import { SIZES, click, contains, defineMailModels, dragenterFiles, dropFiles, inputFiles, insertText, onRpcBefore, openDiscuss, openFormView, pasteFiles, patchUiSize, scroll, start, startServer, triggerHotkey, } from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers"; import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { Deferred, animationFrame, tick } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { Command, getService, onRpc, patchWithCleanup, serverState, withUser, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { Composer } from "@mail/core/common/composer"; import { queryFirst } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; describe.current.tags("desktop"); defineMailModels(); beforeEach(() => { // Simulate real user interactions patchWithCleanup(Composer.prototype, { isEventTrusted() { return true; }, }); }); test("composer text input: basic rendering when posting a message", async () => { await startServer(); await start(); await openFormView("res.partner", serverState.partnerId); await click("button", { text: "Send message" }); await contains("textarea.o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Send a message to followers…']"); }); test("composer text input: basic rendering when logging note", async () => { await startServer(); await start(); await openFormView("res.partner", serverState.partnerId); await click("button", { text: "Log note" }); await contains("textarea.o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Log an internal note…']"); }); test("composer text input: basic rendering when linked thread is a", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "dofus-disco" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer"); await contains("textarea.o-mail-Composer-input"); }); test("composer text input placeholder should contain channel name when thread does not have specific correspondent", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_type: "channel", name: "General", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains("textarea.o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Message #General…']"); }); test("composer input placeholder in channel thread", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General", }); const subchannelID = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "ThreadFromGeneral", parent_channel_id: channelId, }); await start(); await openDiscuss(subchannelID); await contains(`.o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Message "ThreadFromGeneral"']`); }); test("add an emoji", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "swamp-safari" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "😤" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "😤" }); }); test("emojis are auto-substituted from text", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "swamp-safari" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":)"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); await contains(".o-mail-Message-body", { text: "😊" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "x'D"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); await contains(".o-mail-Message-body", { text: "😂" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ">:)"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); await contains(".o-mail-Message-body", { text: "😈" }); }); test.tags("focus required"); test("Exiting emoji picker brings the focus back to the Composer textarea", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input:not(:focus)"); triggerHotkey("Escape"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input:focus"); }); test("add an emoji after some text", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "beyblade-room" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Blabla"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Blabla" }); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "🤑" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Blabla🤑" }); }); test("add emoji replaces (keyboard) text selection", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "pétanque-tournament-14" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Blabla"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Blabla" }); // simulate selection of all the content by keyboard document .querySelector(".o-mail-Composer-input") .setSelectionRange(0, document.querySelector(".o-mail-Composer-input").value.length); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "🤠" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "🤠" }); }); test("Cursor is positioned after emoji after adding it", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "pétanque-tournament-14" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Blabla"); const textarea = document.querySelector(".o-mail-Composer-input"); textarea.setSelectionRange(2, 2); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "🤠" }); const expectedPos = 2 + "🤠".length; expect(textarea.selectionStart).toBe(expectedPos); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toBe(expectedPos); }); test("selected text is not replaced after cancelling the selection", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "pétanque-tournament-14" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Blabla"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Blabla" }); // simulate selection of all the content by keyboard document .querySelector(".o-mail-Composer-input") .setSelectionRange(0, document.querySelector(".o-mail-Composer-input").value.length); await click(".o-mail-Discuss-content"); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "🤠" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Blabla🤠" }); }); test("Selection is kept when changing channel and going back to original channel", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const [channelId] = pyEnv[""].create([ { name: "channel1" }, { name: "channel2" }, ]); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Foo"); // simulate selection of all the content by keyboard const textarea = queryFirst(".o-mail-Composer-input"); textarea.setSelectionRange(0, textarea.value.length); await tick(); await click(":nth-child(2 of .o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel-container)"); await click(":nth-child(1 of .o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel-container)"); expect(textarea.selectionStart).toBe(0); expect(textarea.selectionEnd).toBe(textarea.value.length); }); test("click on emoji button, select emoji, then re-click on button should show emoji picker", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "roblox-skateboarding" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "👺" }); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await contains(".o-EmojiPicker"); }); test("keep emoji picker scroll value when re-opening it", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "roblox-carsurfing" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await scroll(".o-EmojiPicker-content", 150); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await contains(".o-EmojiPicker-content", { scroll: 150 }); }); test("reset emoji picker scroll value after an emoji is picked", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "roblox-fingerskating" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await scroll(".o-EmojiPicker-content", 150); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "😎" }); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await contains(".o-EmojiPicker-content", { scroll: 0 }); }); test("keep emoji picker scroll value independent if two or more different emoji pickers are used", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "roblox-jaywalking" }); await start(); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: serverState.partnerId, body: "This is a message", attachment_ids: [], message_type: "comment", model: "", res_id: channelId, }); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Add a Reaction']"); await contains(".o-EmojiPicker-content", { scroll: 0 }); await scroll(".o-EmojiPicker-content", 150); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await contains(".o-mail-PickerContent .o-EmojiPicker-content", { scroll: 0 }); await scroll(".o-EmojiPicker-content", 200); await click("[title='Add a Reaction']"); await contains(".o-EmojiPicker-content", { scroll: 150 }); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await contains(".o-EmojiPicker-content", { scroll: 200 }); }); test("composer text input cleared on message post", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "au-secours-aidez-moi" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "test message"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "test message" }); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:not([disabled])"); await contains(".o-mail-Message"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); }); test("send message only once when button send is clicked twice quickly", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "nether-picnic" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "test message"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); await contains(".o-mail-Message"); }); test("Show send button in mobile", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); patchUiSize({ size: SIZES.SM }); pyEnv[""].create({ name: "minecraft-wii-u" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(); await contains("", { text: "Inbox" }); await click("button", { text: "Channel" }); await click(".o-mail-NotificationItem", { text: "minecraft-wii-u" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer button[aria-label='Send']"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer button[aria-label='Send'] i.fa-paper-plane-o"); }); test("composer textarea content is retained when changing channel then going back", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const [channelId] = pyEnv[""].create([ { name: "minigolf-galaxy-iv" }, { name: "epic-shrek-lovers" }, ]); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "According to all known laws of aviation,"); await click("span", { text: "epic-shrek-lovers" }); await contains("textarea.o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Message #epic-shrek-lovers…']"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await click("span", { text: "minigolf-galaxy-iv" }); await contains("textarea.o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Message #minigolf-galaxy-iv…']", { value: "According to all known laws of aviation,", }); }); test("add an emoji after a partner mention", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ email: "", name: "TestPartner", }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "Mario Party", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "@Te"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "@TestPartner " }); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "😊" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "@TestPartner 😊" }); }); test("mention a channel after some text", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General", channel_type: "channel", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "bluhbluh "); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "bluhbluh " }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "#"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "bluhbluh #General " }); }); test("add an emoji after a channel mention", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General", channel_type: "channel", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "#"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "#General " }); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "😊" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "#General 😊" }); }); test("pending mentions are kept when toggling composer", async () => { await startServer(); await start(); await openFormView("res.partner", serverState.partnerId); await click("button", { text: "Send message" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "@"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { text: "Mitchell Admin" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "@Mitchell Admin " }); await click("button", { text: "Send message" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { count: 0 }); await click("button", { text: "Send message" }); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); await contains(".o-mail-Message-body a.o_mail_redirect", { text: "@Mitchell Admin" }); }); test("composer suggestion should match with input selection", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ email: "", name: "Luigi", }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "Mario Party", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "#"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion", { text: "Mario Party" }); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "#Mario Party " }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "@"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion", { text: "Luigi" }); queryFirst(".o-mail-Composer-input").setSelectionRange(3, 3); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion", { text: "Mario Party" }); const textarea = queryFirst(".o-mail-Composer-input"); textarea.setSelectionRange(textarea.value.length, textarea.value.length); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion", { text: "Luigi" }); }); test('do not post message on channel with "SHIFT-Enter" keyboard shortcut', async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Test"); await contains(".o-mail-Message", { count: 0 }); triggerHotkey("shift+Enter"); await tick(); // weak test, no guarantee that we waited long enough for the potential message to be posted await contains(".o-mail-Message", { count: 0 }); }); test('post message on channel with "Enter" keyboard shortcut', async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Test"); await contains(".o-mail-Message", { count: 0 }); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-Message"); }); test("leave command on channel", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel.o-active", { text: "general" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "/leave"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { count: 1 }); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "/leave " }); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel", { count: 0, text: "general" }); await contains(".o-mail-Discuss-threadName", { value: "Inbox" }); await contains(".o_notification", { text: "You unsubscribed from general." }); }); test("Can handle leave notification from unknown member", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const userId = pyEnv["res.users"].create({ name: "Dobby" }); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Dobby", user_ids: [userId] }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await withUser(userId, () => getService("orm").call("", "action_unfollow", [channelId]) ); await contains(".o-discuss-ChannelMember", { text: "Mitchell Admin" }); await contains(".o-discuss-ChannelMember", { count: 0, text: "Dobby" }); }); test("leave command on chat", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Chuck Norris" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], channel_type: "chat", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel.o-active", { text: "Chuck Norris" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "/leave"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { count: 1 }); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "/leave " }); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-DiscussSidebarChannel", { count: 0, text: "Chuck Norris" }); await contains(".o-mail-Discuss-threadName", { value: "Inbox" }); await contains(".o_notification", { text: "You unpinned your conversation with Chuck Norris" }); }); test("Can post suggestions", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "#general"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion strong", { count: 1 }); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "#general " }); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-Message .o_channel_redirect"); }); test("composer text input placeholder should contain correspondent name when thread has exactly one correspondent", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "Marc Demo" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], channel_type: "chat", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains("textarea.o-mail-Composer-input[placeholder='Message Marc Demo…']"); }); test.tags("focus required"); test("quick edit last self-message from UP arrow", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ author_id: serverState.partnerId, body: "Test", attachment_ids: [], message_type: "comment", model: "", res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Message-content", { text: "Test" }); await contains(".o-mail-Message .o-mail-Composer", { count: 0 }); triggerHotkey("ArrowUp"); await contains(".o-mail-Message .o-mail-Composer"); triggerHotkey("Escape"); await contains(".o-mail-Message .o-mail-Composer", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input:focus"); // non-empty composer should not trigger quick edit await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Shrek"); triggerHotkey("ArrowUp"); // Navigable List relies on useEffect, which behaves with 2 animation frames // Wait 2 animation frames to make sure it doesn't show quick edit await tick(); await tick(); await contains(".o-mail-Message .o-mail-Composer", { count: 0 }); }); test("Select composer suggestion via Enter does not send the message", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ email: "", name: "Shrek", }); pyEnv["res.users"].create({ partner_id: partnerId }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ partner_id: partnerId }), ], }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "@Shrek"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "@Shrek " }); // weak test, no guarantee that we waited long enough for the potential message to be posted await contains(".o-mail-Message", { count: 0 }); }); test("composer: drop attachments", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); const text = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const text2 = new File(["hello, worlduh"], "text2.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const text3 = new File(["hello, world"], "text3.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input"); await contains(".o-Dropzone", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 0 }); const files = [text, text2]; await dragenterFiles(".o-mail-Composer-input", files); await contains(".o-Dropzone"); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 0 }); await dropFiles(".o-Dropzone", files); await contains(".o-Dropzone", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 2 }); const extraFiles = [text3]; await dragenterFiles(".o-mail-Composer-input", extraFiles); await dropFiles(".o-Dropzone", extraFiles); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 3 }); }); test("composer: add an attachment", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); const text = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await inputFiles(".o-mail-Composer-coreMain .o_input_file", [text]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard .fa-check"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-footer .o-mail-AttachmentList"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-footer .o-mail-AttachmentList .o-mail-AttachmentCard"); }); test("composer: add an attachment in reply to message in history", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); const text = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "not empty", model: "", res_id: channelId, }); pyEnv["mail.notification"].create({ mail_message_id: messageId, notification_type: "inbox", res_partner_id: serverState.partnerId, is_read: true, }); await start(); await openDiscuss("mail.box_history"); await click("[title='Reply']"); await inputFiles(".o-mail-Composer-coreMain .o_input_file", [text]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard .fa-check"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-footer .o-mail-AttachmentList"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-footer .o-mail-AttachmentList .o-mail-AttachmentCard"); }); test("composer: send button is disabled if attachment upload is not finished", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const attachmentUploadedDef = new Deferred(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); const text = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); onRpcBefore("/mail/attachment/upload", async () => await attachmentUploadedDef); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await inputFiles(".o-mail-Composer-coreMain .o_input_file", [text]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard.o-isUploading"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-send:disabled"); // simulates attachment finishes uploading attachmentUploadedDef.resolve(); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard"); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard.o-isUploading", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); }); test("remove an attachment from composer does not need any confirmation", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); const text = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await inputFiles(".o-mail-Composer-coreMain .o_input_file", [text]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard .fa-check"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-footer .o-mail-AttachmentList"); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentList .o-mail-AttachmentCard"); await click(".o-mail-AttachmentCard-unlink"); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentList .o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 0 }); }); test("composer: paste attachments", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test" }); const text = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input"); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentList .o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 0 }); await pasteFiles(".o-mail-Composer-input", [text]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentList .o-mail-AttachmentCard"); }); test.tags("focus required"); test("Replying on a channel should focus composer initially", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ channel_type: "channel", name: "general", }); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "Hello world", res_id: channelId, message_type: "comment", model: "", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click("[title='Reply']"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input:focus"); }); test("remove an uploading attachment", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test" }); const text = new File(["hello, world"], "text.