# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tools import SQL class CrmTeam(models.Model): _inherit = 'crm.team' invoiced = fields.Float( compute='_compute_invoiced', string='Invoiced This Month', readonly=True, help="Invoice revenue for the current month. This is the amount the sales " "channel has invoiced this month. It is used to compute the progression ratio " "of the current and target revenue on the kanban view.") invoiced_target = fields.Float( string='Invoicing Target', help="Revenue Target for the current month (untaxed total of paid invoices).") quotations_count = fields.Integer( compute='_compute_quotations_to_invoice', string='Number of quotations to invoice', readonly=True) quotations_amount = fields.Float( compute='_compute_quotations_to_invoice', string='Amount of quotations to invoice', readonly=True) sales_to_invoice_count = fields.Integer( compute='_compute_sales_to_invoice', string='Number of sales to invoice', readonly=True) sale_order_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_sale_order_count', string='# Sale Orders') def _compute_quotations_to_invoice(self): query = self.env['sale.order']._where_calc([ ('team_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'sent']), ]) self.env['sale.order']._apply_ir_rules(query, 'read') select_sql = SQL(""" SELECT team_id, count(*), sum(amount_total / CASE COALESCE(currency_rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN 1.0 ELSE currency_rate END ) as amount_total FROM sale_order WHERE %s GROUP BY team_id """, query.where_clause or SQL("TRUE")) self.env.cr.execute(select_sql) quotation_data = self.env.cr.dictfetchall() teams = self.browse() for datum in quotation_data: team = self.browse(datum['team_id']) team.quotations_amount = datum['amount_total'] team.quotations_count = datum['count'] teams |= team remaining = (self - teams) remaining.quotations_amount = 0 remaining.quotations_count = 0 def _compute_sales_to_invoice(self): sale_order_data = self.env['sale.order']._read_group([ ('team_id', 'in', self.ids), ('invoice_status','=','to invoice'), ], ['team_id'], ['__count']) data_map = {team.id: count for team, count in sale_order_data} for team in self: team.sales_to_invoice_count = data_map.get(team.id,0.0) def _compute_invoiced(self): if not self: return query = ''' SELECT move.team_id AS team_id, SUM(move.amount_untaxed_signed) AS amount_untaxed_signed FROM account_move move WHERE move.move_type IN ('out_invoice', 'out_refund', 'out_receipt') AND move.payment_state IN ('in_payment', 'paid', 'reversed') AND move.state = 'posted' AND move.team_id IN %s AND move.date BETWEEN %s AND %s GROUP BY move.team_id ''' today = fields.Date.today() params = [tuple(self.ids), fields.Date.to_string(today.replace(day=1)), fields.Date.to_string(today)] self._cr.execute(query, params) data_map = dict((v[0], v[1]) for v in self._cr.fetchall()) for team in self: team.invoiced = data_map.get(team.id, 0.0) def _compute_sale_order_count(self): sale_order_data = self.env['sale.order']._read_group([ ('team_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', '!=', 'cancel'), ], ['team_id'], ['__count']) data_map = {team.id: count for team, count in sale_order_data} for team in self: team.sale_order_count = data_map.get(team.id, 0) def _in_sale_scope(self): return self.env.context.get('in_sales_app') def _graph_get_model(self): if self._in_sale_scope(): return 'sale.report' return super()._graph_get_model() def _graph_date_column(self): if self._in_sale_scope(): return SQL('date') return super()._graph_date_column() def _graph_get_table(self, GraphModel): if self._in_sale_scope(): # For a team not shared between company, we make sure the amounts are expressed # in the currency of the team company and not converted to the current company currency, # as the amounts of the sale report are converted in the currency # of the current company (for multi-company reporting, see #83550) GraphModel = GraphModel.with_company(self.company_id) return SQL(f"({GraphModel._table_query}) AS {GraphModel._table}") return super()._graph_get_table(GraphModel) def _graph_y_query(self): if self._in_sale_scope(): return SQL('SUM(price_subtotal)') return super()._graph_y_query() def _extra_sql_conditions(self): if self._in_sale_scope(): return SQL("state = 'sale'") return super()._extra_sql_conditions() def _graph_title_and_key(self): if self._in_sale_scope(): return ['', _('Sales: Untaxed Total')] # no more title return super()._graph_title_and_key() def _compute_dashboard_button_name(self): super(CrmTeam,self)._compute_dashboard_button_name() if self._in_sale_scope(): self.dashboard_button_name = _("Sales Analysis") def action_primary_channel_button(self): if self._in_sale_scope(): return self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("sale.action_order_report_so_salesteam") return super().action_primary_channel_button() def update_invoiced_target(self, value): return self.write({'invoiced_target': round(float(value or 0))}) @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False) def _unlink_except_used_for_sales(self): """ If more than 5 active SOs, we consider this team to be actively used. 5 is some random guess based on "user testing", aka more than testing CRM feature and less than use it in real life use cases. """ SO_COUNT_TRIGGER = 5 for team in self: if team.sale_order_count >= SO_COUNT_TRIGGER: raise UserError( _('Team %(team_name)s has %(sale_order_count)s active sale orders. Consider cancelling them or archiving the team instead.', team_name=team.name, sale_order_count=team.sale_order_count ))