Tax Report country Tax base tax_base Tax amount tax_amount Vat calculation of supplied goods and services - total value(i. + ii.) c_0_total 0 tax_base aggregation c_I_total.tax_base + c_II_total.tax_base tax_amount aggregation c_II_total.tax_amount I. Transactions not subject to vat and exempt - total value (1.+2.+3.+4.+5.+6.+7.+8.+9.+10.) c_I_total 0 tax_base aggregation hr01.tax_base + hr02.tax_base + hr03.tax_base + hr04.tax_base + hr05.tax_base + hr06.tax_base + hr07.tax_base + hr08.tax_base + hr09.tax_base + hr10.tax_base 1. Supplies in the republic of croatia in respect of which the receiver calculates vat (domestic reverse charge) hr01 tax_base tax_tags I.1_base 2. Supplies carried out in another member state hr02 tax_base tax_tags I.2_base 3. Supplies of goods within the eu hr03 tax_base tax_tags I.3_base 4. Supplies of services within the eu hr04 tax_base tax_tags I.4_base 5. Supplies to persons not established in the republic of croatia hr05 tax_base tax_tags I.5_base 6. Installed and assembled goods in another member state hr06 tax_base tax_tags I.6_base 7. Supplies of new means of transport to another member state hr07 tax_base tax_tags I.7_base 8. Domestic supplies hr08 tax_base tax_tags I.8_base 9. Exportation hr09 tax_base tax_tags I.9_base 10. Other exemptions hr10 tax_base tax_tags I.10_base II. Taxable transactions – total amount (1.+2.+3.+4.+5.+6.+7.+8.+9.+10.+11.+12.+13.+14.+15.) c_II_total 0 tax_base aggregation hr11.tax_base + hr12.tax_base + hr13.tax_base + hr14.tax_base + hr15.tax_base + hr16.tax_base + hr17.tax_base + hr18.tax_base + hr19.tax_base + hr20.tax_base + hr21.tax_base + hr22.tax_base + hr23.tax_base + hr24.tax_base + hr25.tax_base tax_amount aggregation hr11.tax_amount + hr12.tax_amount + hr13.tax_amount + hr14.tax_amount + hr15.tax_amount + hr16.tax_amount + hr17.tax_amount + hr18.tax_amount + hr19.tax_amount + hr20.tax_amount + hr21.tax_amount + hr22.tax_amount + hr23.tax_amount + hr24.tax_amount + hr25.tax_amount 1. Supplies of goods and services in the republic of croatia at a rate 5% hr11 tax_base tax_tags II.1_base tax_amount tax_tags II.1_tax 2. Supplies of goods and services in the republic of croatia at a rate 13% hr12 tax_base tax_tags II.2_base tax_amount tax_tags II.2_tax 3. Supplies of goods and services in the republic of croatia at a rate 25% hr13 tax_base tax_tags II.3_base tax_amount tax_tags II.3_tax 4. Supplies received in the republic of croatia in respect of which the receiver calculates vat (domestic reverse charge) hr14 tax_base tax_tags II.4_base tax_amount tax_tags II.4_tax 5. Acquisition of goods within the eu at a rate 5% hr15 tax_base tax_tags II.5_base tax_amount tax_tags II.5_tax 6. Acquisition of goods within the eu at a rate 13% hr16 tax_base tax_tags II.6_base tax_amount tax_tags II.6_tax 7. Acquisition of goods within the eu at a rate 25% hr17 tax_base tax_tags II.7_base tax_amount tax_tags II.7_tax 8. Services received from eu at a rate 5% hr18 tax_base tax_tags II.8_base tax_amount tax_tags II.8_tax 9. Services received from eu at a rate 13% hr19 tax_base tax_tags II.9_base tax_amount tax_tags II.9_tax 10. Services received from eu at a rate 25% hr20 tax_base tax_tags II.10_base tax_amount tax_tags II.10_tax 11. Supplies of goods and services received from taxable persons not established in the republic of croatia at a rate 5% hr21 tax_base tax_tags II.11_base tax_amount tax_tags II.11_tax 12. Supplies of goods and services received from taxable persons not established in the republic of croatia at a rate 13% hr22 tax_base tax_tags II.12_base tax_amount tax_tags II.12_tax 13. Supplies of goods and services received from taxable persons not established in the republic of croatia at a rate 25% hr23 tax_base tax_tags II.13_base tax_amount tax_tags II.13_tax 14. Subsequent exemption on exportation related to personal passenger transportation hr24 tax_base tax_tags II.14_base tax_amount tax_tags II.14_tax 15. Vat calculated on importation hr25 tax_base tax_tags II.15_base tax_amount tax_tags II.15_tax III. Calculated input vat – total amount (1.