# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.

import requests
import json
import logging

from werkzeug import urls

from odoo import fields
from odoo.addons.microsoft_calendar.utils.microsoft_event import MicrosoftEvent
from odoo.addons.microsoft_account.models.microsoft_service import TIMEOUT, RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_STATUSES

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def requires_auth_token(func):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs.get('token'):
            raise AttributeError("An authentication token is required")
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

class InvalidSyncToken(Exception):

# In Outlook, an event can be:
# - a 'singleInstance' event,
# - a 'serie master' which contains all the information about an event reccurrence such as
# - an 'occurrence' which is an event from a reccurrence (serie) that follows this reccurrence
# - an 'exception' which is an event from a reccurrence (serie) but some differences with the reccurrence template (could be
#   the name, the day of occurrence, ...)
#  All these kinds of events are identified by:
#  - a event ID (id) which is specific to an Outlook calendar.
#  - a global event ID (iCalUId) which is common to all Outlook calendars containing this event.
#  - 'singleInstance' and 'serie master' events are retrieved through the end-point `/v1.0/me/calendarView/delta` which provides
#  the last modified/deleted items since the last sync (or all of these items at the first time).
#  - 'occurrence' and 'exception' events are retrieved through the end-point `/v1.0/me/events/{serieMaster.id}/instances`,
#  using the corresponding serie master ID.

class MicrosoftCalendarService():

    def __init__(self, microsoft_service):
        self.microsoft_service = microsoft_service

    def _get_single_event(self, iCalUId, token, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        """ Fetch a single event from Graph API filtered by its iCalUId. """
        url = "/v1.0/me/events?$filter=iCalUId eq '%s'" % iCalUId
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token}
        status, event, _dummy = self.microsoft_service._do_request(url, {}, headers, method='GET', timeout=timeout)
        return status not in RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_STATUSES, event

    def _get_events_from_paginated_url(self, url, token=None, params=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        Get a list of events from a paginated URL.
        Each page contains a link to the next page, so loop over all the pages to get all the events.
        headers = {
            'Content-type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token,
            'Prefer': 'outlook.body-content-type="html", odata.maxpagesize=50'
        if not params:
            # By default, fetch events from at most one year in the past and two years in the future.
            # Can be modified by microsoft_calendar.sync.range_days system parameter.
            day_range = int(self.microsoft_service.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('microsoft_calendar.sync.range_days', default=365))
            params = {
                'startDateTime': fields.Datetime.subtract(fields.Datetime.now(), days=day_range).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z"),
                'endDateTime': fields.Datetime.add(fields.Datetime.now(), days=day_range * 2).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z"),

        # get the first page of events
        _, data, _ = self.microsoft_service._do_request(
            url, params, headers, method='GET', timeout=timeout

        # and then, loop on other pages to get all the events
        events = data.get('value', [])
        next_page_token = data.get('@odata.nextLink')
        while next_page_token:
            _, data, _ = self.microsoft_service._do_request(
                next_page_token, {}, headers, preuri='', method='GET', timeout=timeout
            next_page_token = data.get('@odata.nextLink')
            events += data.get('value', [])

        token_url = data.get('@odata.deltaLink')
        next_sync_token = urls.url_parse(token_url).decode_query().get('$deltatoken', False) if token_url else None

        return events, next_sync_token

    def _check_full_sync_required(self, response):
        """ Checks if full sync is required according to the error code received. """
        response_json = response.json()
        response_code = response_json.get('error', {}).get('code', '')
        return any(error_code in response_code for error_code in ['fullSyncRequired', 'SyncStateNotFound'])

    def _get_events_delta(self, sync_token=None, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        Get a set of events that have been added, deleted or updated in a time range.
        See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/event-delta?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
        url = "/v1.0/me/calendarView/delta"
        params = {'$deltatoken': sync_token} if sync_token else None

            events, next_sync_token = self._get_events_from_paginated_url(
                url, params=params, token=token, timeout=timeout)
        except requests.HTTPError as e:
            full_sync_needed = self._check_full_sync_required(e.response)
            if e.response.status_code == 410 and full_sync_needed and sync_token:
                # retry with a full sync
                return self._get_events_delta(token=token, timeout=timeout)
            raise e

        # event occurrences (from a recurrence) are retrieved separately to get all their info,
        # # and mainly the iCalUId attribute which is not provided by the 'get_delta' api end point
        events = [e for e in events if e.get('type') != 'occurrence']

        return MicrosoftEvent(events), next_sync_token

    def _get_occurrence_details(self, serieMasterId, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        Get all occurrences details from a serie master.
        See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/event-list-instances?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
        url = f"/v1.0/me/events/{serieMasterId}/instances"

        events, _ = self._get_events_from_paginated_url(url, token=token, timeout=timeout)
        return MicrosoftEvent(events)

    def get_events(self, sync_token=None, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        Retrieve all the events that have changed (added/updated/removed) from Microsoft Outlook.
        This is done in 2 steps:
        1) get main changed events (so single events and serie masters)
        2) get occurrences linked to a serie masters (to retrieve all needed details such as iCalUId)
        events, next_sync_token = self._get_events_delta(sync_token=sync_token, token=token, timeout=timeout)

        # get occurences details for all serie masters
        for master in filter(lambda e: e.type == 'seriesMaster', events):
            events |= self._get_occurrence_details(master.id, token=token, timeout=timeout)

        return events, next_sync_token

    def insert(self, values, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        url = "/v1.0/me/calendar/events"
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token}
        _dummy, data, _dummy = self.microsoft_service._do_request(url, json.dumps(values), headers, method='POST', timeout=timeout)

        return data['id'], data['iCalUId']

    def patch(self, event_id, values, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        url = "/v1.0/me/calendar/events/%s" % event_id
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token}
            status, _dummy, _dummy = self.microsoft_service._do_request(url, json.dumps(values), headers, method='PATCH', timeout=timeout)
        except requests.HTTPError:
            _logger.info("Microsoft event %s has not been updated", event_id)
            return False

        return status not in RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_STATUSES

    def delete(self, event_id, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        url = "/v1.0/me/calendar/events/%s" % event_id
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token}
        params = {}
            status, _dummy, _dummy = self.microsoft_service._do_request(url, params, headers=headers, method='DELETE', timeout=timeout)
        except requests.HTTPError as e:
            # For some unknown reason Microsoft can also return a 403 response when the event is already cancelled.
            status = e.response.status_code
            if status in (410, 403):
                _logger.info("Microsoft event %s was already deleted", event_id)
                raise e

        return status not in RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_STATUSES

    def answer(self, event_id, answer, values, token=None, timeout=TIMEOUT):
        url = "/v1.0/me/calendar/events/%s/%s" % (event_id, answer)
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token}
        status, _dummy, _dummy = self.microsoft_service._do_request(url, json.dumps(values), headers, method='POST', timeout=timeout)

        return status not in RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_STATUSES


    def is_authorized(self, user):
        return bool(user.sudo().microsoft_calendar_rtoken)

    def _get_calendar_scope(self):
        return 'offline_access openid Calendars.ReadWrite'

    def _microsoft_authentication_url(self, from_url='http://www.odoo.com'):
        redirect_uri = self.microsoft_service.get_base_url() + '/microsoft_account/authentication'
        return self.microsoft_service._get_authorize_uri(

    def _can_authorize_microsoft(self, user):
        return user.has_group('base.group_erp_manager')