import { click, contains, defineMailModels, openDiscuss, start, startServer, } from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers"; import { describe, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { patchWithCleanup, serverState } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { deserializeDateTime } from "@web/core/l10n/dates"; import { getOrigin } from "@web/core/utils/urls"; describe.current.tags("desktop"); defineMailModels(); test("click on message in reply to highlight the parent message", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "Hey lol", message_type: "comment", model: "", res_id: channelId, }); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "Reply to Hey", message_type: "comment", model: "", parent_id: messageId, res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click(".o-mail-MessageInReply-message", { parent: [".o-mail-Message", { text: "Reply to Hey" }], }); await contains(".o-mail-Message.o-highlighted .o-mail-Message-content", { text: "Hey lol" }); }); test("click on message in reply to scroll to the parent message", async () => { // make scroll behavior instantaneous. patchWithCleanup(Element.prototype, { scrollIntoView() { return super.scrollIntoView(true); }, }); const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); const [oldestMessageId] = pyEnv["mail.message"].create( Array(20) .fill(0) .map(() => ({ body: "Non Empty Body ".repeat(25), message_type: "comment", model: "", res_id: channelId, })) ); pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "Response to first message", message_type: "comment", model: "", parent_id: oldestMessageId, res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await click(".o-mail-MessageInReply-message", { parent: [".o-mail-Message", { text: "Response to first message" }], }); await contains(":nth-child(1 of .o-mail-Message)", { visible: true }); }); test("reply shows correct author avatar", async () => { const pyEnv = await startServer(); const channelId = pyEnv[""].create({ name: "general" }); const messageId = pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "Hey there", message_type: "comment", model: "", res_id: channelId, }); const partnerId = pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "John Doe" }); const partner = pyEnv["res.partner"].search_read([["id", "=", serverState.partnerId]])[0]; pyEnv["mail.message"].create({ body: "Howdy", message_type: "comment", model: "", author_id: partnerId, parent_id: messageId, res_id: channelId, }); await start(); await openDiscuss(channelId); await contains( `.o-mail-MessageInReply-avatar[data-src='${`${getOrigin()}/web/image/res.partner/${ serverState.partnerId }/avatar_128?unique=${deserializeDateTime(partner.write_date).ts}`}` ); });