# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import re import odoo from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.addons.mail.tools.discuss import Store class Partner(models.Model): """ Update partner to add a field about notification preferences. Add a generic opt-out field that can be used to restrict usage of automatic email templates. """ _name = "res.partner" _inherit = ['res.partner', 'mail.activity.mixin', 'mail.thread.blacklist'] _mail_flat_thread = False # override to add and order tracking name = fields.Char(tracking=1) email = fields.Char(tracking=1) phone = fields.Char(tracking=2) parent_id = fields.Many2one(tracking=3) user_id = fields.Many2one(tracking=4) vat = fields.Char(tracking=5) # tracked field used for chatter logging purposes # we need this to be readable inline as tracking messages use inline HTML nodes contact_address_inline = fields.Char(compute='_compute_contact_address_inline', string='Inlined Complete Address', tracking=True) starred_message_ids = fields.Many2many('mail.message', 'mail_message_res_partner_starred_rel') @api.depends('contact_address') def _compute_contact_address_inline(self): """Compute an inline-friendly address based on contact_address.""" for partner in self: # replace any successive \n with a single comma partner.contact_address_inline = re.sub(r'\n(\s|\n)*', ', ', partner.contact_address).strip().strip(',') def _compute_im_status(self): super()._compute_im_status() odoobot_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('base.partner_root') odoobot = self.env['res.partner'].browse(odoobot_id) if odoobot in self: odoobot.im_status = 'bot' # pseudo computes def _get_needaction_count(self): """ compute the number of needaction of the current partner """ self.ensure_one() self.env['mail.notification'].flush_model(['is_read', 'res_partner_id']) self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT count(*) as needaction_count FROM mail_notification R WHERE R.res_partner_id = %s AND (R.is_read = false OR R.is_read IS NULL)""", (self.id,)) return self.env.cr.dictfetchall()[0].get('needaction_count') # ------------------------------------------------------------ # MESSAGING # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _mail_get_partners(self, introspect_fields=False): return dict((partner.id, partner) for partner in self) def _message_get_suggested_recipients(self): recipients = super()._message_get_suggested_recipients() self._message_add_suggested_recipient(recipients, partner=self, reason=_('Partner Profile')) return recipients def _message_get_default_recipients(self): return { r.id: {'partner_ids': [r.id], 'email_to': False, 'email_cc': False } for r in self } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ORM # ------------------------------------------------------------ @api.model def _get_view_cache_key(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options): """Add context variable force_email in the key as _get_view depends on it.""" key = super()._get_view_cache_key(view_id, view_type, **options) return key + (self._context.get('force_email'),) @api.model @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id) def find_or_create(self, email, assert_valid_email=False): """ Override to use the email_normalized field. """ if not email: raise ValueError(_('An email is required for find_or_create to work')) parsed_name, parsed_email_normalized = tools.parse_contact_from_email(email) if not parsed_email_normalized and assert_valid_email: raise ValueError(_('%(email)s is not recognized as a valid email. This is required to create a new customer.')) if parsed_email_normalized: partners = self.search([('email_normalized', '=', parsed_email_normalized)], limit=1) if partners: return partners # We don't want to call `super()` to avoid searching twice on the email # Especially when the search `email =ilike` cannot be as efficient as # a search on email_normalized with a btree index # If you want to override `find_or_create()` your module should depend on `mail` create_values = {self._rec_name: parsed_name or parsed_email_normalized} if parsed_email_normalized: # otherwise keep default_email in context create_values['email'] = parsed_email_normalized return self.create(create_values) @api.model def _find_or_create_from_emails(self, emails, additional_values=None): """ Based on a list of emails, find or create partners. Additional values can be given to newly created partners. If an email is not unique (e.g. multi-email input), only the first found email is considered. Additional values allow to customize the created partner when context allows to give more information. It data is based on email normalized as it is the main information used in this method to distinguish or find partners. If no valid email is found for a given item, the given value is used to find partners with same invalid email or create a new one with the wrong value. It allows updating it afterwards. Notably with notifications resend it is possible to update emails, if only a typo prevents from having a real email for example. :param list emails: list of emails that may be formatted (each input will be parsed and normalized); :param dict additional_values: additional values per normalized email given to create if the partner is not found. Typically used to propagate a company_id and customer information from related record. Values for key 'False' are used when creating partner for invalid emails; :return: res.partner records in a list, following order of emails. It is not a recordset, to keep Falsy values. """ additional_values = additional_values if additional_values else {} partners, tocreate_vals_list = self.env['res.partner'], [] name_emails = [tools.parse_contact_from_email(email) for email in emails] # find valid emails_normalized, filtering out false / void values, and search # for existing partners based on those emails emails_normalized = {email_normalized for _name, email_normalized in name_emails if