primary pie primary bar DESC Sales Analysis graph,pivot,list,form [('state', '!=', 'cancel')] {'search_default_Sales':1,'group_by':[], 'search_default_filter_order_date': 1} This report performs analysis on your quotations and sales orders. Analysis check your sales revenues and sort it by different group criteria (salesman, partner, product, etc.) Use this report to perform analysis on sales not having invoiced yet. If you want to analyse your turnover, you should use the Invoice Analysis report in the Accounting application. Sales Analysis By Salespersons graph,pivot {'search_default_User': 1, 'group_by': 'user_id', 'search_default_filter_order_date': 1} This report performs analysis on your quotations and sales orders. Analysis check your sales revenues and sort it by different group criteria (salesman, partner, product, etc.) Use this report to perform analysis on sales not having invoiced yet. If you want to analyse your turnover, you should use the Invoice Analysis report in the Accounting application. Sales Analysis By Products graph,pivot {'search_default_Sales': 1, 'search_default_Product': 1, 'group_by': 'product_id', 'search_default_filter_order_date': 1} This report performs analysis on your quotations and sales orders. Analysis check your sales revenues and sort it by different group criteria (salesman, partner, product, etc.) Use this report to perform analysis on sales not having invoiced yet. If you want to analyse your turnover, you should use the Invoice Analysis report in the Accounting application. Sales Analysis By Customers graph,pivot {'search_default_Customer': 1, 'group_by': 'partner_id', 'search_default_filter_order_date': 1} This report performs analysis on your quotations and sales orders. Analysis check your sales revenues and sort it by different group criteria (salesman, partner, product, etc.) Use this report to perform analysis on sales not having invoiced yet. If you want to analyse your turnover, you should use the Invoice Analysis report in the Accounting application. Sales Analysis list,pivot,graph,form Quotations Analysis graph,list [('state','=','draft'),('team_id', '=', active_id)] {'search_default_order_month':1} This report performs analysis on your quotations. Analysis check your sales revenues and sort it by different group criteria (salesman, partner, product, etc.) Use this report to perform analysis on sales not having invoiced yet. If you want to analyse your turnover, you should use the Invoice Analysis report in the Accounting application. Sales Analysis graph,list [('state','not in',('draft','cancel'))] { 'search_default_Sales': 1, 'search_default_filter_date': 1, 'search_default_team_id': [active_id]} This report performs analysis on your sales orders. Analysis check your sales revenues and sort it by different group criteria (salesman, partner, product, etc.) Use this report to perform analysis on sales not having invoiced yet. If you want to analyse your turnover, you should use the Invoice Analysis report in the Accounting application.