# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging from odoo import models from odoo.http import request _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) BAD_REQUEST = """Missing request.is_frontend attribute. The request.is_frontend attribute is missing, this means that although http_routing is installed and that all incoming requests SHOULD be going through ir.http._match (which sets that attribute), there are some rogue requests which do not. This is likely due to a @route(auth='none') controller which creates its own registry and attempts to render a template (e.g. odoo/odoo#99667). The following expectations MUST hold: When: * there is an incoming http request (request is truthy) * there is a registry loaded (models are in use) * http_routing is installed (dependency of both portal and website) Then: * request.is_frontend is set Failure to meet this expectation can lead to downstream problems, e.g. here inside of http_routing's ir.qweb. Solutions vary, the one used inside of #99667 is to use the request.borrow_request context manager to temporary hide the incoming http request. """ class IrQweb(models.AbstractModel): _inherit = "ir.qweb" def _prepare_environment(self, values): irQweb = super()._prepare_environment(values) values['slug'] = self.env['ir.http']._slug values['unslug_url'] = self.env['ir.http']._unslug_url if not irQweb.env.context.get('minimal_qcontext') and request: if not hasattr(request, 'is_frontend'): _logger.warning(BAD_REQUEST, stack_info=True) elif request.is_frontend: return irQweb._prepare_frontend_environment(values) return irQweb def _prepare_frontend_environment(self, values): values['url_for'] = self.env['ir.http']._url_for values['url_localized'] = self.env['ir.http']._url_localized return self