import { expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { setSelection } from "./_helpers/selection";
import { click, hover, queryAll, queryOne, waitFor, waitForNone } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { defineModels, fields, models, mountView } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import { unformat } from "./_helpers/format";

class Test extends models.Model {
    name = fields.Char();
    txt = fields.Html();
    _records = [
        { id: 1, name: "Test", txt: "<p>text</p>".repeat(50) },
            id: 2,
            name: "Test",
            txt: unformat(`
                        <td><p>cell 0</p></td>
                        <td><p>cell 1</p></td>


test("Toolbar should not overflow scroll container", async () => {
    const top = (elementOrRange) => elementOrRange.getBoundingClientRect().top;
    const bottom = (elementOrRange) => elementOrRange.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;

    await mountView({
        type: "form",
        resId: 1,
        resModel: "test",
        arch: `
                <field name="name"/>
                <field name="txt" widget="html"/>

    const scrollableElement = queryOne(".o_content");
    const editable = queryOne(".odoo-editor-editable");

    // Select a paragraph in the middle of the text
    const fifthParagraph = editable.children[5];
        anchorNode: fifthParagraph,
        anchorOffset: 0,
        focusNode: fifthParagraph,
        focusOffset: 1,
    const range = document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);

    const toolbar = await waitFor(".o-we-toolbar");

    // Toolbar should be above the selection

    // Scroll down to bring the toolbar close to the top
    let scrollStep = top(toolbar) - top(scrollableElement);
    scrollableElement.scrollTop += scrollStep;
    await animationFrame();

    // Toolbar should be below the selection

    // Toolbar should not overflow the scroll container

    // Scroll down to make the toolbar overflow the scroll container
    scrollStep = top(toolbar) - top(scrollableElement);
    scrollableElement.scrollTop += scrollStep;
    await animationFrame();

    // Toolbar should be invisible

    // Scroll up to make the toolbar visible again
    scrollableElement.scrollTop -= scrollStep;
    await animationFrame();


test("Table column control should always be displayed on top of the table", async () => {
    const top = (el) => el.getBoundingClientRect().top;
    const bottom = (el) => el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;

    await mountView({
        type: "form",
        resId: 2,
        resModel: "test",
        arch: `
                <field name="name"/>
                <field name="txt" widget="html"/>

    const scrollableElement = queryOne(".o_content");
    const table = queryOne(".odoo-editor-editable table");
    await hover(".odoo-editor-editable td");
    const columnControl = await waitFor(".o-we-table-menu[data-type='column']");

    // Table column control displayed on hover should be above the table

    // Scroll down so that the table is close to the top
    const distanceToTop = top(table) - top(scrollableElement);
    scrollableElement.scrollTop += distanceToTop;
    await animationFrame();

    await hover(".odoo-editor-editable td");
    await animationFrame();

    // Table control should not be displayed (it should not overflow the scroll
    // container, nor be placed below the first row).

test("Table menu should close on scroll", async () => {
    await mountView({
        type: "form",
        resId: 2,
        resModel: "test",
        arch: `
                <field name="name"/>
                <field name="txt" widget="html"/>

    const scrollableElement = queryOne(".o_content");

    await hover(".odoo-editor-editable td");
    const columnControl = await waitFor(".o-we-table-menu[data-type='column']");
    await click(columnControl);
    await animationFrame();

    // Column menu should be displayed.

    // Scroll down
    scrollableElement.scrollTop += 10;
    await waitForNone(".o-dropdown--menu");

    // Column menu should not be visible.

test("Toolbar should keep stable while extending down the selection", async () => {
    const top = (el) => el.getBoundingClientRect().top;
    const left = (el) => el.getBoundingClientRect().left;

    await mountView({
        type: "form",
        resId: 1,
        resModel: "test",
        arch: `
                <field name="name"/>
                <field name="txt" widget="html"/>

    const editable = queryOne(".odoo-editor-editable");

    // Select inner content of a paragraph in the middle of the text
    const fifthParagraph = editable.children[5];
    const textNode = fifthParagraph.firstChild;
        anchorNode: textNode,
        anchorOffset: 0,
        focusNode: textNode,
        focusOffset: textNode.length,
    const toolbar = await waitFor(".o-we-toolbar");
    const referenceTop = top(toolbar);
    const referenceLeft = left(toolbar);

    const extendSelection = (focusNode, focusOffset) => {
        setSelection({ anchorNode: textNode, anchorOffset: 0, focusNode, focusOffset });

    // Extend the selection to the beginning of the following paragraph. This
    // simulates the selection obtained by moving the mouse while mousedown.
    const sixthParagraph = fifthParagraph.nextElementSibling;
    extendSelection(sixthParagraph, 0);
    await animationFrame();

    // Toolbar should not move

    // Extend selection to end of paragraph
    const textNodeSixthParagraph = sixthParagraph.firstChild;
    extendSelection(textNodeSixthParagraph, textNodeSixthParagraph.length);
    await animationFrame();

    // Toolbar should not move