104 country Balance balance SUMMARY OF SALES AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD 0 Local sales (excluding fixed assets) taxed at a rate different from zero Gross value(401) c401 balance tax_tags 401 (Reporte 104) Net value(411) balance tax_tags 411 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(421) balance tax_tags 421 (Reporte 104) Sales of fixed assets taxed at a rate different from zero Gross value(402) balance tax_tags 402 (Reporte 104) Net value(412) balance tax_tags 412 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(422) balance tax_tags 422 (Reporte 104) Local sales (excluding fixed assets) taxed at 5% Gross value(425) c425_104 balance tax_tags 425 (Reporte 104) Net value(435) balance tax_tags 435 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(445) balance tax_tags 445 (Reporte 104) VAT generated on the difference between sales and credit notes at different rates (adjustment payable) Tax generated(423) balance tax_tags 423 (Reporte 104) VAT generated on the difference between sales and credit notes at different rates (credit adjustment) Tax generated(424) balance tax_tags 424 (Reporte 104) Local sales (excluding fixed assets) taxed at 0% rate that do not entitle to tax credits Gross value(403) balance tax_tags 403 (Reporte 104) Net value(413) balance tax_tags 413 (Reporte 104) Sales of fixed assets taxed at 0% rate that do not entitle to tax credits Gross value(404) balance tax_tags 404 (Reporte 104) Net value(414) balance tax_tags 414 (Reporte 104) Local sales (excluding fixed assets) taxed at 0% rate that entitle to tax credits Gross value(405) c405 balance tax_tags 405 (Reporte 104) Net value(415) balance tax_tags 415 (Reporte 104) Sales of fixed assets taxed at 0% rate that qualify for tax credits Gross value(406) c406 balance tax_tags 406 (Reporte 104) Net value(416) c416 balance tax_tags 416 (Reporte 104) Exports of goods Gross value(407) c407 balance tax_tags 407 (Reporte 104) Net value(417) c417 balance tax_tags 417 (Reporte 104) Exports of services and/or rights Gross value(408) balance tax_tags 408 (Reporte 104) Net value(418) c418 balance tax_tags 418 (Reporte 104) TOTAL SALES AND OTHER OPERATIONS Gross value(409) balance tax_tags 409 (Reporte 104) Net value(419) balance tax_tags 419 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(429) balance tax_tags 429 (Reporte 104) Transfers not subject to or exempt from VAT Gross value(431) balance tax_tags 431 (Reporte 104) Net value(441) c441 balance tax_tags 441 (Reporte 104) Credit notes 0% rate to compensate next month Net value(442) c442 balance tax_tags 442 (Reporte 104) Credit notes at non-zero rate to compensate next month Net value(443) c443 balance tax_tags 443 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(453) balance tax_tags 453 (Reporte 104) Reimbursement income as intermediary / values invoiced by transport operators (informative) Gross value(434) c434 balance tax_tags 434 (Reporte 104) Net value(444) c444 balance tax_tags 444 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(454) balance tax_tags 454 (Reporte 104) VAT LIQUIDATION IN THE MONTH 0 Total transfers taxed at non-zero cash rate this month(480) balance tax_tags 480 (Reporte 104) Total transfers taxed at a rate different from zero to credit this month(481) balance tax_tags 481 (Reporte 104) Total Tax generated(482) balance tax_tags 482 (Reporte 104) Tax to be settled for the previous month(483) c483 balance tax_tags 483 (Reporte 104) Tax to be paid this month(484) c484 balance tax_tags 484 (Reporte 104) Tax to be settled in the next month(495) c495 balance tax_tags 495 (Reporte 104) TOTAL TAX TO BE PAID THIS MONTH(499) c499 balance tax_tags 499 (Reporte 104) SUMMARY OF PURCHASES AND PAYMENTS FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD 0 Acquisitions and payments (excluding fixed assets) taxed at a rate different from zero (with the right to tax credits) Gross value(500) c500 balance tax_tags 500 (Reporte 104) Net value(510) c510 balance tax_tags 510 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(520) c520 balance tax_tags 520 (Reporte 104) Local acquisitions of fixed assets taxed at a rate different from zero (with the right to tax credits) Gross value(501) c501 