"VAT_S_IN_CY_19_G","1","Standard rate of 19% for goods sold in country","19%","19%","19.0","percent","sale","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+6","","Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan mallar için %19'luk standart oran"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_19_S","2","Standard rate of 19% for services sold in country","19% S","19% S","19.0","percent","sale","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+6","","Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %19'luk standart oran"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_19_G","3","Standard rate of 19% for goods purchased in country","19%","19%","19.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+7","","Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για αγαθά που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan mallar için %19'luk standart oran"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_19_S","4","Standard rate of 19% for services purchased in country","19% S","19% S","19.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+7","","Τυπικός συντελεστής 19% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %19'luk standart oran"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_9_G","5","Standard rate of 9% for goods sold in country","9%","9%","9.0","percent","sale","tax_group_9","100","base","invoice","+6","","Τυπικός συντελεστής 9% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan mallar için %9'luk standart oran"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_9_S","6","Reduced rate of 9% for services sold in country","9% S","9% S","9.0","percent","sale","tax_group_9","100","base","invoice","+6","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 9% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %9'luk indirimli oran"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_9_G","7","Reduced rate of 9% for goods purchased in country","9%","9%","9.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_9","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 9% για αγαθά που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan mallar için indirimli oran %9"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_9_S","8","Reduced rate of 9% for services purchased in country","9% S","9% S","9.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_9","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 9% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %9 indirimli oran"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_5_G","9","Reduced rate of 5% for goods sold in country","5%","5%","5.0","percent","sale","tax_group_5","100","base","invoice","+6","","Μειωμένος συντελεστής 5% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan mallar için %5 indirimli oran"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_5_S","10","Reduced rate of 5% for services sold in country","5% S","5% S","5.0","percent","sale","tax_group_5","100","base","invoice","+6","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 5% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %5 indirimli oran"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_5_G","11","Reduced rate of 5% for goods purchased in country","5%","5%","5.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_5","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 5% για προϊόντα που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan mallar için %5 indirimli oran"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_5_S","12","Reduced rate of 5% for services purchased in country","5% S","5% S","5.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_5","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 5% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %5 indirimli oran"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_3_G","13","Reduced rate of 3% for goods sold in country","3%","3%","3.0","percent","sale","tax_group_3","100","base","invoice","+6","","Μειωμένος συντελεστής 3% για προϊόντα που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan mallar için indirimli oran %3"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_3_S","14","Reduced rate of 3% for services sold in country","3% S","3% S","3.0","percent","sale","tax_group_3","100","base","invoice","+6","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 3% για υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan hizmetler için %3'lük indirimli oran"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_3_G","15","Reduced rate of 3% for goods purchased in country","3%","3%","3.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_3","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 3% για προϊόντα που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan mallar için indirimli oran %3"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_3_S","16","Reduced rate of 3% for services purchased in country","3% S","3% S","3.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_3","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μειωμένο ποσοστό 3% για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan hizmetler için %3 indirimli oran"
"VAT_S_IN_CY_0","17","Zero rate for goods and services sold in country","0%","0%","0.0","percent","sale","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+6","","Μηδενικός συντελεστής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan mal ve hizmetler için sıfır oran"
"VAT_P_IN_CY_0","18","Zero rate for goods and services purchased in country","0%","0%","0.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μηδενικός συντελεστής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan mal ve hizmetler için sıfır oran"
"RC_S_IN_CY","19","Reverse charge rate for goods and services sold in country","19% RC","19% RC","19.0","percent","sale","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+6","","Ποσοστό αντίστροφης χρέωσης για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan mal ve hizmetler için ters ücret oranı"
"RC_P_IN_CY","20","Reverse charge rate for goods and services purchased in country","19% RC","19% RC","19.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+7","","Ποσοστό αντίστροφης χρέωσης για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan mal ve hizmetler için ters ücret oranı"
"EXEMPT_S","21","Exempt rate for goods and services sold in country","0% E","0% E","0.0","percent","sale","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+6","","Ποσοστό απαλλαγής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται στη χώρα","Ülkede satılan mal ve hizmetler için muafiyet oranı"
"EXEMPT_P","22","Exempt rate for goods and services purchased in country","0% E","0% E","0.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+7","","Ποσοστό απαλλαγής για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται στη χώρα","Ülkede satın alınan mal ve hizmetler için muafiyet oranı"
"VAT_S_OUT_EU","23","VAT rate for goods and services sold outside of the EU","0% OEU","0% OEU","0.0","percent","sale","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+6||+9","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγαθά και υπηρεσίες που πωλούνται εκτός ΕΕ","AB dışında satılan mal ve hizmetler için KDV oranı"
"VAT_P_OUT_EU_G","24","VAT rate for goods purchased from outside the EU","0% OEU","0% OEU","0.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+7","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγαθά που αγοράζονται από χώρες εκτός ΕΕ","AB dışından satın alınan mallar için KDV oranı"
"VAT_P_OUT_EU_S","25","VAT rate for services purchased from outside the EU","19% OEU","19% OEU","19.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+6||+7","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για υπηρεσίες που αγοράζονται εκτός ΕΕ","AB dışından satın alınan hizmetler için KDV oranı"
"VAT_S_IN_EU_19_G_ES","26","VAT rate for sales of goods in EU","19% EU","19% EU","19.0","percent","sale","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+6||+8A","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για πωλήσεις αγαθών στην ΕΕ","AB'de mal satışlarında KDV oranı"
"VAT_P_IN_EU_19_G_ES","27","VAT rate for purchases of goods within EU","19% EU","19% EU","19.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+7||+11A","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγορές αγαθών εντός ΕΕ","AB dahilinde mal alımlarında KDV oranı"
"VAT_S_IN_EU_0_G_EZ","28","Zero rate for sales of goods in EU","0% EU","0% EU","0.0","percent","sale","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+6||+8A","","Μηδενικός συντελεστής για πωλήσεις αγαθών στην ΕΕ","AB'de mal satışlarında sıfır oran"
"VAT_P_IN_EU_0_G_EZ","29","Zero rate for purchases of goods in EU","0% EU","0% EU","0.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_0","100","base","invoice","+7","","Μηδενικός συντελεστής για αγορές αγαθών στην ΕE","AB'de mal alımlarında sıfır oran"
"VAT_S_IN_EU_19_S_ESSS","30","VAT rate for sales of services in EU","19% EU S","19% EU S","19.0","percent","sale","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+6||+8B","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για πωλήσεις υπηρεσιών στην ΕE","AB'de hizmet satışlarında KDV oranı"
"VAT_P_IN_EU_19_S_ESSS","31","VAT rate for purchases of services in EU","19% EU S","19% EU S","19.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+7||+11B","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγορές υπηρεσιών στην ΕE","AB'de hizmet satın alımlarında KDV oranı"
"VAT_S_IN_EU_19_S_ESSP","32","VAT rate for sales of services in EU with reverse charge","19% EU RC","19% EU RC","19.0","percent","sale","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+8B","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για πωλήσεις υπηρεσιών στην ΕΕ με αντίστροφη χρέωση","AB'de ters ödemeli hizmet satışları için KDV oranı"
"VAT_P_IN_EU_19_S_ESSP","33","VAT rate for purchases of services in EU with reverse charge","19% EU RC","19% EU RC","19.0","percent","purchase","tax_group_19","100","base","invoice","+6||+7||+11B","","Συντελεστής ΦΠΑ για αγορές υπηρεσιών στην ΕΕ με αντίστροφη χρέωση","AB'de ters ödemeli hizmet satın alımlarında KDV oranı"