+2.+3.+4.+5.+6.+7.+8.+9.+10.+11.+12.+13. +14.+15.) c_III_total 0 tax_base aggregation hr26.tax_base + hr27.tax_base + hr28.tax_base + hr29.tax_base + hr30.tax_base + hr31.tax_base + hr32.tax_base + hr33.tax_base + hr34.tax_base + hr35.tax_base + hr36.tax_base + hr37.tax_base + hr38.tax_base + hr39.tax_base tax_amount aggregation hr26.tax_amount + hr27.tax_amount + hr28.tax_amount + hr29.tax_amount + hr30.tax_amount + hr31.tax_amount + hr32.tax_amount + hr33.tax_amount + hr34.tax_amount + hr35.tax_amount + hr36.tax_amount + hr37.tax_amount + hr38.tax_amount + hr39.tax_amount + hr40.tax_amount 1. Input vat related to supplies received in the country at a rate 5% hr26 tax_base tax_tags III.1_base tax_amount tax_tags III.1_tax 2. Input vat related to supplies received in the country at a rate 13% hr27 tax_base tax_tags III.2_base tax_amount tax_tags III.2_tax 3. Input vat related to supplies received in the country at a rate 25% hr28 tax_base tax_tags III.3_base tax_amount tax_tags III.3_tax 4. Input vat related to supplies received in the country in respect of which the receiver calculates vat (domestic reverse charge) hr29 tax_base tax_tags III.4_base tax_amount tax_tags III.4_tax 5. Input vat related to acquisition of goods within the eu at a rate 5% hr30 tax_base tax_tags III.5_base tax_amount tax_tags III.5_tax 6. Input vat related to acquisition of goods within the eu at a rate 13% hr31 tax_base tax_tags III.6_base tax_amount tax_tags III.6_tax 7. Input vat related to acquisition of goods within the eu at a rate 25% hr32 tax_base tax_tags III.7_base tax_amount tax_tags III.7_tax 8. Input vat related to services received from eu at a rate 5% hr33 tax_base tax_tags III.8_base tax_amount tax_tags III.8_tax 9. Input vat related to services received from eu at a rate 13% hr34 tax_base tax_tags III.9_base tax_amount tax_tags III.9_tax 10. Input vat related to services received from eu at a rate 25% hr35 tax_base tax_tags III.10_base tax_amount tax_tags III.10_tax 11. Input vat related to supplies of goods and services received from non-established taxable persons at a rate 5% hr36 tax_base tax_tags III.11_base tax_amount tax_tags III.11_tax 12. Input vat related to supplies of goods and services received from non-established taxable persons at a rate 13% hr37 tax_base tax_tags III.12_base tax_amount tax_tags III.12_tax 13. Input vat related to supplies of goods and services received from non-established taxable persons at a rate 25% hr38 tax_base tax_tags III.13_base tax_amount tax_tags III.13_tax 14. Input vat related to importation hr39 tax_base tax_tags III.14_base tax_amount tax_tags III.14_tax 15. Adjustments of deductions hr40 tax_amount tax_tags III.15_tax IV. Vat liability in the calculation period: to pay (ii. - iii.) or to refund (iii. - ii.) c_IV_total 0 tax_amount aggregation hr41.tax_amount + hr42.tax_amount 1. To pay hr41 tax_amount aggregation c_II_total.tax_amount - c_III_total.tax_amount if_above(HRK(0)) 2. To refund hr42 tax_amount aggregation c_III_total.tax_amount - c_II_total.tax_amount if_above(HRK(0)) V. According to the previous calculation: unpaid vat to the day of submitting of this return-overpaid-tax credit c_V_total 0 tax_amount aggregation hr43.tax_amount + hr44.tax_amount 1. Claims for the difference of higher input tax than liabilities in the taxation period hr43 tax_amount account_codes 1407 2. Liability for the difference between tax and input tax in the taxation period hr44 tax_amount account_codes -2407 VI. Total difference: to pay/to refund c_VI_total 0 tax_amount aggregation hr45.tax_amount + hr46.tax_amount 1. Total to pay hr45 tax_amount aggregation hr41.tax_amount - hr42.tax_amount + hr43.tax_amount - hr44.tax_amount if_above(HRK(0)) 2. Total to refund hr46 tax_amount aggregation -hr41.tax_amount + hr42.tax_amount - hr43.tax_amount + hr44.tax_amount if_above(HRK(0)) VII. Annual deductible proportion(%)