lunch.product lunch.product.list lunch.product lunch.product.list.order lunch.product primary lunch_list 0 lunch.product.form lunch.product
lunch.product.kanban lunch.product 999
lunch.product.kanban lunch.product 5
Products lunch.product kanban,list,form {'search_default_group_by_supplier': 1}

Create a new product for lunch

A product is defined by its name, category, price and vendor.

Product category List lunch.product.category Product category Form lunch.product.category
Product category Kanban lunch.product.category lunch.product.category Products lunch.product list,kanban,form

Create a new product for lunch

A product is defined by its name, category, price and vendor.

Order Your Lunch lunch lunch.product kanban,list []

There is no product available today

To see some products, check if your vendors are available today and that you have configured some products

Product Categories lunch.product.category list,form,kanban

Create a new product category

Here you can access all categories for the lunch products.