Tax Report country Tax base tax_base Tax amount tax_amount Intra-community and Non-EU Trade 0 Exempt IC Supplies of Goods and Supplies of Services where customer is liable for the tax mt_I_1 tax_base tax_tags I.1_base Supplies of Goods and Services where place of supply is outside Malta - EU and non EU mt_I_2 tax_base tax_tags I.2_base IC Acquisition of Goods and Services received from other EU member states mt_I_3 tax_base tax_tags I.3_base tax_amount tax_tags I.3_tax Goods and Services received where place of supply is Malta other than those reported in "Box 3" mt_I_4 tax_base tax_tags I.4_base tax_amount tax_tags I.4_tax Subtotal mt_I_subtotal tax_base aggregation mt_I_1.tax_base + mt_I_2.tax_base + mt_I_3.tax_base + mt_I_4.tax_base tax_amount aggregation mt_I_3.tax_amount + mt_I_4.tax_amount Reverse charge 0 IC Acquisition of goods for re-sale mt_II_1 tax_base tax_tags II.1_base tax_amount tax_tags II.1_tax Services received from EU member stated where the purchaser is liable for vat mt_II_2 tax_base tax_tags II.2_base tax_amount tax_tags II.2_tax IC Acquisition of Capital Goods mt_II_3 tax_base tax_tags II.3_base tax_amount tax_tags II.3_tax Goods and Services received where place of supply is Malta mt_II_4 tax_base tax_tags II.4_base tax_amount tax_tags II.4_tax Subtotal mt_II_subtotal tax_base aggregation mt_II_1.tax_base + mt_II_2.tax_base + mt_II_3.tax_base + mt_II_4.tax_base tax_amount aggregation mt_II_1.tax_amount + mt_II_2.tax_amount + mt_II_3.tax_amount + mt_II_4.tax_amount Domestic supplies and exports 0 Taxable Goods/Services at 18% mt_III_1 tax_base tax_tags III.1_base tax_amount tax_tags III.1_tax Taxable Services at 7% mt_III_2 tax_base tax_tags III.2_base tax_amount tax_tags III.2_tax Taxable Goods/Services at 5% mt_III_3 tax_base tax_tags III.3_base tax_amount tax_tags III.3_tax Exempt with Credit/Exports mt_III_4 tax_base tax_tags III.4_base Exempt without Credit mt_III_5 tax_base tax_tags III.5_base Subtotal mt_III_subtotal tax_base aggregation mt_III_1.tax_base + mt_III_2.tax_base + mt_III_3.tax_base + mt_III_4.tax_base + mt_III_5.tax_base tax_amount aggregation mt_III_1.tax_amount + mt_III_2.tax_amount + mt_III_3.tax_amount Domestic purchases and imports 0 Taxable Purchases for re-sale at 18% mt_IV_1 tax_base tax_tags IV.1_base tax_amount tax_tags IV.1_tax Taxable Purchases for re-sale at 5% mt_IV_2 tax_base tax_tags IV.2_base tax_amount tax_tags IV.2_tax Exempt Purchases for re-sale mt_IV_3 tax_base tax_tags IV.3_base Capital Goods mt_IV_4 tax_base tax_tags IV.4_base tax_amount tax_tags IV.4_tax Services and overheads at 18% mt_IV_5 tax_base tax_tags IV.5_base tax_amount tax_tags IV.5_tax Exempt without Credit mt_IV_6 tax_base tax_tags IV.6_base tax_amount tax_tags IV.6_tax Exempt without Credit mt_IV_7 tax_base tax_tags IV.7_base tax_amount tax_tags IV.7_tax Subtotal mt_IV_subtotal tax_base aggregation mt_IV_1.tax_base + mt_IV_2.tax_base + mt_IV_3.tax_base + mt_IV_4.tax_base + mt_IV_5.tax_base + mt_IV_6.tax_base + mt_IV_7.tax_base tax_amount aggregation mt_IV_1.tax_amount + mt_IV_2.tax_amount + mt_IV_4.tax_amount + mt_IV_5.tax_amount + mt_IV_6.tax_amount + mt_IV_7.tax_amount Adjustment in favour of vat department mt_adjustment_1 tax_base external sum editable Adjustment in favour of registered person mt_adjustment_2 tax_base external sum editable Excess Credit mt_excess_credit 0 BOX17 aggregation mt_I_subtotal.tax_amount - mt_II_subtotal.tax_amount BOX26 aggregation mt_excess_credit.BOX17 + mt_III_subtotal.tax_amount tax_base aggregation (mt_IV_subtotal.tax_amount - mt_excess_credit.BOX26) + (mt_adjustment_2.tax_base - mt_adjustment_1.tax_base) if_above(EUR(0)) Excess Credit B/F mt_excess_credit_BF 0 tax_base external sum editable Tax Payable mt_tax_payable 0 BOX43 aggregation (mt_excess_credit.BOX26 - mt_IV_subtotal.tax_amount) + (mt_adjustment_1.tax_base - mt_adjustment_2.tax_base) tax_base aggregation mt_tax_payable.BOX43 - mt_excess_credit_BF.tax_base