product.template.common.form product.template primary product.template Products product.template kanban,list,form {}

Create a new product product.product primary Product Variants product.product list,form,kanban,activity

Create a new product variant

You must define a product for everything you sell or purchase, whether it's a storable product, a consumable or a service.

product.product.view.form.easy product.product primary
Product Variants product.product {'search_default_product_tmpl_id': [active_id], 'default_product_tmpl_id': active_id, 'create': False}

Create a new product variant

You must define a product for everything you sell or purchase, whether it's a storable product, a consumable or a service. The product form contains information to simplify the sale process: price, notes in the quotation, accounting data, procurement methods, etc.

product.product.list product.product
product.template.view.list.tag product.template product.product.view.list.tag product.product product.product.form product.product primary
Product Variant false
1 1 product_variant_count > 1
product.product.view.form.normalized product.product
Product Kanban product.product
[] Price:
product.product.activity product.product
Product Variants product.product kanban,list,form,activity {"search_default_filter_to_sell":1}

Create a new product variant

You must define a product for everything you sell, whether it's a physical product, a consumable or a service you offer to customers. The product form contains information to simplify the sale process: price, notes in the quotation, accounting data, procurement methods, etc.

Pricelist Report code action = { 'name': 'Pricelist Report', 'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'generate_pricelist_report', 'context': env.context, } product.view.kanban.catalog product.product
[] product.product