# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.tests import tagged from odoo.addons.project.tests.test_project_base import TestProjectCommon @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestTaskState(TestProjectCommon): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.project_goats.write({ 'allow_task_dependencies': True, }) (cls.task_1 + cls.task_2).write({ 'project_id': cls.project_goats.id, }) def test_base_state(self): """ Test the task base state features Test Case: ========= 1) check that task_1 and task_2 are in_progress by default 2) add task_2 as a dependency for task_1, check that task_1 state has gone to waiting_normal. 3) force task_1 state to done, the state of task_1 should become done 4) switch task_1 state back to in progress, its state should automatically switch back to waiting normal because of the task_2 dependency 5) change task_2 state to canceled, check that task_1 state has gone back to in_progress. """ # 1) check that task_1 and task2 are in_progress by default self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '01_in_progress', "The task_1 should be in progress by default") self.assertEqual(self.task_2.state, '01_in_progress', "The task_2 should be in progress by default") # 2) add task2 as a dependency for task 1, check that task_1 state has gone to waiting_normal. self.task_1.write({ 'depend_on_ids': [Command.link(self.task_2.id)], }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '04_waiting_normal', "The task_1 should be in waiting_normal after depending on another open task") # 3) force task_1 state to done, the state of task_1 should become done self.task_1.write({ 'state': '1_done', }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '1_done', "The task_1 should be in done even if it has a depending task not closed") # 4) switch task_1 state back to in progress, its state should automatically switch back to waiting normal because of the task2 dependency self.task_1.write({ 'state': '01_in_progress', }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '04_waiting_normal', "task_1 state should automatically switch back to waiting_normal because of the task2 dependency") # 5) change task_2 state to done, check that task_1 state has gone back to in_progress. self.task_2.write({ 'state': '1_canceled', }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '01_in_progress', "task_1 state should automatically switch back to in_progress when its dependency closes") def test_change_stage_or_project(self): """ Test special cases where the task is moved from a stage to another or a project to another Test Case: ========= 1) change task_1 to an open state and task_2 to a closed state 2) change task_1 and task_2 stage, task_1 should go back to in_progress, task_2 should stay in its closing state 3) change task_1 and task_2 project, they should both go back to in_progress """ # 1) change task_1 to an open state and task_2 to a closed state stage_won = self.env['project.task.type'].search([('name', '=', 'Won')]) project_pigs = self.env['project.project'].search([('name', '=', 'Pigs')]) self.task_1.write({ 'state': '02_changes_requested', }) self.task_2.write({ 'state': '1_canceled', }) # 2) change task_1 and task_2 from stage, task_1 should go back to in_progress, task_2 should stay in its closing state (self.task_1 + self.task_2).write({ 'stage_id': stage_won.id, }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '01_in_progress', "task_1 state should automatically switch back to in_progress when its stage changes") self.assertEqual(self.task_2.state, '1_canceled', "task_2 state should stay in its closed state") # 3) change task_1 and task_2 project, they should both go back to in_progress # we make change the task_1 state back to an open state self.task_1.write({ 'state': '02_changes_requested', }) (self.task_1 + self.task_2).write({ 'project_id': project_pigs.id }) self.task_1._onchange_project_id() self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '01_in_progress', "task_1 state should automatically switch back to in_progress when its project changes") self.assertEqual(self.task_2.state, '01_in_progress', "task_2 state should automatically switch back to in_progress when its project changes") def test_duplicate_dependent_task(self): self.task_1.write({ 'depend_on_ids': [Command.link(self.task_2.id)], }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '04_waiting_normal', "The task_1 should be in waiting_normal after depending on another open task") self.task_1_copy = self.task_1.copy() self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '04_waiting_normal', "The task_1_copy should keep his dependence and stay in waiting_normal") self.task_2.write({ 'state': '03_approved', }) self.task_2_copy = self.task_2.copy() self.assertEqual(self.task_2_copy.state, '01_in_progress', "The task_2_copy should go back to in_progress") self.task_2.write({ 'state': '1_done', }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '04_waiting_normal', "The task_1 should have both tasks as dependencies and so should stay in waiting when one of the two is completed") self.assertEqual(self.task_1_copy.state, '04_waiting_normal', "The task_1_copy should have both tasks as dependencies and so should stay in waiting when one of the two is completed") self.task_2_copy.write({ 'state': '1_done', }) self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '01_in_progress', "The task_1 should have both tasks as dependencies and so should stay go to 'done' when both dependencies are completed") self.assertEqual(self.task_1_copy.state, '01_in_progress', "The task_1_copy should have both tasks as dependencies and so should stay go to 'done' when both dependencies are completed") def test_duplicate_task_state_retention_with_closed_dependencies(self): self.project_pigs.allow_task_dependencies = True self.task_1.depend_on_ids = self.task_2 self.task_2.write({'state': '1_done'}) self.task_1.write({'state': '03_approved'}) task_1_copy = self.task_1.copy() self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '03_approved', "The task_1 should retain its state after being copied.") self.assertEqual(task_1_copy.state, '01_in_progress', "The task_1_copy should have a state of 'in progress'.") def test_duplicate_task_state_retention_with_open_dependencies(self): self.project_pigs.allow_task_dependencies = True self.task_1.depend_on_ids = self.task_2 self.task_2.write({'state': '01_in_progress'}) task_1_copy = self.task_1.copy() self.assertEqual(self.task_1.state, '04_waiting_normal') self.assertEqual(task_1_copy.state, '04_waiting_normal') def test_task_created_in_waiting_stage_gets_in_progress_state(self): """ Test that when a new task is created in the "Waiting" state (by grouping by state in Kanban view), it gets the state "In Progress" by default. """ project_pigs = self.env['project.project'].search([('name', '=', 'Pigs')]) task = self.env['project.task'].with_context({ 'default_state': '04_waiting_normal', }).create({ 'name': 'Task initially waiting state', 'project_id': project_pigs.id, }) self.assertEqual(task.state, '01_in_progress', "The task should be in progress")