# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import http from odoo.http import request class OnboardingController(http.Controller): _onboarding_return_url = '/payment/stripe/onboarding/return' _onboarding_refresh_url = '/payment/stripe/onboarding/refresh' @http.route(_onboarding_return_url, type='http', methods=['GET'], auth='user') def stripe_return_from_onboarding(self, provider_id, menu_id): """ Redirect the user to the provider form of the onboarded Stripe account. The user is redirected to this route by Stripe after or during (if the user clicks on a dedicated button) the onboarding. :param str provider_id: The provider linked to the Stripe account being onboarded, as a `payment.provider` id :param str menu_id: The menu from which the user started the onboarding step, as an `ir.ui.menu` id """ stripe_provider = request.env['payment.provider'].browse(int(provider_id)) request.env['onboarding.onboarding.step'].with_company( stripe_provider.company_id ).action_validate_step_payment_provider() url = f"/odoo/action-payment_stripe.action_payment_provider_onboarding/{provider_id}?menu_id={menu_id}" return request.redirect(url) @http.route(_onboarding_refresh_url, type='http', methods=['GET'], auth='user') def stripe_refresh_onboarding(self, provider_id, account_id, menu_id): """ Redirect the user to a new Stripe Connect onboarding link. The user is redirected to this route by Stripe if the onboarding link they used was expired. :param str provider_id: The provider linked to the Stripe account being onboarded, as a `payment.provider` id :param str account_id: The id of the connected account :param str menu_id: The menu from which the user started the onboarding step, as an `ir.ui.menu` id """ stripe_provider = request.env['payment.provider'].browse(int(provider_id)) account_link = stripe_provider._stripe_create_account_link(account_id, int(menu_id)) return request.redirect(account_link, local=False)