# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from markupsafe import Markup from .test_project_base import TestProjectCommon from odoo import Command from odoo.tools import mute_logger from odoo.addons.mail.tests.common import MailCommon from odoo.exceptions import AccessError EMAIL_TPL = """Return-Path: X-Original-To: {to} Delivered-To: {to} To: {to} cc: {cc} Received: by mail1.odoo.com (Postfix, from userid 10002) id 5DF9ABFB2A; Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:16:39 +0200 (CEST) Message-ID: {msg_id} Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 12:43:21 +0530 From: {email_from} MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: {subject} Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Hello, This email should create a new entry in your module. Please check that it effectively works. Thanks, -- Raoul Boitempoils Integrator at Agrolait""" class TestProjectFlow(TestProjectCommon, MailCommon): def test_project_process_project_manager_duplicate(self): pigs = self.project_pigs.with_user(self.user_projectmanager) dogs = pigs.copy() self.assertEqual(len(dogs.tasks), 2, 'project: duplicating a project must duplicate its tasks') def test_task_creation_notifies_author(self): """ In the following configuration sending an email to the project should spawn a task for it and put it in the first stage, which should notify task creator (author) by email. Client Odoo │ "Task: buy flowers" │ ├──────────────────────────────────────►│ │ │ Creates a task │ │ Task lands in a stage with some mail template set │ "Task: buy flowers" has been created │ │◄──────────────────────────────────────┤ """ mail_template = self.env['mail.template'].create({ 'name': 'Test template', 'subject': 'Test', 'body_html': '


', 'auto_delete': True, 'model_id': self.env.ref('project.model_project_task').id, 'partner_to': '{{ object.id }}', 'use_default_to': True, }) self.project_goats.type_ids[0].mail_template_id = mail_template.id with self.mock_mail_gateway(): task = self.format_and_process( EMAIL_TPL, to=f'project+goats@{self.alias_domain}, valid.lelitre@agrolait.com', cc='valid.other@gmail.com', email_from='%s' % self.user_portal.email, subject='Super Frog', target_model='project.task') self.flush_tracking() self.assertIn("


", str(self._new_mails.body), "Stage tracking email should be sent to authors") self.assertEqual(self._new_mails.partner_ids, self.user_portal.partner_id, "Stage tracking email should be sent to authors") @mute_logger('odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread') def test_task_process_without_stage(self): # Do: incoming mail from an unknown partner on an alias creates a new task 'Frogs' task = self.format_and_process( EMAIL_TPL, to=f'project+pigs@{self.alias_domain}, valid.lelitre@agrolait.com', cc='valid.other@gmail.com', email_from='%s' % self.user_projectuser.email, subject='Frogs', msg_id='<1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>', target_model='project.task') # Test: one task created by mailgateway administrator self.assertEqual(len(task), 1, 'project: message_process: a new project.task should have been created') # Test: check partner in message followers self.assertIn(self.partner_2, task.message_partner_ids, "Partner in message cc is not added as a task followers.") # Test: messages self.assertEqual(len(task.message_ids), 1, 'project: message_process: newly created task should have 1 message: email') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.subtype_id, self.env.ref('project.mt_task_new'), 'project: message_process: first message of new task should have Task Created subtype') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.author_id, self.user_projectuser.partner_id, 'project: message_process: second message should be the one from Agrolait (partner failed)') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.subject, 'Frogs', 'project: message_process: second message should be the one from Agrolait (subject failed)') # Test: task content self.assertEqual(task.name, 'Frogs', 'project_task: name should be the email subject') self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_pigs, 'project_task: incorrect project') self.assertEqual(task.stage_id.sequence, False, "project_task: shouldn't have a stage, i.e. sequence=False") @mute_logger('odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread') def test_task_process_with_stages(self): # Do: incoming mail from an unknown partner on an alias creates a new task 'Cats' task = self.format_and_process( EMAIL_TPL, to=f'project+goats@{self.alias_domain}, valid.lelitre@agrolait.com', cc='valid.other@gmail.com', email_from='%s' % self.user_projectuser.email, subject='Cats', msg_id='<1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>', target_model='project.task') # Test: