Mail Group: Send GuidelinesGuidelines of group {{ }}{{ }}Sent to people who subscribed to a mailing group with group guidelines
Hello ,
Please find below the guidelines of the mailing list.
{{ object.partner_id.lang }}Mail Group: Mailing List SubscriptionConfirm subscription to {{ }}Subscription confirmation to a mailing group
You have requested to be subscribed to the mailing list .
To confirm, please visit the following link:
If this was a mistake or you did not requested this action, please ignore this message.
Mail Group: Mailing List UnsubscriptionConfirm unsubscription to {{ }}Sent to people who unsubscribed from a mailing group
You have requested to be unsubscribed to the mailing list .
To confirm, please visit the following link: .
If this was a mistake or you did not requested this action, please ignore this message.