balance tax_tags 501 (Reporte 104) Net value(511) c511 balance tax_tags 511 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(521) c521 balance tax_tags 521 (Reporte 104) Acquisitions and local payments (excludes fixed assets) taxed at 5% (with the right to tax credits) Gross value(540) c540 balance tax_tags 540 (Reporte 104) Net value(550) c550 balance tax_tags 550 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(560) c560 balance tax_tags 560 (Reporte 104) Other acquisitions and payments taxed at a rate different from zero (not entitled to tax credit) Gross value(502) c502 balance tax_tags 502 (Reporte 104) Net value(512) c512 balance tax_tags 512 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(522) c522 balance tax_tags 522 (Reporte 104) Imports of services and/or duties taxed at rates different from zero Gross value(503) c503 balance tax_tags 503 (Reporte 104) Net value(513) c513 balance tax_tags 513 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(523) c523 balance tax_tags 523 (Reporte 104) Imports of goods (excludes fixed assets) taxed at a rate different from zero Gross value(504) c504 balance tax_tags 504 (Reporte 104) Net value(514) c514 balance tax_tags 514 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(524) c524 balance tax_tags 524 (Reporte 104) Imports of fixed assets taxed at rates different from zero Gross value(505) c505 balance tax_tags 505 (Reporte 104) Net value(515) c515 balance tax_tags 515 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(525) c525 balance tax_tags 525 (Reporte 104) VAT generated on the difference between acquisitions and credit notes at different rates (positive adjustment to tax credit) Tax generated(526) c526 balance tax_tags 526 (Reporte 104) VAT generated on the difference between acquisitions and credit notes at different rates (negative adjustment to tax credit) Tax generated(527) c527 balance tax_tags 527 (Reporte 104) Imports of goods (including fixed assets) taxed at 0% rate Gross value(506) c506 balance tax_tags 506 (Reporte 104) Net value(516) c516 balance tax_tags 516 (Reporte 104) Acquisitions and payments (including fixed assets) taxed at 0% rate Gross value(507) c507 balance tax_tags 507 (Reporte 104) Net value(517) c517 balance tax_tags 517 (Reporte 104) Acquisitions from RISE taxpayers Gross value(508) c508 balance tax_tags 508 (Reporte 104) Net value(518) c518 balance tax_tags 518 (Reporte 104) TOTAL ACQUISITIONS AND PAYMENTS Gross value(509) c509 balance tax_tags 509 (Reporte 104) Net value(519) c519 balance tax_tags 519 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(529) c529 balance tax_tags 529 (Reporte 104) Acquisitions not subject to VAT Gross value(531) c531 balance tax_tags 531 (Reporte 104) Net value(541) c541 balance tax_tags 541 (Reporte 104) Acquisitions exempt from VAT Gross value(532) c532 balance tax_tags 532 (Reporte 104) Net value(542) c542 balance tax_tags 542 (Reporte 104) Credit notes 0% rate to compensate next month Net value(543) c543 balance tax_tags 543 (Reporte 104) Credit notes at non-zero rate to compensate next month Net value(544) c544 balance tax_tags 544 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(554) c554 balance tax_tags 554 (Reporte 104) Net payments for reimbursement as intermediary / values invoiced by partners to transport operators (informative) Gross value(535) c535 balance tax_tags 535 (Reporte 104) Net value(545) c545 balance tax_tags 545 (Reporte 104) Tax generated(555) c555 balance tax_tags 555 (Reporte 104) TAX SUMMARY: AGENT FOR THE COLLECTION OF VALUE ADDED TAX 0 Tax incurred (if the difference in fields 499-564 is greater than zero)(601) c601 balance tax_tags 601 (Reporte 104) Tax credit applicable in this period (if the difference in fields 499-564 is less than zero)(602) c602 balance tax_tags 602 (Reporte 104) (-) VAT offset for sales made in affected areas - Solidarity Law, restitution of tax credit in resolutions(604) c604 balance tax_tags 604 (Reporte 104) (-) Tax credit balance from previous month For acquisitions and imports (transfer field 615 from the previous period's declaration)(605) c605 balance tax_tags 605 (Reporte 104) For VAT withholdings at source that have been made (transfer the field 