# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging from unittest.mock import patch from lxml import objectify from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.osv.expression import AND from odoo.tools.misc import hmac as hmac_tool from odoo.addons.base.tests.common import BaseCommon _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PaymentCommon(BaseCommon): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.currency_euro = cls._prepare_currency('EUR') cls.currency_usd = cls._prepare_currency('USD') cls.country_belgium = cls.env.ref('base.be') cls.country_france = cls.env.ref('base.fr') cls.europe = cls.env.ref('base.europe') cls.group_user = cls.env.ref('base.group_user') cls.group_portal = cls.env.ref('base.group_portal') cls.group_public = cls.env.ref('base.group_public') cls.admin_user = cls.env.ref('base.user_admin') cls.internal_user = cls._create_new_internal_user() cls.portal_user = cls._create_new_portal_user() cls.public_user = cls.env.ref('base.public_user') cls.admin_partner = cls.admin_user.partner_id cls.internal_partner = cls.internal_user.partner_id cls.portal_partner = cls.portal_user.partner_id cls.default_partner = cls.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'Norbert Buyer', 'lang': 'en_US', 'email': 'norbert.buyer@example.com', 'street': 'Huge Street', 'street2': '2/543', 'phone': '0032 12 34 56 78', 'city': 'Sin City', 'zip': '1000', 'country_id': cls.country_belgium.id, }) # Create a dummy provider to allow basic tests without any specific provider implementation arch = """
""" # We exploit the default values `viewid` and `user_id` from QWeb's rendering context redirect_form = cls.env['ir.ui.view'].create({ 'name': "Dummy Redirect Form", 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': arch, }) cls.dummy_provider = cls.env['payment.provider'].create({ 'name': "Dummy Provider", 'code': 'none', 'state': 'test', 'is_published': True, 'payment_method_ids': [Command.set([cls.env.ref('payment.payment_method_unknown').id])], 'allow_tokenization': True, 'redirect_form_view_id': redirect_form.id, 'available_currency_ids': [Command.set( (cls.currency_euro + cls.currency_usd + cls.env.company.currency_id).ids )], }) # Activate pm cls.env.ref('payment.payment_method_unknown').write({ 'active': True, 'support_tokenization': True, }) cls.provider = cls.dummy_provider cls.payment_methods = cls.provider.payment_method_ids cls.payment_method = cls.payment_methods[:1] cls.payment_method_id = cls.payment_method.id cls.payment_method_code = cls.payment_method.code cls.amount = 1111.11 cls.company = cls.env.company cls.company_id = cls.company.id cls.currency = cls.currency_euro cls.partner = cls.default_partner cls.reference = "Test Transaction" account_payment_module = cls.env['ir.module.module']._get('account_payment') cls.account_payment_installed = account_payment_module.state in ('installed', 'to upgrade') cls.enable_post_process_patcher = True def setUp(self): super().setUp() if self.account_payment_installed and self.enable_post_process_patcher: # disable account payment generation if account_payment is installed # because the accounting setup of providers is not managed in this common self.post_process_patcher = patch( 'odoo.addons.account_payment.models.payment_transaction.PaymentTransaction._post_process', ) self.startPatcher(self.post_process_patcher) #=== Utils ===# @classmethod def _prepare_currency(cls, currency_code): currency = cls.env['res.currency'].with_context(active_test=False).search( [('name', '=', currency_code.upper())] ) currency.action_unarchive() return currency @classmethod def _prepare_provider(cls, code='none', company=None, update_values=None): """ Prepare and return the first provider matching the given provider and company. If no provider is found in the given company, we duplicate the one from the base company. All other providers belonging to the same company are disabled to avoid any interferences. :param str code: The code of the provider to prepare :param recordset company: The company of the provider to prepare, as a `res.company` record :param dict update_values: The values used to update the provider :return: The provider to prepare, if found :rtype: recordset of `payment.provider` """ company = company or cls.env.company update_values = update_values or {} provider_domain = cls._get_provider_domain(code) provider = cls.env['payment.provider'].sudo().search( AND([provider_domain, [('company_id', '=', company.id)]]), limit=1 ) if not provider: if code != 'none': base_provider = cls.env['payment.provider'].sudo().search(provider_domain, limit=1) else: base_provider = cls.provider if not base_provider: _logger.error("no payment.provider found for code %s", code) return cls.env['payment.provider'] else: provider = base_provider.copy({'company_id': company.id}) update_values['state'] = 'test' provider.write(update_values) return provider @classmethod def _get_provider_domain(cls, code): return [('code', '=', code)] @classmethod def _prepare_user(cls, user, group_xmlid): user.groups_id = [Command.link(cls.env.ref(group_xmlid).id)] # Flush and invalidate the cache to allow checking access rights. user.flush_recordset() user.invalidate_recordset() return user def _create_transaction(self, flow, sudo=True, **values): default_values = { 'payment_method_id': self.payment_method_id, 'amount': self.amount, 'currency_id': self.currency.id, 'provider_id': self.provider.id, 'reference': self.reference, 'operation': f'online_{flow}', 'partner_id': self.partner.id, } return self.env['payment.transaction'].sudo(sudo).create(dict(default_values, **values)) def _create_token(self, sudo=True, **values): default_values = { 'provider_id': self.provider.id, 'payment_method_id': self.payment_method_id, 'payment_details': "1234", 'partner_id': self.partner.id, 'provider_ref': "provider Ref (TEST)", 'active': True, } return self.env['payment.token'].sudo(sudo).create(dict(default_values, **values)) def _get_tx(self, reference): return self.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().search([ ('reference', '=', reference), ]) def _generate_test_access_token(self, *values): """ Generate an access token based on the provided values for testing purposes. This methods returns a token identical to that generated by payment.utils.generate_access_token but uses the test class environment rather than the environment of odoo.http.request. See payment.utils.generate_access_token for additional details. :param list values: The values to use for the generation of the token :return: The generated access token :rtype: str """ token_str = '|'.join(str(val) for val in values) access_token = hmac_tool(self.env(su=True), 'generate_access_token', token_str) return access_token def _extract_values_from_html_form(self, html_form): """ Extract the transaction rendering values from an HTML form. :param str html_form: The HTML form :return: The extracted information (action & inputs) :rtype: dict[str:str] """ html_tree = objectify.fromstring(html_form) if hasattr(html_tree, 'input'): inputs = {input_.get('name'): input_.get('value') for input_ in html_tree.input} else: inputs = {} return { 'action': html_tree.get('action'), 'method': html_tree.get('method'), 'inputs': inputs, } def _assert_does_not_raise(self, exception_class, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Fail if an exception of the provided class is raised when calling the function. If an exception of any other class is raised, it is caught and silently ignored. This method cannot be used with functions that make requests. Any exception raised in the scope of the new request will not be caught and will make the test fail. :param class exception_class: The class of the exception to monitor. :param function fun: The function to call when monitoring for exceptions. :param list args: The positional arguments passed as-is to the called function. :param dict kwargs: The keyword arguments passed as-is to the called function. :return: None """ try: func(*args, **kwargs) except exception_class: self.fail(f"{func.__name__} should not raise error of class {exception_class.__name__}") except Exception: pass # Any exception whose class is not monitored is caught and ignored. def _skip_if_account_payment_is_not_installed(self): """ Skip current test if `account_payment` module is not installed. """ if not self.account_payment_installed: self.skipTest("account_payment module is not installed")