# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': 'Serbia - Accounting', 'website': 'https://www.odoo.com/documentation/master/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations.html', 'icon': '/account/static/description/l10n.png', 'countries': ['rs'], 'version': '1.0', 'category': 'Accounting/Localizations/Account Charts', 'description': """ This is the base module of the Serbian localization. It manages chart of accounts and taxes. This module is based on the official document "Pravilnik o kontnom okviru i sadržini računa u kontnom okviru za privredna društva, zadruge i preduzetnike ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 89/2020)" Source: https://www.paragraf.rs/propisi/pravilnik-o-kontnom-okviru-sadrzini-racuna-za-privredna-drustva-zadruge.html """, 'author': 'Modoolar, Odoo S.A.', 'depends': [ 'account', 'base_vat', ], 'auto_install': ['account'], 'data': [ 'data/account_tax_report_data.xml', 'data/menuitem_data.xml', 'views/account_move.xml', 'views/report_invoice.xml', ], 'demo': [ 'demo/demo_company.xml', ], 'license': 'LGPL-3', }