one task created by mailgateway administrator self.assertEqual(len(task), 1, 'project: message_process: a new project.task should have been created') # Test: check partner in message followers self.assertIn(self.partner_2, task.message_partner_ids, "Partner in message cc is not added as a task followers.") # Test: messages self.assertEqual(len(task.message_ids), 1, 'project: message_process: newly created task should have 1 messages: email') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.subtype_id, self.env.ref('project.mt_task_new'), 'project: message_process: first message of new task should have Task Created subtype') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.author_id, self.user_projectuser.partner_id, 'project: message_process: first message should be the one from Agrolait (partner failed)') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.subject, 'Cats', 'project: message_process: first message should be the one from Agrolait (subject failed)') # Test: task content self.assertEqual(task.name, 'Cats', 'project_task: name should be the email subject') self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_goats, 'project_task: incorrect project') self.assertEqual(task.stage_id.sequence, 1, "project_task: should have a stage with sequence=1") @mute_logger('odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread') def test_task_from_email_alias(self): # Do: incoming mail from a known partner email on an alias creates a new task 'Super Frog' task = self.format_and_process( EMAIL_TPL, to=f'project+goats@{self.alias_domain}, valid.lelitre@agrolait.com', cc='valid.other@gmail.com', email_from='%s' % self.user_portal.email, subject='Super Frog', msg_id='<1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>', target_model='project.task') # Test: one task created by mailgateway administrator self.assertEqual(len(task), 1, 'project: message_process: a new project.task should have been created') # Test: check partner in message followers self.assertIn(self.partner_2, task.message_partner_ids, "Partner in message cc is not added as a task followers.") # Test: check partner has not been assgined self.assertFalse(task.user_ids, "Partner is not added as an assignees") # Test: messages self.assertEqual(len(task.message_ids), 1, 'project: message_process: newly created task should have 1 messages: email') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.subtype_id, self.env.ref('project.mt_task_new'), 'project: message_process: first message of new task should have Task Created subtype') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.author_id, self.user_portal.partner_id, 'project: message_process: first message should be the one from Agrolait (partner failed)') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.subject, 'Super Frog', 'project: message_process: first message should be the one from Agrolait (subject failed)') # Test: task content self.assertEqual(task.name, 'Super Frog', 'project_task: name should be the email subject') self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_goats, 'project_task: incorrect project') self.assertEqual(task.stage_id.sequence, 1, "project_task: should have a stage with sequence=1") self.assertEqual( task.description, Markup( '
Hello,\n\nThis email should create a new entry in your module. Please check that it\neffectively works.\n\nThanks,\n\n--\nRaoul Boitempoils\nIntegrator at Agrolait
\n' ), 'The task description should be the email content.', ) @mute_logger('odoo.addons.mail.models.mail_thread') def test_auto_create_partner(self): email = 'unknown@test.com' new_partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([('email', '=', email)]) self.assertFalse(new_partner) task = self.format_and_process( EMAIL_TPL, to=f'project+pigs@{self.alias_domain}, valid.lelitre@agrolait.com', cc='valid.other@gmail.com', email_from=email, subject='subject', msg_id='<1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>', target_model='project.task' ) self.assertEqual(len(task), 1) new_partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([('email', '=', email)]) self.assertTrue(new_partner) self.assertEqual(task.partner_id, new_partner) self.assertEqual(task.message_ids.author_id, new_partner) def test_subtask_process(self): """ Check subtask mecanism and change it from project. For this test, 2 projects are used: - the 'pigs' project which has a partner_id - the 'goats' project where the partner_id is removed at the beginning of the tests and then restored. 