# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import difflib import logging import time from markupsafe import Markup from odoo import api, fields, models, Command, _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TOLERANCE = 0.02 # tolerance applied to the total when searching for a matching purchase order class AccountMove(models.Model): _inherit = 'account.move' purchase_vendor_bill_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.bill.union', store=False, readonly=False, string='Auto-complete', help="Auto-complete from a past bill / purchase order.") purchase_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.order', store=False, readonly=False, string='Purchase Order', help="Auto-complete from a past purchase order.") purchase_order_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_origin_po_count", string='Purchase Order Count') purchase_order_name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_purchase_order_name') is_purchase_matched = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_purchase_matched') # 0: PO not required or partially linked. 1: All lines linked def _get_invoice_reference(self): self.ensure_one() vendor_refs = [ref for ref in set(self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('purchase_line_id.order_id.partner_ref')) if ref] if self.ref: return [ref for ref in self.ref.split(', ') if ref and ref not in vendor_refs] + vendor_refs return vendor_refs @api.onchange('purchase_vendor_bill_id', 'purchase_id') def _onchange_purchase_auto_complete(self): r''' Load from either an old purchase order, either an old vendor bill. When setting a 'purchase.bill.union' in 'purchase_vendor_bill_id': * If it's a vendor bill, 'invoice_vendor_bill_id' is set and the loading is done by '_onchange_invoice_vendor_bill'. * If it's a purchase order, 'purchase_id' is set and this method will load lines. /!\ All this not-stored fields must be empty at the end of this function. ''' if self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.vendor_bill_id: self.invoice_vendor_bill_id = self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.vendor_bill_id self._onchange_invoice_vendor_bill() elif self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.purchase_order_id: self.purchase_id = self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.purchase_order_id self.purchase_vendor_bill_id = False if not self.purchase_id: return # Copy data from PO invoice_vals = self.purchase_id.with_company(self.purchase_id.company_id)._prepare_invoice() has_invoice_lines = bool(self.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.display_type not in ('line_note', 'line_section'))) new_currency_id = self.currency_id if has_invoice_lines else invoice_vals.get('currency_id') del invoice_vals['ref'], invoice_vals['payment_reference'] del invoice_vals['company_id'] # avoid recomputing the currency if self.move_type == invoice_vals['move_type']: del invoice_vals['move_type'] # no need to be updated if it's same value, to avoid recomputes self.update(invoice_vals) self.currency_id = new_currency_id # Copy purchase lines. po_lines = self.purchase_id.order_line - self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('purchase_line_id') self._add_purchase_order_lines(po_lines) # Compute invoice_origin. origins = set(self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('purchase_line_id.order_id.name')) self.invoice_origin = ','.join(list(origins)) # Compute ref. refs = self._get_invoice_reference() self.ref = ', '.join(refs) # Compute payment_reference. if not self.payment_reference: if len(refs) == 1: self.payment_reference = refs[0] elif len(refs) > 1: self.payment_reference = refs[-1] # Copy company_id (only changes if the id is of a child company (branch)) if self.company_id != self.purchase_id.company_id: self.company_id = self.purchase_id.company_id self.purchase_id = False @api.onchange('partner_id', 'company_id') def _onchange_partner_id(self): res = super(AccountMove, self)._onchange_partner_id() currency_id = ( self.partner_id.property_purchase_currency_id or self.env['res.currency'].browse(self.env.context.get("default_currency_id")) or self.currency_id ) if self.partner_id and self.move_type in ['in_invoice', 'in_refund'] and self.currency_id != currency_id: if not self.env.context.get('default_journal_id'): journal_domain = [ *self.env['account.journal']._check_company_domain(self.company_id), ('type', '=', 'purchase'), ('currency_id', '=', currency_id.id), ] default_journal_id = self.env['account.journal'].search(journal_domain, limit=1) if default_journal_id: self.journal_id = default_journal_id self.currency_id = currency_id