Sales - Total Amount Exempt or Unrecorded accounts Sales - Total Net Amount accounts Sales - Total Net Value Commissions and Other Charges accounts Sales - Total Net Value Commissions and Other Unaffected Charges accounts Sales - Total Non-Billable Amount accounts Sales - Exempt Domestic Ticket Sales accounts Sales - Exempt Sales of International Tickets accounts Shopping Cart - Total Exempt or Unrecorded Amount accounts Purchases - Total Net Amount accounts Purchases - Total Net Amount Common Use accounts Purchases - Total Net Amount not Recoverable accounts Purchases - Total Net Amount Supermarket Purchases accounts Purchases - Total Nets Amount Fixed Assets accounts Purchases - Total Manufactured Cigars accounts Purchases - Total Manufactured Tobacco Cigarettes accounts Purchases - Total Manufactured Tobacco Products accounts Remaining Tax Credit accounts Single Tax Workers accounts Fees - Amounts Subject to 2 Category Income Tax Withholding accounts