VAT Report country Balance balance I. Turnover (Without Tax) NE_TURNOVER 0 1. Goods sales NE_GOODS balance tax_tags NE_1 2. Service sales NE_SERVICE balance tax_tags NE_2 3. Self Deliveries NE_SELF balance tax_tags NE_3 4. Taxable turnover (1+2+3) NE_TAXABLE balance aggregation NE_GOODS.balance + NE_SERVICE.balance + NE_SELF.balance 5. Export turnover NE_EXPORT balance tax_tags NE_5 6. Other exempted turnover NE_EXEMPT balance tax_tags NE_6 7. Total turnover (4+5+6) NE_TOTAL_TURNOVER balance aggregation NE_TAXABLE.balance + NE_EXPORT.balance + NE_EXEMPT.balance II. Gross VAT NE_GROSS 0 8. Gross VAT (line 4x19%) NE_GROSS_VAT balance tax_tags NE_8 III. Deductible VAT NE_DEDUCTIBLE 0 10. VAT on imported investments NE_IMPORT_INVEST balance tax_tags NE_10 11. VAT on local investments NE_LOCAL_INVEST balance tax_tags NE_11 12. VAT on imported goods and services NE_IMPORT_GOODS_SERVICES balance tax_tags NE_12 13. VAT on local goods and services NE_LOCAL_GOODS_SERVICES balance tax_tags NE_13 14. VAT withheld by customers NE_WITHHELD balance tax_tags NE_14 15. Credit reported (line 21 of last month) NE_REPORTED balance aggregation NE_REPORTED._applied_carryover_balance _applied_carryover_balance external most_recent previous_tax_period 16. VAT on self deliveries NE_VAT_SELF_DELIVERIES balance tax_tags NE_16 17. Total deductible VAT (10 to 16) NE_DEDUCTIBLE_TOTAL balance aggregation NE_IMPORT_INVEST.balance + NE_LOCAL_INVEST.balance + NE_IMPORT_GOODS_SERVICES.balance + NE_LOCAL_GOODS_SERVICES.balance + NE_WITHHELD.balance + NE_REPORTED.balance + NE_VAT_SELF_DELIVERIES.balance IV. Net VAT NE_NET 0 Regularisation NE_REGULARISATION 18. - Additional deductible vat NE_DEDUCTIBLE_ADDITION balance external sum editable 19. - VAT to repay NE_REPAY balance external sum editable 20. Net VAT to pay (8+19-17-18) NE_TO_PAY balance aggregation if_above(XOF(0)) NE_GROSS_VAT.balance + NE_REPAY.balance - NE_DEDUCTIBLE_TOTAL.balance - NE_DEDUCTIBLE_ADDITION.balance 21. Credit VAT to report (17+18-8-19) NE_CREDIT_TO_REPORT balance aggregation if_above(XOF(0)) NE_DEDUCTIBLE_TOTAL.balance + NE_DEDUCTIBLE_ADDITION.balance - NE_GROSS_VAT.balance - NE_REPAY.balance _carryover_balance aggregation NE_CREDIT_TO_REPORT.balance NE_REPORTED._applied_carryover_balance