return res @api.depends('line_ids.purchase_line_id') def _compute_is_purchase_matched(self): for move in self: if any(il.display_type == 'product' and not bool(il.purchase_line_id) for il in move.invoice_line_ids): move.is_purchase_matched = False continue move.is_purchase_matched = True @api.depends('line_ids.purchase_line_id') def _compute_origin_po_count(self): for move in self: move.purchase_order_count = len(move.line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id) @api.depends('purchase_order_count') def _compute_purchase_order_name(self): for move in self: if move.purchase_order_count == 1: move.purchase_order_name = move.invoice_line_ids.purchase_order_id.display_name else: move.purchase_order_name = False def action_purchase_matching(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'name': _("Purchase Matching"), 'res_model': 'purchase.bill.line.match', 'domain': [ ('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id), ('company_id', 'in', self.env.company.ids), ('account_move_id', 'in', [self.id, False]), ], 'views': [(self.env.ref('purchase.purchase_bill_line_match_tree').id, 'list')], } def action_view_source_purchase_orders(self): self.ensure_one() source_orders = self.line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id result = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('purchase.purchase_form_action') if len(source_orders) > 1: result['domain'] = [('id', 'in', source_orders.ids)] elif len(source_orders) == 1: result['views'] = [(self.env.ref('purchase.purchase_order_form', False).id, 'form')] result['res_id'] = source_orders.id else: result = {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} return result @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): # OVERRIDE moves = super(AccountMove, self).create(vals_list) for move in moves: if move.reversed_entry_id: continue purchases = move.line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id if not purchases: continue refs = [purchase._get_html_link() for purchase in purchases] message = _("This vendor bill has been created from: ") + Markup(',').join(refs) move.message_post(body=message) return moves def write(self, vals): # OVERRIDE old_purchases = [move.mapped('line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id') for move in self] res = super(AccountMove, self).write(vals) for i, move in enumerate(self): new_purchases = move.mapped('line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id') if not new_purchases: continue diff_purchases = new_purchases - old_purchases[i] if diff_purchases: refs = [purchase._get_html_link() for purchase in diff_purchases] message = _("This vendor bill has been modified from: ") + Markup(',').join(refs) move.message_post(body=message) return res def _add_purchase_order_lines(self, purchase_order_lines): """ Creates new invoice lines from purchase order lines """ self.ensure_one() new_line_ids = self.env['account.move.line'] for po_line in purchase_order_lines: new_line_values = po_line._prepare_account_move_line(self) new_line_ids += self.env['account.move.line'].new(new_line_values) self.invoice_line_ids += new_line_ids def _find_matching_subset_po_lines(self, po_lines_with_amount, goal_total, timeout): """Finds the purchase order lines adding up to the goal amount. The problem of finding the subset of `po_lines_with_amount` which sums up to `goal_total` reduces to the 0-1 Knapsack problem. The dynamic programming approach to solve this problem is most of the time slower than this because identical sub-problems don't arise often enough. It returns the list of purchase order lines which sum up to `goal_total` or an empty list if multiple or no solutions were found. :param po_lines_with_amount: a dict (str: float|recordset) containing: * line: an `purchase.order.line` * amount_to_invoice: the remaining amount to be invoiced of the line :param goal_total: the total amount to match with a subset of purchase order lines :param timeout: the max time the line matching algorithm can take before timing out :return: list of `purchase.order.line` whose remaining sum matches `goal_total` """ def find_matching_subset_po_lines(lines, goal): if time.time() - start_time > timeout: raise TimeoutError solutions = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line['amount_to_invoice'] < goal - TOLERANCE: # The amount to invoice of the current purchase order line is less than the amount we still need on # the vendor bill. # We try finding purchase order lines that match the remaining vendor bill amount minus the amount # to invoice of the current purchase order line. We only look in the purchase order lines that we # haven't