/** @odoo-module **/ import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { stepUtils } from "@web_tour/tour_service/tour_utils"; registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('mailing_editor', { url: '/odoo', steps: () => [stepUtils.showAppsMenuItem(), { trigger: '.o_app[data-menu-xmlid="mass_mailing.mass_mailing_menu_root"]', run: "click", }, { trigger: 'button.o_list_button_add', run: "click", }, { trigger: 'div[name="contact_list_ids"] .o_input_dropdown input[type="text"]', run: "edit Test", }, { trigger: 'div[name="contact_list_ids"] .ui-state-active', run: "click", }, { content: 'choose the theme "empty" to edit the mailing with snippets', trigger: '[name="body_arch"] :iframe #empty', run: "click", }, { content: 'wait for the editor to be rendered', trigger: '[name="body_arch"] :iframe .o_editable[data-editor-message="DRAG BUILDING BLOCKS HERE"]', }, { content: 'drag the "Title" snippet from the design panel and drop it in the editor', trigger: '[name="body_arch"] #oe_snippets [name="Title"] .oe_snippet_thumbnail', async run(helpers) { await helpers.drag_and_drop(`[name="body_arch"] :iframe .o_editable`, { position: { top: 340, }, }); }, }, { content: 'wait for the snippet menu to finish the drop process', trigger: 'body:not(:has(.o_we_ongoing_insertion))', }, { content: 'verify that the title was inserted properly in the editor', trigger: '[name="body_arch"] :iframe .o_editable h1', }, { trigger: 'button.o_form_button_save', run: "click", }, { content: 'verify that the save failed (since the field "subject" was not set and it is required)', trigger: 'label.o_field_invalid', }, { content: 'verify that the edited mailing body was not lost during the failed save', trigger: '[name="body_arch"] :iframe .o_editable h1', }, { trigger: 'input#subject_0', run: "edit TestFromTour", }, { trigger: '.o_form_view', // blur previous input run: "click", }, ...stepUtils.saveForm(), { trigger: ':iframe .o_editable', }]});