# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import logging import platform import json from passlib.context import CryptContext from odoo import http from odoo.tools.config import config _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import PyKCS11 except ImportError: PyKCS11 = None _logger.error('Could not import library PyKCS11') crypt_context = CryptContext(schemes=['pbkdf2_sha512']) class EtaUsbController(http.Controller): def _is_access_token_valid(self, access_token): stored_hash = config.get('proxy_access_token') if not stored_hash: # empty password/hash => authentication forbidden return False return crypt_context.verify(access_token, stored_hash) @http.route('/hw_l10n_eg_eta/certificate', type='http', auth='none', cors='*', csrf=False, save_session=False, methods=['POST']) def eta_certificate(self, pin, access_token): """ Gets the certificate from the token and returns it to the main odoo instance so that we can prepare the cades-bes object on the main odoo instance rather than this middleware @param pin: pin of the token @param access_token: token shared with the main odoo instance """ if not PyKCS11: return self._get_error_template('no_pykcs11') if not self._is_access_token_valid(access_token): return self._get_error_template('unauthorized') session, error = self._get_session(pin) if error: return error try: cert = session.findObjects([(PyKCS11.CKA_CLASS, PyKCS11.CKO_CERTIFICATE)])[0] cert_bytes = bytes(session.getAttributeValue(cert, [PyKCS11.CKA_VALUE])[0]) payload = { 'certificate': base64.b64encode(cert_bytes).decode() } return json.dumps(payload) except Exception as ex: _logger.exception('Error while getting ETA certificate') return self._get_error_template(str(ex)) finally: session.logout() session.closeSession() @http.route('/hw_l10n_eg_eta/sign', type='http', auth='none', cors='*', csrf=False, save_session=False, methods=['POST']) def eta_sign(self, pin, access_token, invoices): """ Check if the access_token is valid and sign the invoices accessing the usb key with the pin. @param pin: pin of the token @param access_token: token shared with the main odoo instance @param invoices: dictionary of invoices. Keys are invoices ids, value are the base64 encoded binaries to sign """ if not PyKCS11: return self._get_error_template('no_pykcs11') if not self._is_access_token_valid(access_token): return self._get_error_template('unauthorized') session, error = self._get_session(pin) if error: return error try: cert = session.findObjects([(PyKCS11.CKA_CLASS, PyKCS11.CKO_CERTIFICATE)])[0] cert_id = session.getAttributeValue(cert, [PyKCS11.CKA_ID])[0] priv_key = session.findObjects([(PyKCS11.CKA_CLASS, PyKCS11.CKO_PRIVATE_KEY), (PyKCS11.CKA_ID, cert_id)])[0] invoice_dict = dict() invoices = json.loads(invoices) for invoice, eta_inv in invoices.items(): to_sign = base64.b64decode(eta_inv) signed_data = session.sign(priv_key, to_sign, PyKCS11.Mechanism(PyKCS11.CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS)) invoice_dict[invoice] = base64.b64encode(bytes(signed_data)).decode() payload = { 'invoices': json.dumps(invoice_dict), } return json.dumps(payload) except Exception as ex: _logger.exception('Error while signing invoices') return self._get_error_template(str(ex)) finally: session.logout() session.closeSession() def _get_session(self, pin): session = False lib, error = self.get_crypto_lib() if error: return session, error try: pkcs11 = PyKCS11.PyKCS11Lib() pkcs11.load(pkcs11dll_filename=lib) except PyKCS11.PyKCS11Error: return session, self._get_error_template('missing_dll') slots = pkcs11.getSlotList(tokenPresent=True) if not slots: return session, self._get_error_template('no_drive') if len(slots) > 1: return session, self._get_error_template('multiple_drive') try: session = pkcs11.openSession(slots[0], PyKCS11.CKF_SERIAL_SESSION | PyKCS11.CKF_RW_SESSION) session.login(pin) except Exception as ex: error = self._get_error_template(str(ex)) return session, error def get_crypto_lib(self): error = lib = False system = platform.system() if system == 'Linux': lib = '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opensc-pkcs11.so' elif system == 'Windows': lib = 'C:/Windows/System32/eps2003csp11.dll' elif system == 'Darwin': lib = '/Library/OpenSC/lib/onepin-opensc-pkcs11.so' else: error = self._get_error_template('unsupported_system') return lib, error def _get_error_template(self, error_str): return json.dumps({ 'error': error_str, })