617 of the previous period's return)(606) c606 balance tax_tags 606 (Reporte 104) VAT offset for sales made in affected areas - Solidarity Law (transfer field 619 of the previous period's return)(608) c608 balance tax_tags 608 (Reporte 104) (-) VAT withholdings at source made during this period(609) c609 balance tax_tags 609 (Reporte 104) (+) Adjustment for VAT refunded or deducted for purchases made by electronic means(610) c610 balance tax_tags 610 (Reporte 104) (+) Adjustment for VAT refunds and VAT rejections (VAT refunds), VAT adjustment for control processes and others (import acquisitions), attributable to tax credit(612) c612 balance tax_tags 612 (Reporte 104) (+) Adjustment for VAT refunded and rejected VAT, VAT adjustment for control processes and others (for VAT withholdings at source), attributable to tax credit(613) c613 balance tax_tags 613 (Reporte 104) (+) Adjustment for VAT refunded by other public sector institutions attributable to tax credit in the month(614) c614 balance tax_tags 614 (Reporte 104) Tax credit balance for next month Acquisitions and Imports(615) c615 balance tax_tags 615 (Reporte 104) For VAT withholdings at the source that have been made(617) c617 balance tax_tags 617 (Reporte 104) VAT offset for sales made in affected areas - Solidarity Law, restitution of tax credit in resolutions(619) c619 balance tax_tags 619 (Reporte 104) SUBTOTAL PAYABLE If (601-602-603-604-605-606-607-608-609+610+611+612+613+614) > 0(620) c620 balance tax_tags 620 (Reporte 104) Presumptive VAT on gaming halls (mechanical bingo) and other games of chance (applicable for years prior to 2013)(621) c621 balance tax_tags 621 (Reporte 104) TOTAL TAX TO BE PAID FOR COLLECTION(699) c699 balance tax_tags 699 (Reporte 104) TAX ON FOREIGN EXCHANGE OUTFLOWS FOR PURPOSES OF REFUND TO REGULAR EXPORTERS OF GOODS 0 Imports of raw materials, inputs and capital goods that are incorporated in the production processes of goods to be exported Value(700) c700 balance tax_tags 700 (Reporte 104) ISD paid(701) c701 balance tax_tags 701 (Reporte 104) VALUE ADDED TAX WITHHOLDING AGENT 0 10% withholding(721) c721 balance tax_tags 721 (Reporte 104) 20% withholding(723) c723 balance tax_tags 723 (Reporte 104) 30% withholding(725) c725 balance tax_tags 725 (Reporte 104) 50% withholding(727) c727 balance tax_tags 727 (Reporte 104) 70% withholding(729) c729 balance tax_tags 729 (Reporte 104) 100% withholding(731) c731 balance tax_tags 731 (Reporte 104) TOTAL TAX WITHHELD (799) c799 balance tax_tags 799 (Reporte 104) Provisional VAT refund by offsetting with withholdings made (800) c800 balance tax_tags 800 (Reporte 104) TOTAL WITHHOLDING TAX PAYABLE (801) c801 balance tax_tags 801 (Reporte 104) 103 country Balance balance FOR PAYMENTS MADE TO RESIDENTS AND PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENTS 0 In a dependency relationship that exceeds or does not exceed the tax-deductible basis Taxable income(302) c302 balance tax_tags 302 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(352) c352 balance tax_tags 352 (Reporte 103) Services Professional fees Taxable income(303) c303 balance tax_tags 303 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(353) c353 balance tax_tags 353 (Reporte 103) Servicios profesionales prestados por sociedades residentes Base imponible(3030) c3030 balance tax_tags 3030 (Reporte 103) Valor retenido(3530) c3530 balance tax_tags 3530 (Reporte 103) Intellect predominates Taxable income(304) c304 balance tax_tags 304 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(354) c354 balance tax_tags 354 (Reporte 103) Labor predominates Taxable income(307) c307 balance tax_tags 307 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(357) c357 balance tax_tags 357 (Reporte 103) Use or exploitation of image or reputation Taxable income(308) c308 balance tax_tags 308 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(358) c358 balance tax_tags 358 (Reporte 103) Advertising and communication Taxable income(309) c309 balance tax_tags 309 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(359) c359 balance tax_tags 359 (Reporte 103) Private passenger transportation or public or private freight service Taxable income(310) c310 balance tax_tags 310 