# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import werkzeug from odoo import http from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools.translate import _ from odoo.tools.misc import get_lang _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAPPED_RATES = { 1: 1, 5: 3, 10: 5, } class Rating(http.Controller): @http.route('/rate//', type='http', auth="public", website=True) def action_open_rating(self, token, rate, **kwargs): if rate not in (1, 3, 5): raise ValueError(_("Incorrect rating: should be 1, 3 or 5 (received %d)"), rate) # This route used to allow sending a rating with a GET, the # feature proved incompatible with various email provider URL crawlers and # has been removed. rating, record_sudo = self._get_rating_and_record(token) if not request.env.user._is_public() and \ request.env.user.partner_id.commercial_partner_id != rating.partner_id.commercial_partner_id: return request.render('rating.rating_external_page_invalid_partner', { 'model_name': request.env['ir.model']._get(rating.res_model).display_name, 'name': record_sudo.display_name, 'web_base_url': rating.get_base_url(), }) lang = rating.partner_id.lang or get_lang(request.env).code return request.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(lang=lang)._render_template('rating.rating_external_page_submit', { 'rating': rating, 'token': token, 'rate_names': { 5: _("Satisfied"), 3: _("Okay"), 1: _("Dissatisfied"), }, 'rate': rate, }) @http.route(['/rate//submit_feedback'], type="http", auth="public", methods=['post', 'get'], website=True) def action_submit_rating(self, token, rate=0, **kwargs): rating, record_sudo = self._get_rating_and_record(token) if request.httprequest.method == "POST": rate = int(rate) if rate not in (1, 3, 5): raise ValueError(_("Incorrect rating: should be 1, 3 or 5 (received %d)"), rate) record_sudo.rating_apply( rate, rating=rating, feedback=kwargs.get('feedback'), subtype_xmlid=None, # force default subtype choice ) lang = rating.partner_id.lang or get_lang(request.env).code return request.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(lang=lang)._render_template('rating.rating_external_page_view', { 'web_base_url': rating.get_base_url(), 'rating': rating, }) def _get_rating_and_record(self, token): rating_sudo = request.env['rating.rating'].sudo().search([('access_token', '=', token)]) if not rating_sudo: raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound() record_sudo = request.env[rating_sudo.res_model].sudo().browse(rating_sudo.res_id) if not record_sudo.exists(): raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound() return rating_sudo, record_sudo