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); onRpc("/mail/attachment/upload", () => new Deferred()); // simulates uploading indefinitely await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await inputFiles(".o-mail-Composer-coreMain .o_input_file", [text]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard.o-isUploading"); await click(".o-mail-AttachmentCard-unlink"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer .o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 0 }); }); test("Show recipient list when there is more than 5 followers.", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerIds = pyEnv["res.partner"].create([ { name: "test name 1", email: "" }, { name: "test name 2", email: "" }, { name: "test name 3", email: "" }, { name: "test name 4", email: "" }, { name: "test name 5", email: "" }, { name: "test name 6", email: "" }, ]); for (const partner of partnerIds) { pyEnv["mail.followers"].create({ is_active: true, partner_id: partner, res_id: partnerIds[0], res_model: "res.partner", }); } await start(); await openFormView("res.partner", partnerIds[0]); await click("button", { text: "Send message" }); await click("button[title='Show all recipients']"); await contains("li", { text: "" }); await contains("li", { text: "" }); await contains("li", { text: "" }); await contains("li", { text: "" }); await contains("li", { text: "" }); await contains("li", { text: "" }); await contains(".o-mail-Chatter", { text: "To: test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, and 1 more", }); }); test("Show 'No recipient found.' with 0 followers.", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "test name 1", email: "" }); await start(); await openFormView("res.partner", partnerId); await click("button", { text: "Send message" }); await contains(".o-mail-Chatter-top", { text: "To: No recipient" }); }); test("Uploading multiple files in the composer create multiple temporary attachments", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test" }); const text1 = new File(["hello, world"], "text1.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const text2 = new File(["hello, world"], "text2.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); onRpc("/mail/attachment/upload", () => new Deferred()); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await inputFiles(".o-mail-Composer-coreMain .o_input_file", [text1, text2]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { text: "text1.txt" }); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { text: "text2.txt" }); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard-aside div[title='Uploading']", { count: 2 }); }); test("[technical] does not crash when an attachment is removed before its upload starts", async () => { // Uploading multiple files uploads attachments one at a time, this test // ensures that there is no crash when an attachment is destroyed before its // upload started. const pyEnv = await startServer(); // Promise to block attachment uploading const uploadDef = new Deferred(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test" }); const text1 = new File(["hello, world"], "text1.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); const text2 = new File(["hello, world"], "text2.txt", { type: "text/plain" }); onRpcBefore("/mail/attachment/upload", async () => await uploadDef); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await inputFiles(".o-mail-Composer-coreMain .o_input_file", [text1, text2]); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard.o-isUploading", { text: "text1.txt" }); await click(".o-mail-AttachmentCard-unlink", { parent: [".o-mail-AttachmentCard.o-isUploading", { text: "text2.txt" }], }); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard", { count: 0, text: "text2.txt" }); // Simulates the completion of the upload of the first attachment uploadDef.resolve(); await contains(".o-mail-AttachmentCard:not(.o-isUploading)", { text: "text1.txt" }); }); test("Message is sent only once when pressing enter twice in a row", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "Hello World!"); triggerHotkey("Enter"); triggerHotkey("Enter"); // weak test, no guarantee that we waited long enough for the potential second message to be posted await contains(".o-mail-Message-content", { text: "Hello World!" }); }); test('display canned response suggestions on typing ":"', async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const guestId = pyEnv["mail.guest"].create({ name: "Mario" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ guest_id: guestId }), ], }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open", { count: 0 }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "helloHello! How are you?" }); }); test("select a canned response suggestion", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const guestId = pyEnv["mail.guest"].create({ name: "Mario" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ guest_id: guestId }), ], }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList .o-open", { count: 0 }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Hello! How are you? " }); }); test("select a canned response suggestion with some text", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const guestId = pyEnv["mail.guest"].create({ name: "Mario" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "Mario", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ guest_id: guestId }), ], }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "bluhbluh "); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "bluhbluh " }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "bluhbluh Hello! How are you? " }); }); test("add an emoji after a canned response", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const guestId = pyEnv["mail.guest"].create({ name: "Mario" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "Mario", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ guest_id: guestId }), ], }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-suggestionList"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await click(".o-mail-Composer-suggestion"); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Hello! How are you? " }); await click("button[aria-label='Emojis']"); await click(".o-Emoji", { text: "😊" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Hello! How are you? 