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(360) c360 balance tax_tags 360 (Reporte 103) Through purchase settlements (cultural level or rusticity) Taxable income(311) c311 balance tax_tags 311 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(361) c361 balance tax_tags 361 (Reporte 103) Transfer of tangible personal property Taxable income(312) c312 balance tax_tags 312 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(362) c362 balance tax_tags 362 (Reporte 103) Compras al productor: de bienes de origen agrícola, avícola, pecuario, apícola, cunícola, bioacuático, forestal y carnes en estado natural y los descritos en el art.27.1 de LRTI. Base imponible(3120) c3120 balance tax_tags 3120 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(3620) c3620 balance tax_tags 3620 (Reporte 103) Compras al Comercializador: de Bienes de Origen Bioacuático, Forestal y los Descritos el Art.27.1 de LRTI Base imponible(3121) c3121 balance tax_tags 3121 (Reporte 103) Valor retenido(3621) c3621 balance tax_tags 3621 (Reporte 103) For royalties, copyrights, trademarks, patents and similar rights Taxable income(314) c314 balance tax_tags 314 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(364) c364 balance tax_tags 364 (Reporte 103) Comisiones pagadas a sociedades, nacionales o extranjeras residentes en el Ecuador y establecimientos permanentes domiciliados en el país Base imponible(3140) c3140 balance tax_tags 3140 (Reporte 103) Valor retenido(3640) c3640 balance tax_tags 3640 (Reporte 103) Leasing Commercial Taxable income(319) c319 balance tax_tags 319 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(369) c369 balance tax_tags 369 (Reporte 103) Real estate Taxable income(320) c320 balance tax_tags 320 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(370) c370 balance tax_tags 370 (Reporte 103) Insurance and reinsurance (premiums and cessions) Taxable income(322) c322 balance tax_tags 322 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(372) c372 balance tax_tags 372 (Reporte 103) Financial returns Taxable income(323) c323 balance tax_tags 323 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(373) c373 balance tax_tags 373 (Reporte 103) Financial returns between institutions of the financial system and popular and solidarity economy entities Taxable income(324) c324 balance tax_tags 324 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(374) c374 balance tax_tags 374 (Reporte 103) Dividend advance Taxable income(325) c325 balance tax_tags 325 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(375) c375 balance tax_tags 375 (Reporte 103) Dividends distributed that correspond to the single income tax established in art. 27 of the LRTI Taxable income(326) c326 balance tax_tags 326 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(376) c376 balance tax_tags 376 (Reporte 103) Dividends distributed to resident individuals Taxable income(327) c327 balance tax_tags 327 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(377) c377 balance tax_tags 377 (Reporte 103) Dividends distributed to resident companies Taxable income(328) c328 balance tax_tags 328 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(378) c378 balance tax_tags 378 (Reporte 103) Dividends distributed to resident trusts Taxable income(329) c329 balance tax_tags 329 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(379) c379 balance tax_tags 379 (Reporte 103) Stock dividends (capitalization of earnings) Taxable income(331) c331 balance tax_tags 331 (Reporte 103) Payments for goods and services not subject to withholding tax Taxable income(332) c332 balance tax_tags 332 (Reporte 103) Disposal of capital rights and other rights listed on the Ecuadorian stock exchange Taxable income(333) c333 balance tax_tags 333 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(383) c383 balance tax_tags 383 (Reporte 103) Disposal of rights representing capital and other rights not listed on the Ecuadorian stock exchange Taxable income(334) c334 balance tax_tags 334 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(384) c384 balance tax_tags 384 (Reporte 103) Lotteries, raffles, bets and the like Taxable income(335) c335 balance tax_tags 335 