2 parent tasks are also used to be able to switch the parent task of a sub-task: - 'parent_task' linked to the partner_2 - 'another_parent_task' linked to the partner_3 """ Task = self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True}) parent_task = Task.create({ 'name': 'Mother Task', 'user_ids': self.user_projectuser, 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'partner_id': self.partner_2.id, 'allocated_hours': 12, }) another_parent_task = Task.create({ 'name': 'Another Mother Task', 'user_ids': self.user_projectuser, 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'partner_id': self.partner_3.id, 'allocated_hours': 0, }) # remove the partner_id of the 'goats' project goats_partner_id = self.project_goats.partner_id self.project_goats.write({ 'partner_id': False }) # the child task 1 is linked to a project without partner_id (goats project) child_task_1 = Task.with_context(default_project_id=self.project_goats.id, default_parent_id=parent_task.id).create({ 'name': 'Task Child with project', 'allocated_hours': 3, }) # the child task 2 is linked to a project with a partner_id (pigs project) child_task_2 = Task.create({ 'name': 'Task Child without project', 'parent_id': parent_task.id, 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'allocated_hours': 5, }) self.assertEqual( child_task_1.partner_id, child_task_1.parent_id.partner_id, "When no project partner_id has been set, a subtask should have the same partner as its parent") self.assertEqual( child_task_2.partner_id, child_task_2.parent_id.partner_id, "When a project partner_id has been set, a subtask should have the same partner as its parent") self.assertEqual( parent_task.subtask_count, 2, "Parent task should have 2 children") self.assertEqual( parent_task.subtask_allocated_hours, 8, "Planned hours of subtask should impact parent task") # change the parent of a subtask without a project partner_id child_task_1.write({ 'parent_id': another_parent_task.id }) self.assertEqual( child_task_1.partner_id, parent_task.partner_id, "When changing the parent task of a subtask with no project partner_id, the partner_id should remain the same.") # change the parent of a subtask with a project partner_id child_task_2.write({ 'parent_id': another_parent_task.id }) self.assertEqual( child_task_2.partner_id, parent_task.partner_id, "When changing the parent task of a subtask with a project, the partner_id should remain the same.") # set a project with partner_id to a subtask without project partner_id child_task_1.write({ 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id }) self.assertNotEqual( child_task_1.partner_id, self.project_pigs.partner_id, "When the project changes, the subtask should keep its partner id as its partner id is set.") # restore the partner_id of the 'goats' project self.project_goats.write({ 'partner_id': goats_partner_id }) # set a project with partner_id to a subtask with a project partner_id child_task_2.write({ 'project_id': self.project_goats.id }) self.assertEqual( child_task_2.partner_id, parent_task.partner_id, "When the project changes, the subtask should keep the same partner id even it has a new project.") def test_rating(self): """Check if rating works correctly even when task is changed from project A to project B""" Task = self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True}) first_task = Task.create({ 'name': 'first task', 'user_ids': self.user_projectuser, 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'partner_id': self.partner_2.id, }) self.assertEqual(first_task.rating_count, 0, "Task should have no rating associated with it") rating_good = self.env['rating.rating'].create({ 'res_model_id': self.env['ir.model']._get('project.task').id, 'res_id': first_task.id, 'parent_res_model_id': self.env['ir.model']._get('project.project').id, 'parent_res_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'rated_partner_id': self.partner_2.id, 'partner_id': self.partner_2.id, 'rating': 5, 'consumed': False, }) rating_bad = self.env['rating.rating'].create({ 'res_model_id': self.env['ir.model']._get('project.task').id, 'res_id': first_task.id, 'parent_res_model_id': self.env['ir.model']._get('project.project').id, 'parent_res_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'rated_partner_id': self.partner_2.id, 'partner_id': self.partner_2.id, 'rating': 3, 'consumed': True, }) # We need to invalidate cache since it is not done automatically by the ORM # Our One2Many is linked to a res_id (int) for which the orm doesn't create an inverse self.env.invalidate_all() self.assertEqual(rating_good.rating_text, 'top') self.assertEqual(rating_bad.rating_text, 'ok') self.assertEqual(first_task.rating_count, 