😊" }); }); test("Canned response can be inserted from the bus", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const guestId = pyEnv["mail.guest"].create({ name: "Mario" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ guest_id: guestId }), ], }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input"); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 0 }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "", { replace: true }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?", }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 0 }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "helloHello! How are you?" }); }); test("Canned response can be updated from the bus", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const guestId = pyEnv["mail.guest"].create({ name: "Mario" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ guest_id: guestId }), ], }); const cannedResponseId = pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?", }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input"); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 1 }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "", { replace: true }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].write([cannedResponseId], { substitution: "Howdy! How are you?", }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 0 }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "helloHowdy! How are you?" }); }); test("Canned response can be deleted from the bus", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const guestId = pyEnv["mail.guest"].create({ name: "Mario" }); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "test", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), Command.create({ guest_id: guestId }), ], }); const [cannedResponseId] = pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create([ { source: "hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?", }, { source: "test", substitution: "test", }, ]); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 2 }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "hello" }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "test" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "", { replace: true }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 0 }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].unlink([cannedResponseId]); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 1 }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "test" }); }); test("Canned response last used changes on posting", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "Expelliarmus" }); const cannedResponseId = pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "test", substitution: "Test a canned response?", }); let cannedResponse = pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].search_read([ ["id", "=", cannedResponseId], ])[0]; await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await click(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "testTest a canned response?" }); await contains(".o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Test a canned response? " }); expect(cannedResponse.last_used).toBeEmpty(); await click(".o-mail-Composer-send:enabled"); await contains(".o-mail-Message"); cannedResponse = pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].search_read([["id", "=", cannedResponseId]])[0]; expect(cannedResponse.last_used).not.toBeEmpty(); }); test("Does not auto-select 1st canned response suggestion", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "Hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", "@"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { text: "Mitchell Admin" }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":", { replace: true }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "HelloHello! How are you?" }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { count: 0 }); }); test("TAB/ARROW focuses 1st canned response suggestion", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create([ { source: "Hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?" }, { source: "Goodbye", substitution: "Goodbye! See you soon!" }, ]); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); // Assuming the suggestions are displayed in alphabetical order await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "GoodbyeGoodbye! See you soon!", before: [".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "HelloHello! How are you?" }], }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { count: 0 }); await triggerHotkey("Tab"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { text: "GoodbyeGoodbye! See you soon!" }); await triggerHotkey("Escape"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 0 }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":", { replace: true }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 2 }); await triggerHotkey("ArrowDown"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { text: "GoodbyeGoodbye! See you soon!" }); await triggerHotkey("Escape"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { count: 0 }); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":", { replace: true }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 2 }); await triggerHotkey("ArrowUp"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { text: "GoodbyeGoodbye! See you soon!" }); }); test("ENTER closes canned response suggestions", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "General" }); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create({ source: "Hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?" }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await insertText(".o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "HelloHello! How are you?" }); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { count: 0 }); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { count: 0 }); }); test("Tab to select of canned response suggestion works in chat window", async () => { // This might conflict with focusing next chat window const pyEnv = await startServer(); pyEnv[""].create([ { name: "General", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ fold_state: "open", partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), ], }, { name: "Extra", channel_member_ids: [ Command.create({ fold_state: "open", partner_id: serverState.partnerId }), ], }, ]); pyEnv["mail.canned.response"].create([ { source: "Hello", substitution: "Hello! How are you?" }, { source: "Goodbye", substitution: "Goodbye! See you soon!" }, ]); await start(); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow", { count: 2 }); await insertText(".o-mail-ChatWindow:eq(0) .o-mail-Composer-input", ":"); // Assuming the suggestions are displayed in alphabetical order await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "GoodbyeGoodbye! See you soon!", before: [".o-mail-NavigableList-item", { text: "HelloHello! How are you?" }], }); await triggerHotkey("Tab"); await contains(".o-mail-NavigableList-active", { text: "GoodbyeGoodbye! See you soon!" }); await animationFrame(); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); await contains(".o-mail-ChatWindow:eq(0) .o-mail-Composer-input", { value: "Goodbye! See you soon! ", }); });