save p.append(document.createTextNode("d")); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]cd
`); const savepoint = editor.shared.history.makeSavePoint(); // step to consume editor.shared.dom.insert("z"); editor.shared.history.addStep(); let steps = editor.shared.history.getHistorySteps(); expect(steps.length).toBe(2); const zStep =; expect(historyPlugin.stepsStates.get(; // draft to discard p.append(document.createTextNode("e")); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`z[]cde
`); savepoint(); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]cd
`); steps = editor.shared.history.getHistorySteps(); expect(steps.length).toBe(3); expect(; expect(historyPlugin.stepsStates.get("consumed"); expect(historyPlugin.stepsStates.get("consumed"); undo(editor); expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]c
`); redo(editor); // `d` was still a draft, redo can not reinsert `z` since it is consumed expect(getContent(el)).toBe(`[]c
`); }); test.todo("makeSavePoint should correctly revert mutations (2)", async () => { // TODO @phoenix: ensure that this spec also applies to complete steps (with undo/redo). // In the meantime, avoid adding observed DOM nodes to disconnected nodes as this is not fully // supported. // Before, the makeSavePoint method was reverting all the current mutations to finally re-apply // the old ones. // The current limitation of the editor is that newly created element that is not connected to // the DOM is not observed by the MutationObserver. The list of mutations resulted from an // operation can therefore be incomplete and cannot be re-applied. The goal of this test is to // verify that the makeSavePoint does not revert more mutation that it should. const { el, plugins } = await setupEditor("this is another paragraph with color 2
"); const history = plugins.get("history"); const p = queryOne("p"); const font = document.createElement("font"); // The following line cause a REMOVE since the child does not belong to the p element anymore // The font element is not observed by the mutation observer, the ADD mutation is therefore not // recorded. font.appendChild(p.childNodes[0]); p.before(font); const numberOfSteps = history.steps.length; const safePoint = history.makeSavePoint(); safePoint(); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("this is another paragraph with color 2"); expect(history.steps.length).toBe(numberOfSteps); }); }); describe("makePreviewableOperation", () => { test("makePreviewableOperation correctly revert previews", async () => { const { plugins } = await setupEditor(``); const history = plugins.get("history"); const div = queryOne("#test"); const previewableAddParagraph = history.makePreviewableOperation((elemId) => { const newElem = document.createElement("p"); newElem.setAttribute("id", elemId); div.appendChild(newElem); }); const numberOfSteps = history.steps.length; const numberOfCurrentMutations = history.currentStep.mutations.length; previewableAddParagraph.preview("first"); await animationFrame(); expect(history.steps.length).toBe(numberOfSteps); expect("#first").toHaveCount(1); previewableAddParagraph.preview("second"); await animationFrame(); expect(history.steps.length).toBe(numberOfSteps); expect("#first").toHaveCount(0); expect("#second").toHaveCount(1); previewableAddParagraph.revert(); await animationFrame(); expect("#first").toHaveCount(0); expect("#second").toHaveCount(0); expect(history.steps.length).toBe(numberOfSteps); expect(history.currentStep.mutations.length).toBe(numberOfCurrentMutations); }); test("makePreviewableOperation correctly commit operation", async () => { const { plugins } = await setupEditor(``); const history = plugins.get("history"); const div = queryOne("#test"); const previewableAddParagraph = history.makePreviewableOperation((elemId) => { const newElem = document.createElement("p"); newElem.setAttribute("id", elemId); div.appendChild(newElem); }); const numberOfSteps = history.steps.length; previewableAddParagraph.preview("first"); await animationFrame(); expect(history.steps.length).toBe(numberOfSteps); expect("#first").toHaveCount(1); previewableAddParagraph.commit("second"); await animationFrame(); expect("#first").toHaveCount(0); expect("#second").toHaveCount(1); expect(history.steps.length).toBe(numberOfSteps + 1); }); }); describe("shortcut", () => { test("undo/redo with shortcut", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor(`[]
`); await insertText(editor, "abc"); await press(["ctrl", "z"]); await press(["cmd", "z"]); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("ab[]
"); await press(["ctrl", "y"]); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("abc[]
"); await press(["ctrl", "shift", "z"]); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("abc[]
"); }); test("undo/redo with shortcut on macOS", async () => { mockUserAgent("mac"); const { editor, el } = await setupEditor(`[]
`); await insertText(editor, "abc"); await press(["cmd", "z"]); await press(["cmd", "z"]); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("a[]
"); await press(["cmd", "y"]); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("ab[]
"); await press(["cmd", "shift", "z"]); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("abc[]
"); }); test("canUndo canRedo", async () => { const state = {}; const onChange = () => { state.canUndo = editor.shared.history.canUndo(); state.canRedo = editor.shared.history.canRedo(); }; const { editor, el } = await setupEditor(`[]
`, { config: { onChange }, }); expect(state).toEqual({}); await insertText(editor, "a"); expect(state).toEqual({ canUndo: true, canRedo: false }); execCommand(editor, "historyUndo"); expect(state).toEqual({ canUndo: false, canRedo: true }); execCommand(editor, "historyRedo"); expect(state).toEqual({ canUndo: true, canRedo: false }); execCommand(editor, "historyUndo"); expect(state).toEqual({ canUndo: false, canRedo: true }); await insertText(editor, "b"); expect(state).toEqual({ canUndo: true, canRedo: false }); expect(getContent(el)).toBe("b[]
"); }); test("use handleNewRecords resource", async () => { const onChange = () => { expect.step("onchange"); }; const resources = { handleNewRecords: () => { expect.step("handleNewRecords"); }, content_updated_handlers: () => { expect.step("contentUpdated"); }, }; const { editor } = await setupEditor(`[]
`, { config: { onChange, resources }, }); expect.verifySteps([]); await insertText(editor, "a"); expect.verifySteps([ "handleNewRecords", "contentUpdated", "handleNewRecords", "contentUpdated", "onchange", ]); }); }); describe("destroy", () => { test("Mutations are not observed after history plugin is destroyed", async () => { // Observer is disconnected during cleanup. class TestPlugin extends Plugin { // Added history dependency so that this plugin is loaded after and unloaded before. static dependencies = ["history", "dom"]; static id = "test"; resources = { savable_mutation_record_predicates: this.isMutationRecordSavable.bind(this), }; isMutationRecordSavable(record) { if ( record.type === "childList" && record.addedNodes.length === 1 && record.addedNodes.item(0).nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && record.addedNodes.item(0).matches(".test") ) { expect.step("dispatch"); return false; } return true; } destroy() { this.dependencies.dom.insert( parseHTML(this.document, `