# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.addons.sale_timesheet.tests.common import TestCommonSaleTimesheet from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.tests import Form, tagged @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestProjectBilling(TestCommonSaleTimesheet): """ This test suite provide checks for miscellaneous small things. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() # set up cls.employee_tde = cls.env['hr.employee'].create({ 'name': 'Employee TDE', 'hourly_cost': 42, }) cls.partner_2 = cls.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'Customer from the South', 'email': 'customer.usd@south.com', 'property_account_payable_id': cls.company_data['default_account_payable'].id, 'property_account_receivable_id': cls.company_data['default_account_receivable'].id, }) # Sale Order 1, no project/task created, used to timesheet at employee rate SaleOrder = cls.env['sale.order'] SaleOrderLine = cls.env['sale.order.line'] cls.sale_order_1 = SaleOrder.create({ 'partner_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_invoice_id': cls.partner_a.id, 'partner_shipping_id': cls.partner_a.id, }) cls.so1_line_order_no_task = SaleOrderLine.create({ 'product_id': cls.product_order_timesheet1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 10, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_1.id, }) cls.so1_line_deliver_no_task = SaleOrderLine.create({ 'product_id': cls.product_delivery_timesheet1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 10, 'order_id': cls.sale_order_1.id, }) # Sale Order 2, creates 2 project billed at task rate cls.sale_order_2 = SaleOrder.create({ 'partner_id': cls.partner_2.id, 'partner_invoice_id': cls.partner_2.id, 'partner_shipping_id': cls.partner_2.id, }) cls.so2_line_deliver_project_task = SaleOrderLine.create({ 'order_id': cls.sale_order_2.id, 'product_id': cls.product_delivery_timesheet3.id, 'product_uom_qty': 5, }) cls.so2_line_deliver_project_template = SaleOrderLine.create({ 'order_id': cls.sale_order_2.id, 'product_id': cls.product_delivery_timesheet5.id, 'product_uom_qty': 7, }) cls.sale_order_2.action_confirm() cls.project_project_rate = cls.project_task_rate.copy({ 'name': 'Project with pricing_type="project_rate"', 'sale_order_id': cls.sale_order_1.id, 'sale_line_id': cls.so1_line_order_no_task.id, }) # FIXME: [XBO] since the both projects have a SOL than the pricing_type should not be task_rate ! cls.project_task_rate = cls.env['project.project'].search([('sale_line_id', '=', cls.so2_line_deliver_project_task.id)], limit=1) cls.project_task_rate2 = cls.env['project.project'].search([('sale_line_id', '=', cls.so2_line_deliver_project_template.id)], limit=1) cls.project_employee_rate = cls.project_task_rate.copy({ 'name': 'Project with pricing_type="employee_rate"', 'partner_id': cls.sale_order_1.partner_id.id, }) cls.project_employee_rate_manager = cls.env['project.sale.line.employee.map'].create({ 'project_id': cls.project_employee_rate.id, 'sale_line_id': cls.so1_line_order_no_task.id, 'employee_id': cls.employee_manager.id, }) cls.project_employee_rate_user = cls.env['project.sale.line.employee.map'].create({ 'project_id': cls.project_employee_rate.id, 'sale_line_id': cls.so1_line_deliver_no_task.id, 'employee_id': cls.employee_user.id, }) def test_billing_employee_rate(self): """ Check task and subtask creation, and timesheeting in a project billed at 'employee rate'. Then move the task into a 'task rate' project. """ Task = self.env['project.task'] Timesheet = self.env['account.analytic.line'] # create a task task = Task.with_context(default_project_id=self.project_employee_rate.id).create({ 'name': 'first task', 'partner_id': self.partner_a.id, }) self.assertTrue(task.allow_billable, "Task in project 'employee rate' should be billable") self.assertEqual(task.pricing_type, 'employee_rate', "Task in project 'employee rate' should be billed at employee rate") self.assertEqual(task.sale_line_id, self.project_employee_rate.sale_line_id, "Task created in a project billed on 'employee rate' should be linked to the SOL defined in the project.") self.assertEqual(task.partner_id, task.project_id.partner_id, "Task created in a project billed on 'employee rate' should have the same customer as the one from the project") task.write({'sale_line_id': False}) # remove the SOL to check if the timesheet has no SOL when there is no SOL in the task # log timesheet on task timesheet1 = Timesheet.create({ 'name': 'Test Line', 'project_id': task.project_id.id, 'task_id': task.id, 'unit_amount': 50, 'employee_id': self.employee_manager.id, }) self.assertFalse(timesheet1.so_line, "The timesheet should be not linked to the project of the map entry since no SOL in the linked task.") task.write({ 'sale_line_id': self.project_employee_rate_user.sale_line_id.id }) self.assertEqual(self.project_employee_rate_manager.sale_line_id, timesheet1.so_line, "The timesheet should be linked to the SOL associated to the Employee manager in the map") self.assertEqual(self.project_employee_rate_manager.project_id, timesheet1.project_id, "The