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(385) c385 balance tax_tags 385 (Reporte 103) Fuel sales To marketers Taxable income(336) c336 balance tax_tags 336 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(386) c386 balance tax_tags 386 (Reporte 103) To distributors Taxable income(337) c337 balance tax_tags 337 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(387) c387 balance tax_tags 387 (Reporte 103) Local production and sale of bananas, whether or not produced by the same taxpayer Taxable income(3380) c3380 balance tax_tags 3380 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(3880) c3880 balance tax_tags 3880 (Reporte 103) Single banana export tax Taxable income(3400) c3400 balance tax_tags 3400 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(3900) c3900 balance tax_tags 3900 (Reporte 103) Other withholdings Applicable 1% Taxable income(343) c343 balance tax_tags 343 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(393) c393 balance tax_tags 393 (Reporte 103) Applicable at 2% Taxable income(344) c344 balance tax_tags 344 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(394) c394 balance tax_tags 394 (Reporte 103) Applicable at 2,75% Taxable income(3440) c3440 balance tax_tags 3440 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(3940) c3940 balance tax_tags 3940 (Reporte 103) Applicable at 8% Taxable income(345) c345 balance tax_tags 345 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(395) c395 balance tax_tags 395 (Reporte 103) Applicable to other percentages (including Micro-enterprise regime) Taxable income(346) c346 balance tax_tags 346 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(396) c396 balance tax_tags 396 (Reporte 103) Single tax on income from agricultural activities at the production / local marketing or export stage Taxable income(348) c348 balance tax_tags 348 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(398) c398 balance tax_tags 398 (Reporte 103) Other self-remittances Taxable income(350) c350 balance tax_tags 350 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(400) c400 balance tax_tags 400 (Reporte 103) SUBTOTAL OPERATIONS CARRIED OUT IN THE COUNTRY Taxable income(349) c349 balance tax_tags 349 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(399) c399 balance tax_tags 399 (Reporte 103) FOR PAYMENTS TO NON-RESIDENTS 0 With double taxation agreement Interest on supplier financing Taxable income(402) balance tax_tags 402 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(452) c452 balance tax_tags 452 (Reporte 103) Interest on loans Taxable income(403) balance tax_tags 403 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(453) balance tax_tags 453 (Reporte 103) Dividend advance Taxable income(404) balance tax_tags 404 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(454) balance tax_tags 454 (Reporte 103) Dividends with no beneficial owner, natural person resident in Ecuador Taxable income(4050) c4050 balance tax_tags 4050 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4550) c4550 balance tax_tags 4550 (Reporte 103) Dividends with beneficial ownership by an individual resident in Ecuador Taxable income(4060) c4060 balance tax_tags 4060 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4560) c4560 balance tax_tags 4560 (Reporte 103) Dividends in breach of the duty to disclose the company's shareholder structure Taxable income(4070) c4070 balance tax_tags 4070 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4570) c4570 balance tax_tags 4570 (Reporte 103) Disposal of rights representing capital and other rights Taxable income(408) balance tax_tags 408 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(458) c458 balance tax_tags 458 (Reporte 103) Insurance and reinsurance (premiums and cessions) Taxable income(409) balance tax_tags 409 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(459) c459 balance tax_tags 459 (Reporte 103) Technical, administrative or consulting services and royalties Taxable income(410) c410 balance tax_tags 410 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(460) c460 balance tax_tags 460 (Reporte 103) Other items of taxable income Taxable income(411) balance tax_tags 411 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(461) c461 