email_normalized} # find partners for invalid (but not void) emails, aka either invalid email # either no email and a name that will be used as email names = { name.strip() for name, email_normalized in name_emails if not email_normalized and name.strip() } if emails_normalized or names: domains = [] if emails_normalized: domains.append([('email_normalized', 'in', list(emails_normalized))]) if names: domains.append([('email', 'in', list(names))]) partners += self.search(expression.OR(domains)) # create partners for valid email without any existing partner. Keep # only first found occurrence of each normalized email, aka: ('Norbert', # 'norbert@gmail.com'), ('Norbert With Surname', 'norbert@gmail.com')' # -> a single partner is created for email 'norbert@gmail.com' seen = set() notfound_emails = (emails_normalized - set(partners.mapped('email_normalized'))) if partners else emails_normalized notfound_name_emails = [ name_email for name_email in name_emails if name_email[1] in notfound_emails and name_email[1] not in seen and not seen.add(name_email[1]) ] tocreate_vals_list += [ { self._rec_name: name or email_normalized, 'email': email_normalized, **additional_values.get(email_normalized, {}), } for name, email_normalized in notfound_name_emails ] # create partners for invalid emails (aka name and not email_normalized) # without any existing partner tocreate_vals_list += [ { self._rec_name: name, 'email': name, **additional_values.get(False, {}), } for name in names if name not in partners.mapped('email') ] # create partners once if tocreate_vals_list: partners += self.create(tocreate_vals_list) return [ next( (partner for partner in partners if (email_normalized and partner.email_normalized == email_normalized) or (not email_normalized and email and partner.email == email) or (not email_normalized and name and partner.name == name) ), self.env['res.partner'] ) for (name, email_normalized), email in zip(name_emails, emails) ] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # DISCUSS # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _to_store(self, store: Store, /, *, fields=None, main_user_by_partner=None): if fields is None: fields = ["active", "email", "im_status", "is_company", "name", "user", "write_date"] if not self.env.user._is_internal() and "email" in fields: fields.remove("email") for partner in self: data = partner._read_format( [ field for field in fields if field not in ["country", "display_name", "isAdmin", "notification_type", "signature", "user"] ], load=False, )[0] if "country" in fields: c = partner.country_id data["country"] = {"code": c.code, "id": c.id, "name": c.name} if c else False if "display_name" in fields: data["displayName"] = partner.display_name if 'user' in fields: main_user = main_user_by_partner and main_user_by_partner.get(partner) if not main_user: users = partner.with_context(active_test=False).user_ids internal_users = users - users.filtered("share") main_user = ( internal_users[0] if len(internal_users) > 0 else users[0] if len(users) > 0 else self.env["res.users"] ) data['userId'] = main_user.id data["isInternalUser"] = not main_user.share if main_user else False if "isAdmin" in fields: data["isAdmin"] = main_user._is_admin() if "notification_type" in fields: data["notification_preference"] = main_user.notification_type if "signature" in fields: data["signature"] = main_user.signature store.add(partner, data) @api.readonly @api.model def get_mention_suggestions(self, search, limit=8): """ Return 'limit'-first partners' such that the name or email matches a 'search' string. Prioritize partners that are also (internal) users, and then extend the research to all partners. The return format is a list of partner data (as per returned by `_to_store()`). """ domain = self._get_mention_suggestions_domain(search) partners = self._search_mention_suggestions(domain, limit) return Store(partners).get_result() @api.model def _get_mention_suggestions_domain(self, search): return expression.AND([ expression.OR([ [('name', 'ilike', search)], [('email', 'ilike', search)], ]), [('active', '=', True)], ]) @api.model def _search_mention_suggestions(self, domain, limit): domain_is_user = expression.AND([[('user_ids', '!=', False)], [('user_ids.active', '=', True)], domain]) priority_conditions = [ expression.AND([domain_is_user, [('partner_share', '=', False)]]), # Search partners that are internal users domain_is_user, # Search partners that are users domain, # Search partners that are not users ] partners = self.env['res.partner'] for domain in priority_conditions: remaining_limit = limit - len(partners) if remaining_limit <= 0: break # We are using _search to avoid the default order that is # automatically added by the search method. "Order by" makes the query # really slow. query = self._search(expression.AND([[('id', 'not in', partners.ids)], domain]), limit=remaining_limit) partners |= self.browse(query) return partners @api.readonly @api.model def im_search(self, name, limit=20, excluded_ids=None): """ Search partner with a name and return its id, name and im_status. Note : the user must be logged :param name : the partner name to search :param limit : the limit of result to return :param excluded_ids : the ids of excluded partners """ # This method is supposed to be used only in the context of channel creation or # extension via an invite. As both of these actions require the 'create' access # right, we check this specific ACL. if excluded_ids is None: excluded_ids = [] users = self.env['res.users'].search([ ('id', '!=', self.env.user.id), ('name', 'ilike', name), ('active', '=', True), ('share', '=', False), ('partner_id', 'not in', excluded_ids) ], order='name, id', limit=limit) return Store(users.partner_id).get_result() @api.model def _get_current_persona(self): if not self.env.user or self.env.user._is_public(): return (self.env["res.partner"], self.env["mail.guest"]._get_guest_from_context()) return (self.env.user.partner_id, self.env["mail.guest"])