1, "Task should have only one rating associated, since one is not consumed") self.assertEqual(rating_good.parent_res_id, self.project_pigs.id) self.assertEqual(self.project_goats.rating_percentage_satisfaction, -1) self.assertEqual(self.project_goats.rating_avg, 0, 'Since there is no rating in this project, the Average Rating should be equal to 0.') self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.rating_percentage_satisfaction, 0) # There is a rating but not a "great" on, just an "okay". self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.rating_avg, rating_bad.rating, 'Since there is only one rating the Average Rating should be equal to the rating value of this one.') # Consuming rating_good first_task.rating_apply(5, rating_good.access_token) # We need to invalidate cache since it is not done automatically by the ORM # Our One2Many is linked to a res_id (int) for which the orm doesn't create an inverse self.env.invalidate_all() rating_avg = (rating_good.rating + rating_bad.rating) / 2 self.assertEqual(first_task.rating_count, 2, "Task should have two ratings associated with it") self.assertEqual(first_task.rating_avg_text, 'top') self.assertEqual(rating_good.parent_res_id, self.project_pigs.id) self.assertEqual(self.project_goats.rating_percentage_satisfaction, -1) self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.rating_percentage_satisfaction, 50) self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.rating_avg, rating_avg) self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.rating_avg_percentage, rating_avg / 5) # We change the task from project_pigs to project_goats, ratings should be associated with the new project first_task.project_id = self.project_goats.id # We need to invalidate cache since it is not done automatically by the ORM # Our One2Many is linked to a res_id (int) for which the orm doesn't create an inverse self.env.invalidate_all() self.assertEqual(rating_good.parent_res_id, self.project_goats.id) self.assertEqual(self.project_goats.rating_percentage_satisfaction, 50) self.assertEqual(self.project_goats.rating_avg, rating_avg) self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.rating_percentage_satisfaction, -1) self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.rating_avg, 0) def test_task_with_no_project(self): """ With this test, we want to make sure the fact that a task has no project doesn't affect the entire behaviours of projects. 1) Try to compute every field of a task which has no project. 2) Try to compute every field of a project and assert it isn't affected by this use case. """ task_without_project = self.env['project.task'].with_context({'mail_create_nolog': True}).create({ 'name': 'Test task without project' }) for field in task_without_project._fields.keys(): try: task_without_project[field] except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Error raised unexpectedly while computing a field of the task ! Exception : " + e.args[0]) for field in self.project_pigs._fields.keys(): try: self.project_pigs[field] except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Error raised unexpectedly while computing a field of the project ! Exception : " + e.args[0]) # tasks with no project set should only be visible to the users assigned to them task_without_project.user_ids = [Command.link(self.user_projectuser.id)] task_without_project.with_user(self.user_projectuser).read(['name']) with self.assertRaises(AccessError): task_without_project.with_user(self.user_projectmanager).read(['name']) # Tests that tasks assigned to the current user should be in the right default stage task = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Test Task!', 'user_ids': [Command.link(self.env.user.id)], }) stages = task._get_default_personal_stage_create_vals(self.env.user.id) self.assertEqual(task.personal_stage_id.stage_id.name, stages[0].get('name'), "tasks assigned to the current user should be in the right default stage") def test_send_rating_review(self): project_settings = self.env["res.config.settings"].create({'group_project_rating': True}) project_settings.execute() self.assertTrue(self.project_goats.rating_active, 'The customer ratings should be enabled in this project.') won_stage = self.project_goats.type_ids[-1] rating_request_mail_template = self.env.ref('project.rating_project_request_email_template') won_stage.write({'rating_template_id': rating_request_mail_template.id}) tasks = self.env['project.task'].with_context(mail_create_nolog=True, default_project_id=self.project_goats.id).create([ {'name': 'Goat Task 1', 'user_ids': [Command.set([])]}, {'name': 'Goat Task 2', 