# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError class IrMailServer(models.Model): """Add the Outlook OAuth authentication on the outgoing mail servers.""" _name = 'ir.mail_server' _inherit = ['ir.mail_server', 'microsoft.outlook.mixin'] _OUTLOOK_SCOPE = 'https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send' smtp_authentication = fields.Selection( selection_add=[('outlook', 'Outlook OAuth Authentication')], ondelete={'outlook': 'set default'}) @api.depends('smtp_authentication') def _compute_is_microsoft_outlook_configured(self): outlook_servers = self.filtered(lambda server: server.smtp_authentication == 'outlook') (self - outlook_servers).is_microsoft_outlook_configured = False super(IrMailServer, outlook_servers)._compute_is_microsoft_outlook_configured() def _compute_smtp_authentication_info(self): outlook_servers = self.filtered(lambda server: server.smtp_authentication == 'outlook') outlook_servers.smtp_authentication_info = _( 'Connect your Outlook account with the OAuth Authentication process. \n' 'By default, only a user with a matching email address will be able to use this server. ' 'To extend its use, you should set a "mail.default.from" system parameter.') super(IrMailServer, self - outlook_servers)._compute_smtp_authentication_info() @api.constrains('smtp_authentication', 'smtp_pass', 'smtp_encryption', 'smtp_user') def _check_use_microsoft_outlook_service(self): outlook_servers = self.filtered(lambda server: server.smtp_authentication == 'outlook') for server in outlook_servers: if server.smtp_pass: raise UserError(_( 'Please leave the password field empty for Outlook mail server ā€œ%sā€. ' 'The OAuth process does not require it', server.name)) if server.smtp_encryption != 'starttls': raise UserError(_( 'Incorrect Connection Security for Outlook mail server ā€œ%sā€. ' 'Please set it to "TLS (STARTTLS)".', server.name)) if not server.smtp_user: raise UserError(_( 'Please fill the "Username" field with your Outlook/Office365 username (your email address). ' 'This should be the same account as the one used for the Outlook OAuthentication Token.')) @api.onchange('smtp_encryption') def _onchange_encryption(self): """Do not change the SMTP configuration if it's a Outlook server (e.g. the port which is already set)""" if self.smtp_authentication != 'outlook': super()._onchange_encryption() @api.onchange('smtp_authentication') def _onchange_smtp_authentication_outlook(self): if self.smtp_authentication == 'outlook': self.smtp_host = 'smtp.outlook.com' self.smtp_encryption = 'starttls' self.smtp_port = 587 else: self.microsoft_outlook_refresh_token = False self.microsoft_outlook_access_token = False self.microsoft_outlook_access_token_expiration = False @api.onchange('smtp_user', 'smtp_authentication') def _on_change_smtp_user_outlook(self): """The Outlook mail servers can only be used for the user personal email address.""" if self.smtp_authentication == 'outlook': self.from_filter = self.smtp_user def _smtp_login(self, connection, smtp_user, smtp_password): if len(self) == 1 and self.smtp_authentication == 'outlook': auth_string = self._generate_outlook_oauth2_string(smtp_user) oauth_param = base64.b64encode(auth_string.encode()).decode() connection.ehlo() connection.docmd('AUTH', f'XOAUTH2 {oauth_param}') else: super()._smtp_login(connection, smtp_user, smtp_password)