import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { click, edit, queryOne } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { Command, mountView, MockServer, onRpc } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { defineProjectModels, ProjectTask } from "./project_models"; defineProjectModels(); describe.current.tags("desktop"); beforeEach(() => { ProjectTask._records = [ { id: 1, name: "Task 1 (Project 1)", project_id: 1, child_ids: [2, 3, 4, 7], closed_subtask_count: 1, subtask_count: 4, user_ids: [7], state: "01_in_progress", }, { id: 2, name: "Task 2 (Project 1)", project_id: 1, parent_id: 1, child_ids: [], closed_subtask_count: 0, subtask_count: 0, state: "03_approved", }, { id: 3, name: "Task 3 (Project 1)", project_id: 1, parent_id: 1, closed_subtask_count: 0, subtask_count: 0, child_ids: [], state: "02_changes_requested", }, { id: 4, name: "Task 4 (Project 1)", project_id: 1, parent_id: 1, closed_subtask_count: 0, subtask_count: 0, child_ids: [], state: "1_done", }, { id: 5, name: "Task 5 (Private)", closed_subtask_count: 0, subtask_count: 1, child_ids: [6], state: "03_approved", }, { id: 6, name: "Task 6 (Private)", parent_id: 5, closed_subtask_count: 0, subtask_count: 0, child_ids: [], state: "1_canceled", }, { id: 7, name: "Task 7 (Project 1)", project_id: 1, parent_id: 1, closed_subtask_count: 0, subtask_count: 0, child_ids: [], state: "01_in_progress", user_ids: [7], }, { id: 8, name: "Task 1 (Project 2)", project_id: 2, child_ids: [], }, ]; ProjectTask._views = { kanban: `
`, form: `
`, }; }); test("project.task (kanban): check subtask list", async () => { await mountView({ resModel: "project.task", type: "kanban", }); expect(".o_field_name_with_subtask_count:contains('(1/4 sub-tasks)')").toHaveCount(1, { message: "Task title should also display the number of (closed) sub-tasks linked to the task", }); expect(".subtask_list_button").toHaveCount(1, { message: "Only kanban boxes of parent tasks having open subtasks should have the drawdown button, in this case this is 1", }); expect(".subtask_list").toHaveCount(0, { message: "If the drawdown button is not clicked, the subtasks list should be hidden", }); await click(".subtask_list_button"); await animationFrame(); expect(".subtask_list").toHaveCount(1, { message: "Clicking on the button should make the subtask list render, in this case we are expectig 1 list", }); expect(".subtask_list_row").toHaveCount(3, { message: "The list rendered should show the open subtasks of the task, in this case 3", }); expect(".subtask_state_widget_col").toHaveCount(3, { message: "Each of the list's rows should have 1 state widget, thus we are looking for 3 in total", }); expect(".subtask_user_widget_col").toHaveCount(3, { message: "Each of the list's rows should have 1 user widgets, thus we are looking for 3 in total", }); expect(".subtask_name_col").toHaveCount(3, { message: "Each of the list's rows should display the subtask's name, thus we are looking for 3 in total", }); await click(".subtask_list_button"); await animationFrame(); expect(".subtask_list").toHaveCount(0, { message: "If the drawdown button is clicked again, the subtasks list should be hidden again", }); }); test("project.task (kanban): check closed subtask count update", async () => { let checkSteps = false; onRpc(({ method, model }) => { if (checkSteps) { expect.step(`${model}/${method}`); } }); await mountView({ resModel: "project.task", type: "kanban", }); checkSteps = true; expect(queryOne(".subtask_list_button").parentNode).toHaveText("1/4"); await click(".subtask_list_button"); await animationFrame(); const inProgressStatesSelector = ` .subtask_list .o_field_widget.o_field_project_task_state_selection.subtask_state_widget_col .o_status:not(.o_status_green,.o_status_bubble) `; expect(inProgressStatesSelector).toHaveCount(1, { message: "The state of the subtask should be in progress", }); await click(inProgressStatesSelector); await animationFrame(); await click(".project_task_state_selection_menu .fa-check-circle"); await animationFrame(); expect(inProgressStatesSelector).toHaveCount(0, { message: "The state of the subtask should no longer be in progress", }); expect.verifySteps([ "project.task/web_read", "project.task/onchange", "project.task/web_save", ]); }); test("project.task (kanban): check subtask creation", async () => { let checkSteps = false; onRpc(({ args, method, model }) => { if (checkSteps) { expect.step(`${model}/${method}`); } if (model === "project.task" && method === "create") { const [{ display_name, parent_id }] = args[0]; expect(display_name).toBe("New Subtask"); expect(parent_id).toBe(1); const newSubtaskId = MockServer.env["project.task"].create({ name: display_name, parent_id, state: "01_in_progress", }); MockServer.env["project.task"].write(parent_id, { child_ids: [], }); } }); await mountView({ resModel: "project.task", type: "kanban", }); checkSteps = true; expect(queryOne(".subtask_list_button").parentNode).toHaveText("1/4"); await click(".subtask_list_button"); await animationFrame(); await click(".subtask_create"); await animationFrame(); await click(".subtask_create_input input"); await edit("New Subtask", { confirm: "enter" }); await animationFrame(); expect(".subtask_list_row").toHaveCount(4, { message: "The subtasks list should now display the subtask created on the card, thus we are looking for 4 in total", }); expect.verifySteps([ "project.task/web_read", "project.task/create", "project.task/web_read", ]); }); test("project.task (form): check that the subtask of another project can be added", async () => { await mountView({ resModel: "project.task", resId: 7, type: "form", }); await click(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a"); await animationFrame(); await click(".o_field_project input"); await animationFrame(); await click(".o_field_project li"); await animationFrame(); await click(".o_field_project input"); await edit("aaa"); await click(".o_form_button_save"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_field_project").toHaveText("Project 1"); }); test("project.task (form): check focus on new subtask's name", async () => { await mountView({ resModel: "project.task", type: "form", }); await click(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_field_char input").toBeFocused({ message: "Upon clicking on 'Add a line', the new subtask's name should be focused.", }); });