# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import pytz from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta from unittest.mock import patch from odoo import fields from odoo.tests import common from odoo.addons.lunch.tests.common import TestsCommon class TestSupplier(TestsCommon): def setUp(self): super(TestSupplier, self).setUp() self.monday_1am = datetime(2018, 10, 29, 1, 0, 0) self.monday_10am = datetime(2018, 10, 29, 10, 0, 0) self.monday_1pm = datetime(2018, 10, 29, 13, 0, 0) self.monday_8pm = datetime(2018, 10, 29, 20, 0, 0) self.saturday_3am = datetime(2018, 11, 3, 3, 0, 0) self.saturday_10am = datetime(2018, 11, 3, 10, 0, 0) self.saturday_1pm = datetime(2018, 11, 3, 13, 0, 0) self.saturday_8pm = datetime(2018, 11, 3, 20, 0, 0) @common.users('cle-lunch-manager') def test_send_email_cron(self): self.supplier_kothai.cron_id.ensure_one() self.assertEqual(self.supplier_kothai.cron_id.nextcall.time(), time(15, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.supplier_kothai.cron_id.code, f"""\ # This cron is dynamically controlled by Lunch Supplier. # Do NOT modify this cron, modify the related record instead. env['lunch.supplier'].browse([{self.supplier_kothai.id}])._send_auto_email()""") cron_id = self.supplier_kothai.cron_id.id self.supplier_kothai.unlink() self.assertFalse(self.env['ir.cron'].sudo().search([('id', '=', cron_id)])) @common.users('cle-lunch-manager') def test_compute_available_today(self): tests = [(self.monday_1am, True), (self.monday_10am, True), (self.monday_1pm, True), (self.monday_8pm, True), (self.saturday_3am, False), (self.saturday_10am, False), (self.saturday_1pm, False), (self.saturday_8pm, False)] for value, result in tests: with patch.object(fields.Datetime, 'now', return_value=value) as _: assert self.supplier_pizza_inn.available_today == result,\ 'supplier pizza inn should %s considered available on %s' % ('be' if result else 'not be', value) self.supplier_pizza_inn.invalidate_recordset(['available_today']) @common.users('cle-lunch-manager') def test_search_available_today(self): ''' This test checks that _search_available_today returns a valid domain ''' self.env.user.tz = 'Europe/Brussels' Supplier = self.env['lunch.supplier'] tests = [(self.monday_1am, 1.0, 'mon'), (self.monday_10am, 10.0, 'mon'), (self.monday_1pm, 13.0, 'mon'), (self.monday_8pm, 20.0, 'mon'), (self.saturday_3am, 3.0, 'sat'), (self.saturday_10am, 10.0, 'sat'), (self.saturday_1pm, 13.0, 'sat'), (self.saturday_8pm, 20.0, 'sat')] # It should return an empty domain if we compare to values other than datetime assert Supplier._search_available_today('>', 7) == [] assert Supplier._search_available_today('>', True) == [] for value, rvalue, dayname in tests: with patch.object(fields.Datetime, 'now', return_value=value) as _: assert Supplier._search_available_today('=', True) == ['&', '|', ('recurrency_end_date', '=', False), ('recurrency_end_date', '>', value.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC).astimezone(pytz.timezone(self.env.user.tz))), (dayname, '=', True)],\ 'Wrong domain generated for values (%s, %s)' % (value, rvalue) with patch.object(fields.Datetime, 'now', return_value=self.monday_10am) as _: assert self.supplier_pizza_inn in Supplier.search([('available_today', '=', True)]) @common.users('cle-lunch-manager') def test_auto_email_send(self): with patch.object(fields.Datetime, 'now', return_value=self.monday_1pm) as _: with patch.object(fields.Date, 'today', return_value=self.monday_1pm.date()) as _: with patch.object(fields.Date, 'context_today', return_value=self.monday_1pm.date()) as _: line_pizza = self.env['lunch.order'].create({ 'product_id': self.product_pizza.id, 'date': self.monday_1pm.date(), 'supplier_id': self.supplier_pizza_inn.id, }) line_pizza.action_order() assert line_pizza.state == 'ordered' self.supplier_pizza_inn._send_auto_email() assert line_pizza.state == 'sent' line_pizza_olive = self.env['lunch.order'].create({ 'product_id': self.product_pizza.id, 'topping_ids_1': [(6, 0, [self.topping_olives.id])], 'date': self.monday_1pm.date(), 'supplier_id': self.supplier_pizza_inn.id, }) line_tuna = self.env['lunch.order'].create({ 