VAT3 Tax Report country Percent percent percentage Value value VAT vat OUTPUT 0 1. Taxable supplies 1.1. Zero-rated supplies (Exports) T1_1 value tax_tags T1_1_value 1.2. Zero-rated supplies other than exports T1_2 value tax_tags T1_2_value 1.3. Taxable supplies made to exempt bodies or persons T1_3 value tax_tags T1_3_value 1.4. Other taxable supplies T1_4 value tax_tags T1_4_value vat tax_tags T1_4_vat 2. Deferred VAT on importations T2 vat tax_tags T2_vat 3. Exempt supplies T3 value tax_tags T3_value 4. Penalty on excess amount overclaimed T4 vat external sum editable;rounding=2 5. Total T5 value aggregation T1_1.value + T1_2.value + T1_3.value + T1_4.value + T3.value vat aggregation T1_4.vat + T2.vat + T4.vat INPUT - Imports and Purchases 0 6. Taxable input on which input tax is allowed as credit 6.1. Capital goods imported T6_1 value tax_tags T6_1_value vat tax_tags T6_1_vat 6.2. Zero-rated imports T6_2 value tax_tags T6_2_value 6.3. Other imports T6_3 value tax_tags T6_3_value vat tax_tags T6_3_vat 6.4. Capital goods purchased locally T6_4 value tax_tags T6_4_value vat tax_tags T6_4_vat 6.5. Zero-rated goods and services purchased locally T6_5 value tax_tags T6_5_value 6.6. Other goods and services purchased locally T6_6 value tax_tags T6_6_value vat tax_tags T6_6_vat 7. Taxable input on which no input tax is allowed as credit T7 value external sum editable;rounding=2 8. Exempt input 8.1. Imported goods T8_1 value tax_tags T8_1_value 8.2. Goods and services purchased locally T8_2 value tax_tags T8_2_value 9. Total T9 value aggregation T6_1.value + T6_2.value + T6_3.value + T6_4.value + T6_5.value + T6_6.value + T7.value + T8_1.value + T8_2.value vat aggregation T6_1.vat + T6_3.vat + T6_4.vat + T6_6.vat 10. Input tax deductible T10 vat aggregation T6_1.vat + T6_6.vat VAT ACCOUNT 0 11. VAT due and payable / (Excess VAT) (5B minus 10B) T11 vat aggregation T5.vat - T10.vat 12. Excess amount of VAT brought forward T12 _applied_carryover_balance external most_recent previous_tax_period tag tax_tags T12_tag vat aggregation T12.tag + T12._applied_carryover_balance 13. VAT adjustment: Increase /(Decrease) T13 vat external sum editable;rounding=2 14. VAT due and payable / (Excess VAT) T14 vat aggregation T11.vat - T12.vat + T13.vat 15. Claim for repayment of VAT - Proportion claimable T15 _safe_div aggregation (T1_1.value + T1_2.value) / (T5.value - T3.value) * 100 ignore_zero_division _rounded aggregation T15._safe_div round(0) percent aggregation T15._rounded if_other_expr_below(T14.vat, MUR(0)) percentage 15.1. On capital goods T15_1 value external sum editable;rounding=2 15.2. In respect of other goods and services T15_2 value external sum editable;rounding=2 15.3. Total repayment claimed T15_3 _safe_div aggregation (T15.percent / 100) * (T15_1.value + T15_2.value) ignore_zero_division vat aggregation T15_3._safe_div if_other_expr_below(T14.vat, MUR(0)) 16. Excess VAT carried forward T16 vat aggregation T14.vat + T15_3.vat _carryover_balance aggregation T16.vat T12._applied_carryover_balance 17. Penalty for submission after due date T17 vat external sum editable;rounding=2 18. Penalty and interest for payment of VAT after due date T18 vat external sum editable;rounding=2 19. Total VAT / Penalties / Interests due and payable T19 vat aggregation T16.vat + T17.vat + T18.vat