Tax Report country Balance balance Sales of goods and services in Norway 0 3 Sales and withdrawals of goods and services (high rate 25%) - base BASE_3 balance tax_tags 3 Base 3 Sales and withdrawals of goods and services (high rate 25%) - tax TAX_3 balance tax_tags 3 Tax 31 Sales and withdrawals of goods and services (medium rate 15%) - base BASE_31 balance tax_tags 31 Base 31 Sales and withdrawals of goods and services (medium rate 15%) - tax TAX_31 balance tax_tags 31 Tax 33 Sales and withdrawals of goods and services (low rate 12%) - base BASE_33 balance tax_tags 33 Base 33 Sales and withdrawals of goods and services (low rate 12%) - tax TAX_33 balance tax_tags 33 Tax 5 Sales and purchases of goods and services exempt from VAT (0%) BASE_5 balance tax_tags 5 Base 6 Sales of goods and services exempt from the VAT Act (0%) BASE_6 balance tax_tags 6 Base Sales of goods and services abroad 0 52 Sales of goods and services abroad exempt from VAT (0%) BASE_52 balance tax_tags 52 Base Purchases of goods and services in Norway 0 1 Purchases of goods and services with right of deduction (high rate 25%) TAX_1 balance tax_tags 1 Tax 11 Purchases of goods and services with right of deduction (medium rate 15%) TAX_11 balance tax_tags 11 Tax 13 Purchases of goods and services with right of deduction (low rate 12%) TAX_13 balance tax_tags 13 Tax Purchases of goods from abroad (imports) 0 14 Deduction on purchases of goods from abroad (VAT paid on importation, high rate 25%) TAX_14 balance tax_tags 14 Tax 15 Deduction on purchases of goods from abroad (VAT paid on importation, medium rate 15%) TAX_15 balance tax_tags 15 Tax 81 Purchase of goods from abroad with right of deduction (high rate 25%) - base BASE_81 balance tax_tags 81 Base 81 Purchase of goods from abroad with right of deduction (high rate 25%) - tax TAX_81 balance tax_tags 81 Tax 82 Purchase of goods from abroad without right of deduction (high rate 25%) - base BASE_82 balance tax_tags 82 Base 82 Purchase of goods from abroad without right of deduction (high rate 25%) - tax TAX_82 balance tax_tags 82 Tax 83 Purchase of goods from abroad with right of deduction (medium rate 15%) - base BASE_83 balance tax_tags 83 Base 83 Purchase of goods from abroad with right of deduction (medium rate 15%) - tax TAX_83 balance tax_tags 83 Tax 84 Purchases of goods from abroad that are not deductible (medium rate 15%) - base BASE_84 balance tax_tags 84 Base 84 Purchases of goods from abroad that are not deductible (medium rate 15%) - tax TAX_84 balance tax_tags 84 Tax 85 Purchases of goods from abroad on which VAT is not charged (zero rate 0%) BASE_85 balance tax_tags 85 Base Purchases of services from abroad (imports) 0 86 Purchase of services from abroad with right of deduction (high rate 25%) - base BASE_86 balance tax_tags 86 Base 86 Purchase of services from abroad with right of deduction (high rate 25%) - tax TAX_86 balance tax_tags 86 Tax 87 Purchase of services from abroad without deductibility (high rate 25%) - base BASE_87 balance tax_tags 87 Base 87 Purchase of services from abroad without deductibility (high rate 25%) - tax TAX_87 balance tax_tags 87 Tax 88 Purchase of services from abroad with right of deduction (low rate 12%) - base BASE_88 balance tax_tags 88 Base 88 Purchase of services from abroad with right of deduction (low rate 12%) - tax TAX_88 balance tax_tags 88 Tax 89 Purchase of services from abroad without deductibility (low rate 12%) - base BASE_89 balance tax_tags 89 Base 89 Purchase of services from abroad without deductibility (low rate 12%) - tax TAX_89 balance tax_tags 89 Tax Fish, etc. 0 12 Purchase of fish and other marine wildlife resources (11.11%) TAX_12 balance tax_tags 12 Tax 32 Sale of fish and other marine wildlife resources (11.11%) - base BASE_32 balance tax_tags 32 Base 32 Sale of fish and other marine wildlife resources (11.11%) - tax TAX_32 balance tax_tags 32 Tax Carbon credits and gold 0 51 Sale of carbon credits and gold to traders (0%) BASE_51 balance tax_tags 51 Base 91 Purchase of carbon credits and gold with deductibility (high rate 25%) - base BASE_91 balance tax_tags 91 Base 91 Purchase of carbon credits and gold with deductibility (high rate 25%) - tax TAX_91 balance tax_tags 91 Tax 92 Purchase of carbon credits and gold without deductibility (high rate 25%) - base BASE_92 balance tax_tags 92 Base 92 Purchase of carbon credits and gold without deductibility (high rate 25%) - tax TAX_92 balance tax_tags 92 Tax Sum 0 Tax to pay SUM balance aggregation TAX_3.balance+TAX_31.balance+TAX_32.balance+TAX_33.balance+TAX_81.balance+TAX_82.balance+TAX_83.balance+TAX_84.balance+TAX_86.balance+TAX_87.balance+TAX_88.balance+TAX_89.balance+TAX_91.balance+TAX_92.balance-TAX_1.balance-TAX_11.balance-TAX_12.balance-TAX_13.balance-TAX_14.balance-TAX_15.balance