# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, models class IrConfigParameter(models.Model): # Override of config parameter to specifically handle the template # rendering group (de)activation through ICP. # While being there, let us document quickly mail ICP. # Emailing # * 'mail.mail.queue.batch.size': used in MailMail.process_email_queue() # to limit maximum number of mail.mail managed by each cron call to VALUE. # 1000 by default; # * 'mail.session.batch.size': used in MailMail._split_by_mail_configuration() # to prepare batches of maximum VALUE mails to give at '_send()' at each # iteration. For each iteration an SMTP server is opened and closed. It # prepares data for 'send' in conjunction with auto_commit=True in order # to avoid repeating batches in case of failure). 1000 by default; # * 'mail.mail.force.send.limit': used in # - MailThread._notify_thread_by_email(): notification emails flow # - MailComposer._action_send_mail_mass_mail(): mail composer in mass mail mode # to force the cron queue usage and avoid sending too much emails in a given # transaction. When 0 is set flows based on it are always using the email # queue, no direct send is performed. Default value is 100; # * 'mail.batch_size': used in # - MailComposer._action_send_mail_mass_mail(): mails generation based on records # - MailThread._notify_thread_by_email(): mails generation for notification emails # - MailTemplate.send_mail_batch(): mails generation done directly from templates # to split mail generation in batches; # - EventMail._execute_attendee_based() and EventMail._execute_event_based(): # mails (+ sms, whatsapp) generation for each attendee of en event; # 50 by default; # * 'mail.render.cron.limit': used in cron involving rendering of content # and/or templates, like event mail scheduler cron. Defaults to 1000; # Mail Gateway # * 'mail.gateway.loop.minutes' and 'mail.gateway.loop.threshold': block # emails with same email_from if gateway received more than THRESHOLD # in MINUTES. This is used to break loops e.g. when email servers bounce # each other. 20 emails / 120 minutes by default; # * 'mail.default.from_filter': default from_filter used when there is # no specific outgoing mail server used to send emails; # * 'mail.catchall.domain.allowed': optional list of email domains that # restricts right-part of aliases when used in pre-17 compatibility # mode (see MailAlias.alias_incoming_local); # Activities # * 'mail.activity.gc.delete_overdue_years': if set, activities outdated # for more than VALUE years are gc. 0 (skipped) by default; # * 'mail.activity.systray.limit': number of activities fetched by the # systray, to avoid performance issues notably with technical users that # rarely connect. 1000 by default; # Groups # * 'mail.restrict.template.rendering': ICP used in config settings to # add or remove 'mail.group_mail_template_editor' group to internal # users i.e. restrict or not QWeb rendering and edition by default. # Not activated by default; # Discuss # * 'mail.link_preview_throttle': avoid storing link previews for discuss # if more than VALUE existing link previews are stored for the given # domain in the last 10 seconds. 99 by default; # * 'mail.chat_from_token': allow chat from token; # Configuration keys # * 'mail.google_translate_api_key': key used to fetch translations using # google translate; # * 'mail.web_push_vapid_private_key' and 'mail.web_push_vapid_public_key': # configuration parameters when using web push notifications; # * 'mail.use_twilio_rtc_servers', 'mail.sfu_server_url' and 'mail. # sfu_server_key': rtc server usage and configuration; # * 'discuss.tenor_api_key', 'discuss.tenor_gif_limit' and 'discuss. # tenor_content_filter' used for gif fetch service; _inherit = 'ir.config_parameter' @api.model def set_param(self, key, value): if key == 'mail.restrict.template.rendering': group_user = self.env.ref('base.group_user') group_mail_template_editor = self.env.ref('mail.group_mail_template_editor') if not value and group_mail_template_editor not in group_user.implied_ids: group_user.implied_ids |= group_mail_template_editor elif value and group_mail_template_editor in group_user.implied_ids: # remove existing users, including inactive template user # admin will regain the right via implied_ids on group_system group_user._remove_group(group_mail_template_editor) # sanitize and normalize allowed catchall domains elif key == 'mail.catchall.domain.allowed' and value: value = self.env['mail.alias']._sanitize_allowed_domains(value) return super().set_param(key, value)