VAT Report country Balance balance Tax on domestic sales by tax rates sale_25_5_and_24.balance + sale_14.balance + sale_10.balance 25.5% tax + 24% tax sale_25_5_and_24 True sale_25_5.balance + sale_24.balance 25.5% tax sale_25_5 balance tax_tags fi_320 24% tax sale_24 balance tax_tags fi_301 14% tax sale_14 balance tax_tags fi_302 10% tax sale_10 balance tax_tags fi_303 Tax on purchases of goods from other EU countries goods_eu balance tax_tags fi_305 Tax on service purchases from other EU countries service_eu balance tax_tags fi_tax_306 Tax on goods imported from outside the EU goods_no_eu balance tax_tags fi_340 Tax on purchases of construction services and scrap metal (inverted tax liability) construct balance tax_tags fi_318 Deductible tax for the tax season deductible balance tax_tags fi_307 The amount of lower limit relief balance tax_tags fi_vat_relief Payable tax / Refundable tax (-) sale_25_5_and_24.balance + sale_14.balance + sale_10.balance + goods_eu.balance + service_eu.balance + goods_no_eu.balance + construct.balance - deductible.balance 0-Turnover subject to zero tax rate balance tax_tags fi_304 Sales of goods to other EU countries balance tax_tags fi_311 Sales of services to other EU countries balance tax_tags fi_312 Purchases of goods from other EU countries balance tax_tags fi_base_purchase_goods_eu Service purchases from other EU countries balance tax_tags fi_base_306 Imports of goods from outside the EU balance tax_tags fi_base_340 Sales of construction services and scrap metal (inverted tax liability) balance tax_tags fi_319 Purchases of construction services and scrap metal (inverted tax liability) balance tax_tags fi_base_318