Tax Report country Code code string Balance balance integer Value Added Tax (IVA) - Form 200 v.5 l10n_bo_tax_report_iva Determination of the Fiscal Debit l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_debit Sales of taxed goods and/or services in the domestic market, excepting sales taxed at Zero Rate l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_13 code aggregation 13 balance tax_tags IVA 13 Export of goods and exempt operations l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_14 code aggregation 14 balance tax_tags IVA 14 Sales taxed at Zero Rate l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_15 code aggregation 15 balance tax_tags IVA 15 Untaxed sales and operations not subject to IVA l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_505 code aggregation 505 balance tax_tags IVA 505 Value attributed to retired goods and/or services and private consumption l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_16 code aggregation 16 balance tax_tags IVA 16 Returns and rescinders performed during the period l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_17 code aggregation 17 balance tax_tags IVA 17 Discounts, bonuses and rebates obtained during the period l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_18 code aggregation 18 balance tax_tags IVA 18 Tax Payable corresponding to: (C13+C16+C17+C18) * 13% l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_39 code aggregation 39 balance aggregation 0.13 * (l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_13.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_16.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_17.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_18.balance) Adjusted Tax Payable based on refunds l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_debit_donations code aggregation 55 balance tax_tags IVA 55 Adjusted Tax Payable based on Reconciliations l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_19 code aggregation 19 tax_amount tax_tags IVA 19 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_19.tax_amount - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_39.balance Total Tax Payable of the period (C39+C55+C19) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1002 code aggregation 1002 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_39.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_debit_donations.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_19.balance Determination of the Tax Credit l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_credit Total purchases corresponding to taxed and/or non-taxed activities l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_11 code aggregation 11 balance tax_tags IVA 11 Purchases corresponding to taxed activities l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_26 code aggregation 26 balance tax_tags IVA 26 Purchases for which it is not possible to discriminate between taxed and non-taxed activities l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_31 code aggregation 31 balance tax_tags IVA 31 Returns and rescinders received during the period l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_27 code aggregation 27 balance tax_tags IVA 27 Discounts, bonuses and rebates granted during the period l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_28 code aggregation 28 balance tax_tags IVA 28 Tax Credit: (C26+C27+C28) * 13% l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_114 code aggregation 114 balance aggregation 0.13 * (l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_26.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_27.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_28.balance) Adjusted Tax Credit based on Reconciliations l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_30 code aggregation 30 tax_amount tax_tags IVA 30 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_30.tax_amount - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_114.balance Proportional tax credit corresponding to taxed activities C31*(C13+C14)/(C13+C14+C15+C505) * 13% l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1003 code aggregation 1003 balance aggregation 0.13 * l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_31.balance * (l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_13.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_14.balance) / (l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_13.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_14.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_15.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_505.balance) ignore_zero_division Total Fiscal Credit for the period (C114+C30+C1003) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1004 code aggregation 1004 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_114.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_30.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1003.balance Determination of the difference l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_difference Difference in favor of the Taxpayer (C1004-C1002; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_693 code aggregation 693 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1004.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1002.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Difference in favor of the Tax Authority or determined Tax Amount (C1002-C1004; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_909 code aggregation 909 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1002.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1004.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Tax Credit balance to offset for the previous period (C592 of the Form for the previous period) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_635 code aggregation 635 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Value Adjustment on the Tax Credit balance for the previous period l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_648 code aggregation 648 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Tax Balance Determined in favor of the Tax Authority (C909-C635-C648; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1001 code aggregation 1001 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_909.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_635.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_648.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Payment to account of 50% of paid employer contributions l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_621 code aggregation 621 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Balance in favour of the Tax Authority after offsetting payments on account for employer's contributions (C1001 -C621; If > 0) ((C621 - C1001; If > 0) = 0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_629 code aggregation 629 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_1001.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_621.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Payments to Account already made in Declarations and/or Payment Tickets corresponding to the declared period l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_622 code aggregation 622 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Balance of Payments on Account to offset from the previous period (C747 of the Form for the previous period) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_640 code aggregation 640 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Balance for Payments on Account in favor of the Taxpayer (C640+C622-C629; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_643 code aggregation 643 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_640.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_622.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_629.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Balance in favor of the Tax Authority after offsetting payments on account (C629-C622-C640; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_468 code aggregation 468 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_629.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_622.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_640.balance if_above(BOB(0)) 5% payment for purchases to SIETE-RG taxpayers l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_465 code aggregation 465 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Balance of Payments on Account for 5% of purchases to SIETE-RG taxpayers (C469 of the previous period) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_466 code aggregation 466 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Balance in favor after offsetting 5% of payments on account for purchases from SIETE-RG taxpayers (C465+C466-C468; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_467 code aggregation 467 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_465.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_466.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_468.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Balance in favor of the Tax Authority (C468-C465-C466; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_996 code aggregation 996 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_468.