VAT Report country Balance balance III. Global Turnover Without VAT BF_TURNOVER 0 C1. Taxable operations BF_TAXABLE a. Day-to-day operations BF_DAY 01 Sales, services, building works BF_DAY_SALES balance tax_tags BF_01 02 Self Delivery (SD) BF_SELF balance tax_tags BF_02 03 Sale of fixed assets BF_ASSETS balance tax_tags BF_03 04 Taxable operations at a rate of 10% BF_DAY_SALES_10 balance tax_tags BF_04 05 Other taxable operations BF_DAY_SALES_OTHER balance tax_tags BF_05 b. Contracts, order letters, other public and private contracts BF_CONTRACT 06 Sales BF_CONTRACT_SALES balance tax_tags BF_06 07 Services BF_CONTRACT_SERVICES balance tax_tags BF_07 08 Building works, public works BF_CONTRACT_WORKS balance tax_tags BF_08 09 Taxable operations at a rate of 10% BF_CONTRACT_SALES_10 balance tax_tags BF_09 10 Other taxable operations BF_CONTRACT_SALES_OTHER balance tax_tags BF_10 C2. Non-taxable operations BF_NON_TAXABLE 11 Exports BF_EXPORT balance tax_tags BF_11 12 Other foreign trade transactions, tax-suspended sales BF_FOREIGN balance tax_tags BF_12 13 Other non-taxable operations BF_NON_TAXABLE_OTHER balance tax_tags BF_13 14 Total amount of operations BF_TOTAL_OPERATIONS balance aggregation BF_DAY_SALES.balance + BF_SELF.balance + BF_ASSETS.balance + BF_DAY_SALES_10.balance + BF_DAY_SALES_OTHER.balance + BF_CONTRACT_SALES.balance + BF_CONTRACT_SERVICES.balance + BF_CONTRACT_WORKS.balance + BF_CONTRACT_SALES_10.balance + BF_CONTRACT_SALES_OTHER.balance + BF_EXPORT.balance + BF_FOREIGN.balance + BF_NON_TAXABLE_OTHER.balance IV. Gross VAT BF_GROSS 0 15 At normal rate (18%) BF_TAXABLE_18 Base tax excluded BF_TAXABLE_18_BASE balance tax_tags BF_15_base Gross VAT amount BF_TAXABLE_18_TAX balance tax_tags BF_15_tax 16 At reduced rate (10%) BF_TAXABLE_10 Base tax excluded BF_TAXABLE_10_BASE balance tax_tags BF_16_base Gross VAT amount BF_TAXABLE_10_TAX balance tax_tags BF_16_tax 17 Previously omitted gross VAT to be repaid BF_TAX_OMITTED balance tax_tags BF_17 18 VAT previously deducted to be repaid BF_TAX_DEDUCTED balance tax_tags BF_18 19 Total gross VAT amount BF_GROSS_TOTAL balance aggregation BF_TAXABLE_18_TAX.balance + BF_TAXABLE_10_TAX.balance + BF_TAX_OMITTED.balance + BF_TAX_DEDUCTED.balance V. Net VAT BF_NET 0 20 Deductible VAT for the period BF_DEDUCTIBLE balance tax_tags BF_20 21 VAT credit from previous period BF_CREDIT_REPORTED balance aggregation BF_CREDIT_REPORTED._applied_carryover_balance _applied_carryover_balance external most_recent previous_tax_period 22 VAT credit claimed for reimbursement BF_CREDIT_ASKED balance external sum editable 23 VAT credit not claimed for reimbursement BF_CREDIT_NOT_ASKED balance external sum editable 24 VAT on unpaid sales or services (definitively irrecoverable debts) BF_IRRECOVERABLE balance external BF_24 25 VAT paid on terminated or cancelled sales or services BF_CANCELLED balance tax_tags BF_25 26 Other deductions available to the company BF_OTHER_DEDUCTION balance tax_tags BF_26 27 Unpaid VAT credit carried forward BF_UNPAID_CREDIT balance tax_tags BF_27 Net VAT amount to pay [19 – (20+21-22+25+26+27)] BF_NET_TO_PAY 0 balance aggregation BF_GROSS_TOTAL.balance - (BF_DEDUCTIBLE.balance + BF_CREDIT_REPORTED.balance - BF_CREDIT_ASKED.balance + BF_CANCELLED.balance + BF_OTHER_DEDUCTION.balance + BF_UNPAID_CREDIT.balance) if_above(XOF(0)) Credit VAT to report [(20+21-22+25+26+27) - 19] BF_CREDIT_TO_REPORT 0 balance aggregation BF_DEDUCTIBLE.balance + BF_CREDIT_REPORTED.balance - BF_CREDIT_ASKED.balance + BF_CANCELLED.balance + BF_UNPAID_CREDIT.balance + BF_OTHER_DEDUCTION.balance - BF_GROSS_TOTAL.balance if_above(XOF(0)) _carryover_balance aggregation BF_CREDIT_TO_REPORT.balance BF_CREDIT_REPORTED._applied_carryover_balance