Tax Report country Balance balance Base - Total C PLTAXC_01_10.balance + PLTAXC_02_11.balance + PLTAXC_03_13.balance + PLTAXC_04_15.balance + PLTAXC_05_17.balance + PLTAXC_06_19.balance + PLTAXC_07_21.balance + PLTAXC_08_22.balance + PLTAXC_09_23.balance + PLTAXC_10_25.balance + PLTAXC_11_27.balance + PLTAXC_12_31.balance 0 Base - Supply of goods/services, domestic, exempt PLTAXC_01_10 balance tax_tags K_10 Base - Supply of goods/services, out of the country PLTAXC_02_11 balance tax_tags K_11 Base - Services included in art. 100.1.4 PLTAXC_02a_12 balance tax_tags K_12 Triangular transaction 2. VAT payer PLTAXC_02a_12_Triangular balance tax_tags Triangular Purchase Base - Supply of goods/services, domestic, 0% PLTAXC_03_13 tag tax_tags K_13 balance aggregation PLTAXC_03_13.tag + PLTAXC_03_14.balance Base - Goods under art. 129 PLTAXC_03_14 balance tax_tags K_14 Base - Supply of goods/services, domestic, 5% PLTAXC_04_15 balance tax_tags K_15 Base - Supply of goods/services, domestic, 8% PLTAXC_05_17 balance tax_tags K_17 Base - Supply of goods/services, domestic, 23% PLTAXC_06_19 balance tax_tags K_19 Base - Intra-Community supply of goods PLTAXC_07_21 balance tax_tags K_21 - under customs procedure 42 PLTAXC_07_21_I42 balance tax_tags I_42 - under customs procedure 63 PLTAXC_07_21_I63 balance tax_tags I_63 Base - Export of goods PLTAXC_08_22 balance tax_tags K_22 Base - Intra-Community acquisition of goods PLTAXC_09_23 balance tax_tags K_23 Triangular transaction 2. VAT payer PLTAXC_09_23_Triangular balance tax_tags Triangular Sale Base - Import of goods under art. 33a PLTAXC_10_25 balance tax_tags K_25 Base - Importation of services PLTAXC_11_27 balance tax_tags K_27 Base - Acquisition under art. 28b PLTAXC_11a_29 balance tax_tags K_29 Base - Supply of goods, taxable person acquiring PLTAXC_12_31 balance tax_tags K_31 Base - Total D PLTAXD_02_40.balance + PLTAXD_02_42.balance 0 Basis - Acquisition of goods and services, fixed assets PLTAXD_02_40 balance tax_tags K_40 Base - Purchase of other goods and services PLTAXD_02_42 balance tax_tags K_42 Tax - To be carried over PLTAX 0 balance aggregation PLTAXD.balance + PLTAX_49.balance + PLTAX_50.balance - PLTAXC.balance _carryover_balance aggregation PLTAX.balance if_above(EUR(0)) PLTAXC_39._applied_carryover_balance Tax - Total C PLTAXC PLTAXC_04_16.balance + PLTAXC_05_18.balance + PLTAXC_06_20.balance + PLTAXC_09_24.formula + PLTAXC_10_26.balance + PLTAXC_11_28.balance + PLTAXC_12_32.balance + PLTAXC_12_33.balance + PLTAXC_01_34.balance Tax - Supply of goods/services, domestic, 5% PLTAXC_04_16 balance tax_tags K_16 Tax - Supply of goods/services, domestic, 8% PLTAXC_05_18 balance tax_tags K_18 Tax - Supply of goods/services, domestic, 23% PLTAXC_06_20 balance tax_tags K_20 Tax - Intra-Community acquisition of goods PLTAXC_09_24 balance tax_tags K_24 formula aggregation PLTAXC_09_24.balance + PLTAXC_10_35.balance Tax - Inter-Community acquisition of means of transport PLTAXC_10_35 balance tax_tags K_35 Tax - Importation of goods under art. 33a PLTAXC_10_26 balance tax_tags K_26 Tax - Importation of services PLTAXC_11_28 balance tax_tags K_28 Tax - Acquisition under art. 28b PLTAXC_11a_30 balance tax_tags K_30 Tax - Supply of goods, taxable person acquiring PLTAXC_12_32 balance tax_tags K_32 Tax - From physical inventory under art. 14.5 PLTAXC_12_33 balance tax_tags K_33 Tax - Expenditure on cash registers PLTAXC_01_34 balance tax_tags K_34 Tax - Intra-Community acquisition of goods under art. 103 sec. 5a PLTAXC_01_36 balance tax_tags K_36 Tax - Total D PLTAXD PLTAXC_39.balance + PLTAXD_02_41.balance + PLTAXD_02_43.balance + PLTAXD_02_44.balance + PLTAXD_02_45.balance + PLTAXD_02_46.balance + PLTAXD_02_47.balance Tax - Surplus from previous declaration PLTAXC_39 _applied_carryover_balance external most_recent previous_tax_period tag tax_tags K_39 balance aggregation PLTAXC_39.tag + PLTAXC_39._applied_carryover_balance Tax - Acquisition of goods and services, fixed assets PLTAXD_02_41 balance tax_tags K_41 Tax - Purchase of other goods and services PLTAXD_02_43 balance tax_tags K_43 Tax - Adjustment of input tax on acquisition of fixed assets PLTAXD_02_44 balance tax_tags K_44 Tax - Adjustment of input tax on other acquisitions PLTAXD_02_45 balance tax_tags K_45 Tax - Input tax adjustments under art. 89b sec 1 PLTAXD_02_46 balance tax_tags K_46 Tax - Input tax adjustments under art. 89b sec 4 PLTAXD_02_47 balance tax_tags K_47 Tax - Expenditure on cash registers to be reimbursed in the period PLTAX_49 balance external sum editable;rounding=2 Tax - Subject to non-collection PLTAX_50 balance external sum editable;rounding=2