import { describe, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { testEditor } from "../_helpers/editor";
import { deleteBackward, deleteForward } from "../_helpers/user_actions";
import { unformat } from "../_helpers/format";
describe("backward", () => {
describe("selection collapsed", () => {
describe("start empty", () => {
test("should delete empty p after an unbreakable (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: `a[]
test("should delete empty p/br after an unbreakable (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `a
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: `a[]
test("should delete empty unbreakable (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not delete an empty unbreakable when there is no elements to delete before (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
describe("start text", () => {
test("should not merge p with an unbreakable (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `b
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: `b
test("should not merge unbreakable before an unbreakable (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not merge unbreakable before a p (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not merge unbreakable before an empty unbreakable (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not merge unbreakable before an empty p (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
describe("selection not collapsed", () => {
describe("monolevel", () => {
describe("anchor start", () => {
test("should remove sandwitched unbreakable (anchor start, focus start) (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should remove sandwitched unbreakable (anchor start, focus between) (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
describe("anchor between", () => {
test("should remove sandwitched unbreakable (anchor between, focus between) (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should remove sandwitched unbreakable (anchor between, focus end) (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
describe("multilevel", () => {
describe("anchor start", () => {
test("should remove sandwitched unbreakable (multilevel, anchor start, focus between) (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
describe("anchor between", () => {
test("should remove sandwitched unbreakable (multilevel, anchor between, focus between) (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should remove sandwitched unbreakable (multilevel, anchor between, focus end) (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: (editor) => deleteBackward(editor),
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should delete last character of paragraph but not merge it with unbreakable", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `ab[c
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: `ab[]
test("should delete last character of paragraph and fully selected empty unbreakable", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `ab[c
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: `ab[]
test("should delete first character of unbreakable, ignoring selected paragraph break (backward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `abc[
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: `abc[]
describe("forward", () => {
describe("selection collapsed", () => {
describe("start empty", () => {
test("should delete empty p just before an unbreakable (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `[]
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: `[]a
test("should delete empty p/br just before an unbreakable (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: `[]a
test("should delete empty unbreakables (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not delete an empty unbreakable when there is no elements to delete after (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
describe("start text", () => {
test("should not merge p with an unbreakable (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: `a[]
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: `a[]
test("should not remove unbreakable after an unbreakable (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not merge unbreakable after a p (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not merge unbreakable after an empty unbreakable (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not merge unbreakable after an empty p (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
// Only few tests are made with the selection not collapsed it should use the
// same logic as for the backward (deleteRange).
describe("selection not collapsed", () => {
test("should not break unbreakables (delete forward) (1)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
test("should not break unbreakables (delete forward) (2)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
`), // JW without oe_breakable classes of course
test("should delete first character of unbreakable, ignoring selected paragraph break (forward)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: 'abc[
stepFunction: deleteForward,
contentAfter: 'abc[]
describe("list", () => {
describe("selection collapsed", () => {
test("should not outdent while nested within a list item if the list is unbreakable", async () => {
// Only one LI.
await testEditor({
contentBefore: 'abc
- []def
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: 'abc
- []def
// First LI.
await testEditor({
'- def
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
'- def
// In the middle.
await testEditor({
- ghi
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
- ghi
// Last LI.
await testEditor({
'- abc
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
'- abc
// With a div before the list:
await testEditor({
- def
- jkl
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
- def
- jkl
test("shoud not outdent list item in unsplittable list, but merge with previous LI", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
- abc
- []def
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
- abc[]def
test("shoud not outdent list item in unsplittable list, nor merge it with previous block", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
- []abc
- def
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
- []abc
- def
test("shoud not outdent list item nested in unsplittable list", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
- []abc
- def
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
- []abc
- def
describe("selection not collapsed", () => {
test("shoud not merge list item in the previous unbreakable sibling (1)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
- d]ef
- ghi
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
- ef
- ghi
test("shoud not merge list item in the previous unbreakable sibling (2)", async () => {
await testEditor({
contentBefore: unformat(`
- d]ef
- ghi
stepFunction: deleteBackward,
contentAfter: unformat(`
- ef
- ghi