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_465.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_466.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Determination of Tax Payable l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_payable Unpaid Tax (C996) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_924 code aggregation 924 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_996.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Value Adjustment on Unpaid Tax l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_925 code aggregation 925 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Interest on Adjusted Unpaid Tax l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_938 code aggregation 938 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Fine for Non-Compliance to Formal Duty (IDF) for overdue declaration l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_954 code aggregation 954 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Fine levied by the IDF for late declaration of a correction in the Tax Amount l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_967 code aggregation 967 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Total Tax Payable (C924+C925+C938+C954+C967) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_955 code aggregation 955 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_924.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_925.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_938.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_954.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_967.balance Definitive balance l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_balance Final Tax Credit Balance in favor of the Taxpayer for the next period (C693+C635+C648-C909; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_592 code aggregation 592 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_693.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_635.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_648.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_909.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Final Balance for Payments on Account in favor of the taxpayer of the 5% for purchases to SIETE-RG contributors for the next period (C467; Yes ) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_469 code aggregation 469 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_467.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Final Balance for Payments on Account in favor of the Taxpayer for the next period (C643-C955; If>0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_747 code aggregation 747 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_643.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_955.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Final balance in favour of the Tax Authority (C996 or (C955-C643) as appropriate; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_646 code aggregation 646 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_955.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_iva_643.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Transaction Tax (IT) - Form 400 v.5 l10n_bo_tax_report_it Determination of the Base Amount and the Tax Amount l10n_bo_tax_report_it_base Total gross income earned and/or received in kind (including exempt income) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_13 code aggregation 13 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_32.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_it_24.balance Exempt income l10n_bo_tax_report_it_32 code aggregation 32 balance tax_tags IT 32 Taxable base (C13 - C32) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_24 code aggregation 24 balance tax_tags IT 24 Determined tax (C24 * 3%) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_909 code aggregation 909 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_24.balance * 0.03 Determination of the Balance l10n_bo_tax_report_it_balance Paid IUE to offset (1st Instance or “Balance of IUE to offset” of Form 400, C619 of the previous period) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_664 code aggregation 664 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Tax Balance Determined in favor of the Tax Authority (C909 - C664; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_1001 code aggregation 1001 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_909.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_it_664.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Payments to Account already made in Declarations and/or Payment Tickets corresponding to the declared period l10n_bo_tax_report_it_622 code aggregation 622 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Balance of Payments on Account to offset from the previous period (C747 of Form 400 of the previous period) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_640 code aggregation 640 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Balance for Payments on Account in favor of the Taxpayer (C622+C640-C1001; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_643 code aggregation 643 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_622.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_it_640.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_it_1001.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Balance in favor of the Tax Authority (C1001-C622-C640; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_996 code aggregation 996 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_1001.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_it_622.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_it_640.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Determination of Tax Payable l10n_bo_tax_report_it_payable Unpaid Tax (C996) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_924 code aggregation 924 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_996.balance Value Adjustment on Unpaid Tax l10n_bo_tax_report_it_925 code aggregation 925 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Interest on Adjusted Unpaid Tax l10n_bo_tax_report_it_938 code aggregation 938 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Fine for Non-Compliance to Formal Duty (IDF) for overdue declaration l10n_bo_tax_report_it_954 code aggregation 954 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Fine levied by the IDF for late declaration of a correction in the Tax Amount l10n_bo_tax_report_it_967 code aggregation 967 balance external sum editable;rounding=0 Total Tax Payable (C924+C925+C938+C954+C967) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_955 code aggregation 955 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_924.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_it_925.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_it_938.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_it_954.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_it_967.balance Definitive balance l10n_bo_tax_report_it_final_balance Final balance of IUE to offset for the next period (C664-C909; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_619 code aggregation 619 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_664.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_it_909.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Final Balance for Payments on Account in favor of the Taxpayer for the next period (C643-C955; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_747 code aggregation 747 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_643.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_it_955.balance if_above(BOB(0)) Final balance in favour of the Tax Authority (C996 or (C955-C643) as appropriate; If >0) l10n_bo_tax_report_it_646 code aggregation 646 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_it_955.balance - l10n_bo_tax_report_it_643.balance if_above(BOB(0)) IT Withholdings - Form 410 l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_it Retained tax l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_it_13 code aggregation 13 balance tax_tags Ret IT 13 IUE Withholdings - Form 570 l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue Amount Paid for Services l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_13 code aggregation 13 base tax_tags Ret IUE 13 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_13.base / 0.845 Amount Paid for Acquisitions l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_26 code aggregation 26 base tax_tags Ret IUE 26 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_26.base / 0.92 Amount Subject to Tax (C13 * 0.5) l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_1001 code aggregation 1001 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_13.balance * 0.5 Amount Subject to Tax (C26 * 0.2) l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_1002 code aggregation 1002 balance aggregation l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_26.balance * 0.5 Determined tax (0.25 * (C1001 + C1002)) l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_909 code aggregation 909 balance aggregation 0.25 * (l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_1001.balance + l10n_bo_tax_report_whh_iue_1002.balance)