'user_ids': [Command.link(self.user_projectuser.id)]}, { 'name': 'Goat Task 3', 'user_ids': [ Command.link(self.user_projectmanager.id), Command.link(self.user_projectuser.id), ], }, ]) with self.mock_mail_gateway(): tasks.with_user(self.user_projectmanager).write({'stage_id': won_stage.id}) tasks.invalidate_model(['rating_ids']) for task in tasks: self.assertEqual(len(task.rating_ids), 1, 'This task should have a generated rating when it arrives in the Won stage.') rating_request_message = task.message_ids[:1] if not task.user_ids or len(task.user_ids) > 1: self.assertFalse(task.rating_ids.rated_partner_id, 'This rating should have no assigned user if the task related have no assignees or more than one assignee.') self.assertEqual(rating_request_message.email_from, self.user_projectmanager.partner_id.email_formatted, 'The message should have the email of the Project Manager as email from.') else: self.assertEqual(task.rating_ids.rated_partner_id, task.user_ids.partner_id, 'The rating should have an assigned user if the task has only one assignee.') self.assertEqual(rating_request_message.email_from, task.user_ids.partner_id.email_formatted, 'The message should have the email of the assigned user in the task as email from.') self.assertTrue(self.partner_1 in rating_request_message.partner_ids, 'The customer of the task should be in the partner_ids of the rating request message.') def test_email_track_template(self): """ Update some tracked fields linked to some template -> message with onchange """ project_settings = self.env["res.config.settings"].create({'group_project_stages': True}) project_settings.execute() mail_template = self.env['mail.template'].create({ 'name': 'Test template', 'subject': 'Test', 'body_html': '


', 'auto_delete': True, 'model_id': self.env.ref('project.model_project_project_stage').id, }) project_A = self.env['project.project'].create({ 'name': 'project_A', 'privacy_visibility': 'followers', 'alias_name': 'project A', 'partner_id': self.partner_1.id, }) init_stage = project_A.stage_id.name project_stage = self.env.ref('project.project_project_stage_1') self.assertNotEqual(project_A.stage_id, project_stage) # Assign email template project_stage.mail_template_id = mail_template.id self.flush_tracking() init_nb_log = len(project_A.message_ids) project_A.stage_id = project_stage.id self.flush_tracking() self.assertNotEqual(init_stage, project_A.stage_id.name) self.assertEqual(len(project_A.message_ids), init_nb_log + 2, "should have 2 new messages: one for tracking, one for template") def test_project_notify_get_recipients_groups(self): projects = self.env['project.project'].create([ { 'name': 'public project', 'privacy_visibility': 'portal', 'partner_id': self.partner_1.id, }, { 'name': 'internal project', 'privacy_visibility': 'employees', 'partner_id': self.partner_1.id, }, { 'name': 'private project', 'privacy_visibility': 'followers', 'partner_id': self.partner_1.id, }, ]) for project in projects: groups = project._notify_get_recipients_groups(self.env['mail.message'], False) groups_per_key = {g[0]: g for g in groups} for key, group in groups_per_key.items(): has_button_access = group[2]['has_button_access'] if key in ['portal', 'portal_customer']: self.assertEqual( has_button_access, project.name == 'public project', "Only the public project should have its name clickable in the email sent to the customer when an email is sent via a email template set in the project stage for instance." ) elif key == 'user': self.assertTrue(has_button_access) def test_private_task_search_tag(self): task = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Test Private Task', }) # Tag name_search should not raise Error if project_id is False task.tag_ids.with_context(project_id=task.project_id.id).name_search( args=["!", ["id", "in", []]]) def test_task_mail_assignement(self): """ This test will check that an assignement mail is sent when adding an assignee to a task """ with self.mock_mail_gateway(): self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Mail Task', 'user_ids': self.user_projectmanager, 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id }) self.assertSentEmail(self.env.user.email_formatted, [self.user_projectmanager.email_formatted]) def test_task_copy_no_mail_assignement(self): """ This test will check that no assignement mail is sent to assignees of a duplicated task """ with self.mock_mail_gateway(): self.task_1.copy() # if the feature that prevents assignement mails from being sent when copying a task is broken, this will create a mail self.assertNotSentEmail(self.user_projectuser.email_formatted) # check that no mail was received for the assignee of the task def