# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from . import controllers from . import models from . import report from . import wizard from odoo.tools.sql import create_index def _check_exists_collaborators_for_project_sharing(env): """ Check if it exists at least a collaborator in a shared project If it is the case we need to active the portal rules added only for this feature. """ collaborator = env['project.collaborator'].search([], limit=1) if collaborator: # Then we need to enable the access rights linked to project sharing for the portal user env['project.collaborator']._toggle_project_sharing_portal_rules(True) def _project_post_init(env): _check_exists_collaborators_for_project_sharing(env) # Index to improve the performance of burndown chart. project_task_stage_field_id = env['ir.model.fields']._get_ids('project.task').get('stage_id') create_index( env.cr, 'mail_tracking_value_mail_message_id_old_value_integer_task_stage', env['mail.tracking.value']._table, ['mail_message_id', 'old_value_integer'], where=f'field_id={project_task_stage_field_id}' ) # Create analytic plan fields on project model for existing plans env['account.analytic.plan'].search([])._sync_plan_column('project.project')