timesheet should be linked to the project of the map entry") # create a subtask subtask = Task.create({ 'name': 'first subtask task', 'parent_id': task.id, 'project_id': self.project_subtask.id, }) self.assertFalse(subtask.allow_billable, "Subtask in non billable project should be non billable too") self.assertFalse(subtask.project_id.allow_billable, "The subtask project is non billable even if the subtask is") self.assertFalse(subtask.partner_id, "Subtask in non billable project should not have a customer") # log timesheet on subtask timesheet2 = Timesheet.create({ 'name': 'Test Line on subtask', 'project_id': subtask.project_id.id, 'task_id': subtask.id, 'unit_amount': 50, 'employee_id': self.employee_user.id, }) self.assertEqual(subtask.project_id, timesheet2.project_id, "The timesheet is in the subtask project") self.assertNotEqual(self.project_employee_rate_user.project_id, timesheet2.project_id, "The timesheet should not be linked to the billing project for the map") self.assertFalse(timesheet2.so_line, "The timesheet should not be linked to SOL as the task is in a non billable project") # move task into task rate project task.write({ 'project_id': self.project_task_rate.id, }) self.assertTrue(task.allow_billable, "Task in project 'task rate' should be billed at task rate") self.assertEqual(task.sale_line_id, self.so1_line_deliver_no_task, "The task should keep the same SOL since the partner_id has not changed when the project of the task has changed.") self.assertEqual(task.partner_id, self.partner_a, "Task created in a project billed on 'employee rate' should have the same customer when it has been created.") # the `subtask.sale_line_id` is consider to be recompute, # but the result differ after the write of project_id without depend on it task.flush_model(["sale_line_id"]) # move subtask into task rate project subtask.write({ 'project_id': self.project_task_rate2.id, }) self.assertTrue(subtask.allow_billable, "Subtask should keep the billable type from its parent, even when they are moved into another project") self.assertEqual(subtask.sale_line_id, task.sale_line_id, "Subtask should keep the same sale order line than their mother, even when they are moved into another project") # create a second task in employee rate project task2 = Task.with_context(default_project_id=self.project_employee_rate.id).create({ 'name': 'first task', 'partner_id': self.partner_a.id, }) # This needs to be done after creation because setting partner_id causes _get_last_sol_of_customer to recompute the sale_line_id task2.update({'sale_line_id': False}) # log timesheet on task in 'employee rate' project without any fallback (no map, no SOL on task, no SOL on project) timesheet3 = Timesheet.create({ 'name': 'Test Line', 'project_id': task2.project_id.id, 'task_id': task2.id, 'unit_amount': 3, 'employee_id': self.employee_tde.id, }) self.assertFalse(timesheet3.so_line, "The timesheet should not be linked to SOL as there is no fallback at all (no map, no SOL on task, no SOL on project)") # log timesheet on task in 'employee rate' project (no map, no SOL on task, but SOL on project) timesheet4 = Timesheet.create({ 'name': 'Test Line ', 'project_id': task2.project_id.id, 'task_id': task2.id, 'unit_amount': 4, 'employee_id': self.employee_tde.id, }) self.assertFalse(timesheet4.so_line, "The timesheet should not be linked to SOL, as no entry for TDE in project map") def test_billing_task_rate(self): """ Check task and subtask creation, and timesheeting in a project billed at 'task rate'. Then move the task into a 'employee rate' project then, 'non billable'. """ Task = self.env['project.task'] Timesheet = self.env['account.analytic.line'] # create a task task = Task.with_context(default_project_id=self.project_task_rate.id).create({ 'name': 'first task', }) self.assertEqual(task.sale_line_id, self.so2_line_deliver_project_task, "Task created in a project billed on 'task rate' should be linked to a SOL containing a prepaid service product and the remaining hours of this SOL should be greater than 0.") self.assertEqual(task.partner_id, task.project_id.partner_id, "Task created in a project billed on 'task rate' should have the same customer as the one from the project") # log timesheet on task timesheet1 = Timesheet.create({ 'name': 'Test Line', 'project_id': task.project_id.id, 'task_id': task.id, 'unit_amount': 50, 'employee_id': self.employee_manager.id, }) self.assertEqual(task.sale_line_id, timesheet1.so_line, "The timesheet should be linked to the SOL associated to the task since the pricing type of the project is task rate.") # create a subtask subtask = Task.with_context(default_project_id=self.project_task_rate.id).create({ 'name': 'first subtask task', 'parent_id': task.id, 'project_id': self.project_subtask.id, }) self.assertFalse(subtask.partner_id, "Subtask should not have the customer if it's project is not billable") # log timesheet on subtask timesheet2 = Timesheet.create({ 'name': 'Test Line on subtask', 'project_id': subtask.project_id.id, 'task_id': subtask.id, 'unit_amount': 50, 