passed yet. sub_solutions = find_matching_subset_po_lines(lines[i + 1:], goal - line['amount_to_invoice']) # We add all possible sub-solutions' purchase order lines in a tuple together with our current # purchase order line. solutions.extend((line['line'], *solution) for solution in sub_solutions) elif goal - TOLERANCE <= line['amount_to_invoice'] <= goal + TOLERANCE: # The amount to invoice of the current purchase order line matches the remaining vendor bill amount. # We add this purchase order line to our list of solutions. solutions.append([line['line']]) if len(solutions) > 1: # More than one solution was found. We can't know for sure which is the correct one, so we don't # return any solution. return [] return solutions start_time = time.time() try: subsets = find_matching_subset_po_lines( sorted(po_lines_with_amount, key=lambda line: line['amount_to_invoice'], reverse=True), goal_total ) return subsets[0] if subsets else [] except TimeoutError: _logger.warning("Timed out during search of a matching subset of purchase order lines") return [] def _find_matching_po_and_inv_lines(self, po_lines, inv_lines, timeout): """Finds purchase order lines that match some of the invoice lines. We try to find a purchase order line for every invoice line matching on the unit price and having at least the same quantity to invoice. :param po_lines: list of purchase order lines that can be matched :param inv_lines: list of invoice lines to be matched :param timeout: how long this function can run before we consider it too long :return: a tuple (list, list) containing: * matched 'purchase.order.line' * tuple of purchase order line ids and their matched 'account.move.line' """ # Sort the invoice lines by unit price and quantity to speed up matching invoice_lines = sorted(inv_lines, key=lambda line: (line.price_unit, line.quantity), reverse=True) # Sort the purchase order lines by unit price and remaining quantity to speed up matching purchase_lines = sorted( po_lines, key=lambda line: (line.price_unit, line.product_qty - line.qty_invoiced), reverse=True ) matched_po_lines = [] matched_inv_lines = [] try: start_time = time.time() for invoice_line in invoice_lines: # There are no purchase order lines left. We are done matching. if not purchase_lines: break # A dict of purchase lines mapping to a diff score for the name purchase_line_candidates = {} for purchase_line in purchase_lines: if time.time() - start_time > timeout: raise TimeoutError # The lists are sorted by unit price descendingly. # When the unit price of the purchase line is lower than the unit price of the invoice line, # we cannot get a match anymore. if purchase_line.price_unit < invoice_line.price_unit: break if (invoice_line.price_unit == purchase_line.price_unit and invoice_line.quantity <= purchase_line.product_qty - purchase_line.qty_invoiced): # The current purchase line is a possible match for the current invoice line. # We calculate the name match ratio and continue with other possible matches. # # We could match on more fields coming from an EDI invoice, but that requires extending the # account.move.line model with the extra matching fields and extending the EDI extraction # logic to fill these new fields. purchase_line_candidates[purchase_line] = difflib.SequenceMatcher( None, invoice_line.name, purchase_line.name).ratio() if len(purchase_line_candidates) > 0: # We take the best match based on the name. purchase_line_match = max(purchase_line_candidates, key=purchase_line_candidates.get) if purchase_line_match: # We found a match. We remove the purchase order line so it does not get matched twice. purchase_lines.remove(purchase_line_match) matched_po_lines.append(purchase_line_match) matched_inv_lines.append((purchase_line_match.id, invoice_line)) return (matched_po_lines, matched_inv_lines) except TimeoutError: _logger.warning('Timed out during search of matching purchase order lines') return ([], []) def _set_purchase_orders(self, purchase_orders, force_write=True): """Link the given purchase orders to this vendor bill and add their lines as invoice lines. :param purchase_orders: a list of purchase orders to be linked to this vendor bill :param force_write: whether to delete all existing invoice lines before adding the vendor bill lines """ with self.env.cr.savepoint(): with self._get_edi_creation() as invoice: if force_write and invoice.line_ids: invoice.invoice_line_ids = [Command.clear()] for purchase_order in purchase_orders: invoice.invoice_line_ids = [Command.create({ 'display_type': 'line_section', 'name': _('From %s', purchase_order.name) })] invoice.purchase_id = purchase_order invoice._onchange_purchase_auto_complete() def _match_purchase_orders(self, po_references, partner_id, amount_total, from_ocr, timeout): """Tries to match open purchase order lines with this invoice given the information we have. :param po_references: a list of potential purchase order references/names :param partner_id: the vendor id inferred from the vendor bill :param amount_total: the total amount of the vendor bill :param from_ocr: indicates whether this vendor bill was created from an OCR scan (less reliable) :param timeout: the max time the line matching algorithm can take before timing out :return: tuple (str, recordset, dict) containing: * the match method: * `total_match`: purchase order reference(s) and total amounts match perfectly * `subset_total_match`: a subset of the referenced purchase orders' lines matches the total amount of this invoice (OCR only) * `po_match`: only the purchase order reference matches (OCR only) * `subset_match`: a subset of the referenced purchase orders' lines matches a subset of the invoice lines based on unit prices (EDI only) * `no_match`: no result found * recordset of `purchase.order.line` containing purchase order lines matched with an invoice line * list of tuple containing every `purchase.order.line` id and its related `account.move.line` """ common_domain = [ ('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id), ('state', 'in', ('purchase', 'done')), ('invoice_status', 'in', ('to invoice', 'no')) ] matching_purchase_orders = self.env['purchase.order'] # We have purchase order references in our vendor bill and a total amount. if po_references and amount_total: # We first try looking for purchase orders whose names match one of the purchase order references in the # vendor bill. matching_purchase_orders |= self.env['purchase.order'].search( common_domain + [('name', 'in', po_references)]) if not matching_purchase_orders: # If not found, we try looking for purchase orders whose `partner_ref` field matches one of the # purchase order references in the vendor bill. matching_purchase_orders |= self.env['purchase.order'].search( common_domain + [('partner_ref', 'in', po_references)]) if matching_purchase_orders: # We found matching purchase orders and are extracting all purchase order lines together with their # amounts still to be invoiced. po_lines = [line for line in matching_purchase_orders.order_line if line.product_qty] po_lines_with_amount = [{ 'line': line, 'amount_to_invoice': (1 - line.qty_invoiced / line.product_qty) * line.price_total, } for line in po_lines] # If the sum of all remaining amounts to be invoiced for these purchase orders' lines is within a # tolerance from the vendor bill total, we have a total match. We return all purchase order lines # summing up to this vendor bill's total (could be from multiple purchase orders). if (amount_total - TOLERANCE < sum(line['amount_to_invoice'] for line in po_lines_with_amount) < amount_total + TOLERANCE): return 'total_match', matching_purchase_orders.order_line, None elif from_ocr: # The invoice comes from an OCR scan. # We try to match the invoice total with purchase order lines. matching_po_lines = self._find_matching_subset_po_lines( po_lines_with_amount, amount_total, timeout) if matching_po_lines: return 'subset_total_match', self.env['purchase.order.line'].union(*matching_po_lines), None else: # We did not find a match for the invoice total. # We return all purchase order lines based only on the purchase order reference(s) in the # vendor bill. return 'po_match', matching_purchase_orders.order_line, None else: # We have an invoice from an EDI document, so we try to match individual invoice lines with # individual purchase order lines from referenced purchase orders. matching_po_lines, matching_inv_lines = self._find_matching_po_and_inv_lines( po_lines, self.line_ids, timeout) if matching_po_lines: # We found a subset of purchase order lines that match a subset of the vendor bill lines. # We return the matching purchase order lines and vendor bill lines. return ('subset_match', self.env['purchase.order.line'].union(*matching_po_lines), matching_inv_lines) # As a last resort we try matching a purchase order by vendor and total amount. if partner_id and amount_total: purchase_id_domain = common_domain + [ ('partner_id', 'child_of', [partner_id]), ('amount_total', '>=', amount_total - TOLERANCE), ('amount_total', '<=', amount_total + TOLERANCE) ] matching_purchase_orders = self.env['purchase.order'].search(purchase_id_domain) if len(matching_purchase_orders) == 1: # We found exactly one match on vendor and total amount (within tolerance). # We return all purchase order lines of the purchase order whose