'product_id': self.product_sandwich_tuna.id, 'date': self.monday_1pm.date(), 'supplier_id': self.supplier_coin_gourmand.id, }) (line_pizza_olive | line_tuna).action_order() assert line_pizza_olive.state == 'ordered' assert line_tuna.state == 'ordered' self.supplier_pizza_inn._send_auto_email() assert line_pizza_olive.state == 'sent' assert line_tuna.state == 'ordered' line_pizza_2 = self.env['lunch.order'].create({ 'product_id': self.product_pizza.id, 'quantity': 2, 'date': self.monday_1pm.date(), 'supplier_id': self.supplier_pizza_inn.id, }) line_pizza_olive_2 = self.env['lunch.order'].create({ 'product_id': self.product_pizza.id, 'topping_ids_1': [(6, 0, [self.topping_olives.id])], 'date': self.monday_1pm.date(), 'supplier_id': self.supplier_pizza_inn.id, }) line_tuna_2 = self.env['lunch.order'].create({ 'product_id': self.product_sandwich_tuna.id, 'quantity': 2, 'date': self.monday_1pm.date(), 'supplier_id': self.supplier_coin_gourmand.id, }) ###################################################### # id: # lines: # state: # quantity: ####################################################### # 1 # line_pizza # sent # 1 # 2 # line_pizza_olive # sent # 1 # 3 # line_tuna # ordered # 1 # 4 # line_pizza_2 # new # 2 # 5 # line_pizza_olive_2 # new # 1 # 6 # line_tuna_2 # new # 2 (line_pizza_2 | line_pizza_olive_2 | line_tuna_2).action_order() ###################################################### # id: # lines: # state: # quantity: ####################################################### # 1 # line_pizza # sent # 1 # 2 # line_pizza_olive # sent # 1 # 3 # line_tuna # ordered # 3 (1 + 2 from line_tuna_2 id=6) # 4 # line_pizza_2 # ordered # 2 # 5 # line_pizza_olive_2 # ordered # 1 assert all(line.state == 'ordered' for line in [line_pizza_2, line_pizza_olive_2]) self.assertEqual(line_tuna_2.active, False) self.assertEqual(line_tuna.quantity, 3) self.supplier_pizza_inn._send_auto_email() @common.users('cle-lunch-manager') def test_cron_sync_create(self): cron_ny = self.supplier_kothai.cron_id # I am at New-York self.assertTrue(cron_ny.active) self.assertEqual(cron_ny.name, "Lunch: send automatic email to Kothai") self.assertEqual( [line for line in cron_ny.code.splitlines() if not line.lstrip().startswith("#")], ["env['lunch.supplier'].browse([%i])._send_auto_email()" % self.supplier_kothai.id]) self.assertEqual(cron_ny.nextcall, datetime(2021, 1, 29, 15, 0)) # New-york is UTC-5 @common.users('cle-lunch-manager') def test_cron_sync_active(self): cron_ny = self.supplier_kothai.cron_id self.supplier_kothai.active = False self.assertFalse(cron_ny.active) self.supplier_kothai.active = True self.assertTrue(cron_ny.active) self.supplier_kothai.send_by = 'phone' self.assertFalse(cron_ny.active) self.supplier_kothai.send_by = 'mail' self.assertTrue(cron_ny.active) @common.users('cle-lunch-manager') def test_cron_sync_nextcall(self): cron_ny = self.supplier_kothai.cron_id old_nextcall = cron_ny.nextcall self.supplier_kothai.automatic_email_time -= 5 self.assertEqual(cron_ny.nextcall, old_nextcall - timedelta(hours=5) + timedelta(days=1)) # Simulate cron execution cron_ny.sudo().lastcall = old_nextcall - timedelta(hours=5) cron_ny.sudo().nextcall += timedelta(days=1) self.supplier_kothai.automatic_email_time += 7 self.assertEqual(cron_ny.nextcall, old_nextcall + timedelta(days=1, hours=2)) self.supplier_kothai.automatic_email_time -= 1 self.assertEqual(cron_ny.nextcall, old_nextcall + timedelta(days=1, hours=1)) def test_remove_toppings(self): partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'Partner', }) supplier = self.env['lunch.supplier'].create({ 'partner_id': partner.id, 'send_by': 'phone', 'topping_ids_2': [ (0, 0, { 'name': 'salt', 'price': 7, 'company_id': self.env.company.id }), ], 'topping_ids_3': [ (0, 0, { 'name': 'sugar', 'price': 10, 'company_id': self.env.company.id }), ], }) # simulating the delete as it's done on frontend supplier.write({ 'topping_ids_2': [(2, supplier.topping_ids_2.id)], }) self.assertFalse(supplier.topping_ids_2) # simulating the delete as it's done on frontend supplier.write({ 'topping_ids_3': [(2, supplier.topping_ids_3.id)], }) self.assertFalse(supplier.topping_ids_3)