# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class PaymentTransaction(models.Model): _inherit = 'payment.transaction' pos_order_id = fields.Many2one('pos.order', string='POS Order', help='The Point of Sale order linked to the payment transaction', readonly=True) @api.model def _compute_reference_prefix(self, provider_code, separator, **values): """ Override of payment to compute the reference prefix based on POS-specific values. :return: The computed reference prefix if POS order id is found, the one of `super` otherwise :rtype: str """ pos_order_id = values.get('pos_order_id') if pos_order_id: pos_order = self.env['pos.order'].sudo().browse(pos_order_id).exists() if pos_order: return pos_order.pos_reference return super()._compute_reference_prefix(provider_code, separator, **values) def _post_process(self): """ Override of payment to process POS online payments automatically. """ super()._post_process() self._process_pos_online_payment() def _process_pos_online_payment(self): for tx in self: if tx and tx.pos_order_id and tx.state in ('authorized', 'done') and not tx.payment_id.pos_order_id: pos_order = tx.pos_order_id if tools.float_compare(tx.amount, 0.0, precision_rounding=pos_order.currency_id.rounding) <= 0: raise ValidationError(_('The payment transaction (%d) has a negative amount.', tx.id)) if not tx.payment_id: # the payment could already have been created by account_payment module tx._create_payment() if not tx.payment_id: raise ValidationError(_('The POS online payment (tx.id=%d) could not be saved correctly', tx.id)) payment_method = pos_order.online_payment_method_id if not payment_method: pos_config = pos_order.config_id payment_method = self.env['pos.payment.method'].sudo()._get_or_create_online_payment_method(pos_config.company_id.id, pos_config.id) if not payment_method: raise ValidationError(_('The POS online payment (tx.id=%d) could not be saved correctly because the online payment method could not be found', tx.id)) pos_order.add_payment({ 'amount': tx.amount, 'payment_date': tx.last_state_change, 'payment_method_id': payment_method.id, 'online_account_payment_id': tx.payment_id.id, 'pos_order_id': pos_order.id, }) tx.payment_id.update({ 'pos_payment_method_id': payment_method.id, 'pos_order_id': pos_order.id, 'pos_session_id': pos_order.session_id.id, }) if pos_order.state == 'draft' and pos_order._is_pos_order_paid(): pos_order._process_saved_order(False) # The bus communication is only protected by the name of the channel. # Therefore, no sensitive information is sent through it, only a # notification to invite the local browser to do a safe RPC to # the server to check the new state of the order. pos_order.config_id._notify('ONLINE_PAYMENTS_NOTIFICATION', {'id': pos_order.id}) def action_view_pos_order(self): """ Return the action for the view of the pos order linked to the transaction. """ self.ensure_one() action = { 'name': _("POS Order"), 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'pos.order', 'target': 'current', 'res_id': self.pos_order_id.id, 'view_mode': 'form' } return action