total amount matched our vendor bill. return 'total_match', matching_purchase_orders.order_line, None # We couldn't find anything, so we return no lines. return ('no_match', matching_purchase_orders.order_line, None) def _find_and_set_purchase_orders(self, po_references, partner_id, amount_total, from_ocr=False, timeout=10): """Finds related purchase orders that (partially) match the vendor bill and links the matching lines on this vendor bill. :param po_references: a list of potential purchase order references/names :param partner_id: the vendor id matched on the vendor bill :param amount_total: the total amount of the vendor bill :param from_ocr: indicates whether this vendor bill was created from an OCR scan (less reliable) :param timeout: the max time the line matching algorithm can take before timing out """ self.ensure_one() method, matched_po_lines, matched_inv_lines = self._match_purchase_orders( po_references, partner_id, amount_total, from_ocr, timeout ) if method in ('total_match', 'po_match'): # The purchase order reference(s) and total amounts match perfectly or there is only one purchase order # reference that matches with an OCR invoice. We replace the invoice lines with the purchase order lines. self._set_purchase_orders(matched_po_lines.order_id, force_write=True) elif method == 'subset_total_match': # A subset of the referenced purchase order lines matches the total amount of this invoice. # We keep the invoice lines, but add all the lines from the partially matched purchase orders: # * "naively" matched purchase order lines keep their quantity # * unmatched purchase order lines are added with their quantity set to 0 self._set_purchase_orders(matched_po_lines.order_id, force_write=False) with self._get_edi_creation() as invoice: unmatched_lines = invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered( lambda l: l.purchase_line_id and l.purchase_line_id not in matched_po_lines) invoice.invoice_line_ids = [Command.update(line.id, {'quantity': 0}) for line in unmatched_lines] elif method == 'subset_match': # A subset of the referenced purchase order lines matches a subset of the invoice lines. # We add the purchase order lines, but adjust the quantity to the quantities in the invoice. # The original invoice lines that correspond with a purchase order line are removed. self._set_purchase_orders(matched_po_lines.order_id, force_write=False) with self._get_edi_creation() as invoice: unmatched_lines = invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered( lambda l: l.purchase_line_id and l.purchase_line_id not in matched_po_lines) invoice.invoice_line_ids = [Command.delete(line.id) for line in unmatched_lines] # We remove the original matched invoice lines and apply their quantities and taxes to the matched # purchase order lines. inv_and_po_lines = list(map(lambda line: ( invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered( lambda l: l.purchase_line_id and l.purchase_line_id.id == line[0]), invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered( lambda l: l in line[1]) ), matched_inv_lines )) invoice.invoice_line_ids = [ Command.update(po_line.id, {'quantity': inv_line.quantity, 'tax_ids': inv_line.tax_ids}) for po_line, inv_line in inv_and_po_lines ] invoice.invoice_line_ids = [Command.delete(inv_line.id) for dummy, inv_line in inv_and_po_lines] # If there are lines left not linked to a purchase order, we add a header unmatched_lines = invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: not l.purchase_line_id) if len(unmatched_lines) > 0: invoice.invoice_line_ids = [Command.create({ 'display_type': 'line_section', 'name': _('From Electronic Document'), 'sequence': -1, })] class AccountMoveLine(models.Model): """ Override AccountInvoice_line to add the link to the purchase order line it is related to""" _inherit = 'account.move.line' is_downpayment = fields.Boolean() purchase_line_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.order.line', 'Purchase Order Line', ondelete='set null', index='btree_not_null', copy=False) purchase_order_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.order', 'Purchase Order', related='purchase_line_id.order_id', readonly=True) def _copy_data_extend_business_fields(self, values): # OVERRIDE to copy the 'purchase_line_id' field as well. super(AccountMoveLine, self)._copy_data_extend_business_fields(values) values['purchase_line_id'] = self.purchase_line_id.id def _prepare_line_values_for_purchase(self): return [ { 'product_id': line.product_id.id, 'product_qty': line.quantity, 'product_uom': line.product_uom_id.id, 'price_unit': line.price_unit, 'discount': line.discount, } for line in self ]