balance tax_tags 461 (Reporte 103) Other foreign payments not subject to withholding Taxable income(412) balance tax_tags 412 (Reporte 103) No double taxation agreement Interest on supplier financing Taxable income(413) balance tax_tags 413 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(463) c463 balance tax_tags 463 (Reporte 103) Interest on loans Taxable income(414) balance tax_tags 414 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(464) c464 balance tax_tags 464 (Reporte 103) Dividend advance Taxable income(415) balance tax_tags 415 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(465) c465 balance tax_tags 465 (Reporte 103) Dividends with no beneficial owner, natural person resident in Ecuador Taxable income(4160) c4160 balance tax_tags 4160 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4660) c4660 balance tax_tags 4660 (Reporte 103) Dividends with beneficial ownership by an individual resident in Ecuador Taxable income(4170) c4170 balance tax_tags 4170 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4670) c4670 balance tax_tags 4670 (Reporte 103) Dividends in breach of the duty to disclose the company's shareholder structure Taxable income(4180) c4180 balance tax_tags 4180 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4680) c4680 balance tax_tags 4680 (Reporte 103) Disposal of rights representing capital and other rights Taxable income(419) balance tax_tags 419 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(469) c469 balance tax_tags 469 (Reporte 103) Insurance and reinsurance (premiums and cessions) Taxable income(420) c420 balance tax_tags 420 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(470) c470 balance tax_tags 470 (Reporte 103) Technical, administrative or consulting services and royalties Taxable income(421) balance tax_tags 421 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(471) c471 balance tax_tags 471 (Reporte 103) Other items of taxable income Taxable income(422) balance tax_tags 422 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(472) c472 balance tax_tags 472 (Reporte 103) Other foreign payments not subject to withholding Taxable income(423) balance tax_tags 423 (Reporte 103) In tax havens or preferential tax regimes Interests Taxable income(424) balance tax_tags 424 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(474) c474 balance tax_tags 474 (Reporte 103) Dividend advance Taxable income(425) c425 balance tax_tags 425 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(475) c475 balance tax_tags 475 (Reporte 103) Dividends with no beneficial owner, natural person resident in Ecuador Taxable income(4260) c4260 balance tax_tags 4260 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4760) c4760 balance tax_tags 4760 (Reporte 103) Dividends with beneficial ownership by an individual resident in Ecuador Taxable income(4270) c4270 balance tax_tags 4270 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4770) c4770 balance tax_tags 4770 (Reporte 103) Dividends in breach of the duty to disclose the company's shareholder structure Taxable income(4280) c4280 balance tax_tags 4280 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(4780) c4780 balance tax_tags 4780 (Reporte 103) Disposal of rights representing capital and other rights Taxable income(429) balance tax_tags 429 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(479) c479 balance tax_tags 479 (Reporte 103) Insurance and reinsurance (premiums and cessions) Taxable income(430) c430 balance tax_tags 430 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(480) balance tax_tags 480 (Reporte 103) Technical, administrative or consulting services and royalties Taxable income(431) balance tax_tags 431 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(481) balance tax_tags 481 (Reporte 103) Other items of taxable income Taxable income(432) c432 balance tax_tags 432 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(482) balance tax_tags 482 (Reporte 103) Other foreign payments not subject to withholding Taxable income(433) c433 balance tax_tags 433 (Reporte 103) SUBTOTAL FOREIGN OPERATIONS 0 Taxable income(487) c487 balance tax_tags 487 (Reporte 103) Value withheld(498) c498 balance tax_tags 498 (Reporte 103)