test_copy_project_with_default_name(self): """ Test the new project after the duplication got the exepected name Test Cases: ========== 1. Duplicate a project 2. Check the new project got the name of the project to copy plus `(copy)` 3. Duplicate a project with default name 4. Check the new project got the name defined in the default """ project = self.project_pigs.copy() self.assertEqual(project.name, 'Pigs (copy)', "The name of the copied project should be 'Pigs (copy)'") project = self.project_pigs.copy({'name': 'Pigs 2'}) self.assertEqual(project.name, 'Pigs 2', "The name of the copied project should be 'Pigs 2'") def test_description_field_history_on_update(self): """Test updating 'description' field in project task and checking history content at revision id.""" task = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Test Task', 'description': 'Hello', }) task.description = False self.assertEqual(task.html_field_history_get_content_at_revision('description', 1), '


', "should recover previous text for description") def test_copy_project_with_embedded_actions(self): project_pigs_milestone_action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].create({ 'name': 'Milestones', 'res_model': 'project.milestone', 'view_mode': 'kanban,list,form', 'domain': f"[('project_id', '=', {self.project_pigs.id})]", }) task_action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].create({ 'name': 'Tasks', 'res_model': 'project.task', 'view_mode': 'kanban,list,form', 'domain': "[('project_id', '=', active_id), ('display_in_project', '=', True)]", 'context': "{'default_project_id': active_id}", }) task_embedded_action = self.env['ir.embedded.actions'].create({ 'parent_res_model': 'project.project', 'parent_res_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'action_id': project_pigs_milestone_action.id, 'parent_action_id': task_action.id, }) project_model = self.env['ir.model'].search([('model', '=', 'project.task')]) task_embedded_filter = self.env['ir.filters'].create({ 'name': 'filter', 'embedded_action_id': task_embedded_action.id, 'embedded_parent_res_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'action_id': project_pigs_milestone_action.id, 'model_id': project_model.id, }) new_project_pigs = self.project_pigs.copy() embedded_action = self.env['ir.embedded.actions'].search([ ('parent_res_model', '=', 'project.project'), ('parent_res_id', '=', new_project_pigs.id), ]) self.assertTrue( embedded_action, 'The embedded action linked to project pigs should also be copied.', ) self.assertEqual( embedded_action.action_id, task_embedded_action.action_id, "The new embedded action should have the same action than the one copied.", ) self.assertEqual( embedded_action.parent_res_model, task_embedded_action.parent_res_model, ) self.assertEqual( embedded_action.parent_action_id, task_embedded_action.parent_action_id, ) duplicated_task_embedded_filter = embedded_action.filter_ids self.assertEqual( len(duplicated_task_embedded_filter), 1, "The filter linked to the original embedded action should also be copied." ) self.assertEqual(duplicated_task_embedded_filter.name, f"{task_embedded_filter.name} (copy)") self.assertEqual(duplicated_task_embedded_filter.embedded_action_id, embedded_action) self.assertEqual(duplicated_task_embedded_filter.embedded_parent_res_id, new_project_pigs.id) self.assertEqual(duplicated_task_embedded_filter.action_id, task_embedded_filter.action_id) self.assertEqual(duplicated_task_embedded_filter.model_id, task_embedded_filter.model_id) def test_mail_on_task_project_change(self): """ This test will check that a mail is sent to the subscribers having the "Task created" follow subtype when the project_id of said task changes """ subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('project.mt_project_task_new') partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([('user_ids', '=', self.user_projectuser.id)]) self.env['mail.followers'].create({ 'res_model': 'project.project', 'res_id': self.project_goats.id, 'partner_id': partner.id, 'subtype_ids': [subtype_id], # task created subtype }) # set user as follower of project with self.mock_mail_gateway(): self.task_1.project_id = self.project_goats.id self.assertSentEmail(self.env.user.email_formatted, [self.user_projectuser.email_formatted]) def test_do_not_copy_project_stage(self): stage = self.env['project.project.stage'].create({'name': 'Custom stage'}) # Default sequence is 50 self.project_pigs.stage_id = stage.id project_copy = self.project_pigs.with_context(default_stage_id=stage.id).copy() self.assertNotEqual(project_copy.stage_id, self.project_pigs.stage_id, 'Copied project should have lowest sequence stage')