'employee_id': self.employee_user.id, }) self.assertEqual(subtask.project_id, timesheet2.project_id, "The timesheet is in the subtask project") self.assertFalse(timesheet2.so_line, "The timesheet should not be linked to SOL as it's a non billable project") # the `subtask.sale_line_id` is consider to be recompute, # but the result differ after the write of project_id task.flush_model(["sale_line_id"]) # move task and subtask into task rate project task.write({ 'project_id': self.project_employee_rate.id, }) subtask.write({ 'project_id': self.project_employee_rate.id, }) self.assertEqual(task.sale_line_id, self.project_task_rate.sale_line_id, "Task moved in a employee rate billable project should keep its SOL because the partner_id has not changed too.") self.assertEqual(task.partner_id, self.project_task_rate.partner_id, "Task created in a project billed on 'employee rate' should have the same customer as the one from its initial project.") self.assertEqual(subtask.sale_line_id, subtask.parent_id.sale_line_id, "Subtask moved in a employee rate billable project should have the SOL of its parent since it keep its partner_id and this partner is different than the one in the destination project.") self.assertEqual(subtask.partner_id, subtask.parent_id.partner_id, "Subtask moved in a project billed on 'employee rate' should keep its initial customer, that is the one of its parent.") def test_customer_change_in_project(self): """ Test when the user change the customer in a project Test Case: ========= 1) Take project with pricing_type="fixed_rate", change the existing customer to another and check if the SO and SOL are equal to False. 2) Take project with pricing_type="employee_rate", change the existing customer to another and check if the SO and SOL are equal to False. 2.1) Check if the SOL in mapping is also equal to False """ # 1) Take project with pricing_type="fixed_rate", change the existing customer to another and check if the SO and SOL are equal to False. self.project_project_rate.write({ 'partner_id': self.partner_2.id, }) self.assertFalse(self.project_project_rate.sale_order_id, "The SO in the project should be False because the previous SO customer does not match the actual customer of the project.") self.assertFalse(self.project_project_rate.sale_line_id, "The SOL in the project should be False because the previous SOL customer does not match the actual customer of the project.") self.assertEqual(self.project_project_rate.pricing_type, 'task_rate', 'Since there is no SO and SOL in the project, the pricing type should be task rate.') # 2) Take project with pricing_type="employee_rate", change the existing customer to another and check if the SO and SOL are equal to False. self.project_employee_rate.write({ 'partner_id': self.partner_2.id, }) self.assertFalse(self.project_employee_rate.sale_order_id, "The SO in the project should be False because the previous SO customer does not match the actual customer of the project.") self.assertFalse(self.project_employee_rate.sale_line_id, "The SOL in the project should be False because the previous SOL customer does not match the actual customer of the project.") # 2.1) Check if the SOL in mapping is also equal to False self.assertFalse(self.project_employee_rate_manager.sale_line_id, "The SOL in the mapping should be False because the actual customer in the project has not this SOL.") self.assertFalse(self.project_employee_rate_user.sale_line_id, "The SOL in the mapping should be False because the actual customer in the project has not this SOL.") self.assertEqual(self.project_employee_rate.pricing_type, 'employee_rate', 'Since the mappings have not been removed, the pricing type should remain the same, that is employee rate.') def test_project_form_view(self): """ Test if in the form view, the partner is correctly computed when the user adds a mapping Test Case: ========= 1) Use the Form class to create a project with a form view 2) Define a billable project 3) Create an employee mapping in this project 4) Check if the partner_id and pricing_type fields have been changed """ with Form(self.env['project.project']) as project_form: project_form.name = 'Test Billable Project' project_form.allow_billable = True # `sale_line_employee_ids` is not visible if `partner_id` is not set # As the behavior of the test is to check the partner on the project # is set to the partner of the order line, temporary make the field visible # even if it's not the case in the reality, in the web client # not allow_billable or not partner_id project_form._view['modifiers']['sale_line_employee_ids']['invisible'] = 'False' with project_form.sale_line_employee_ids.new() as mapping_form: mapping_form.employee_id = self.employee_manager mapping_form.sale_line_id = self.so.order_line[:1] self.assertEqual(project_form.partner_id, self.so.partner_id, 'The partner should be the one defined the SO linked to the SOL defined in the mapping.') project = project_form.save() self.assertEqual(project.pricing_type, 'employee_rate', 'Since there is a mapping in this project, the pricing type should be employee rate.')