# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, models, _ from odoo.tools import format_datetime from markupsafe import Markup rec = 0 def autoIncrement(): global rec pStart = 1 pInterval = 1 if rec == 0: rec = pStart else: rec += pInterval return rec class MrpStockReport(models.TransientModel): _name = 'stock.traceability.report' _description = 'Traceability Report' @api.model def _get_move_lines(self, move_lines, line_id=None): lines_seen = move_lines lines_todo = list(move_lines) while lines_todo: move_line = lines_todo.pop(0) # if MTO if move_line.move_id.move_orig_ids: lines = move_line.move_id.move_orig_ids.mapped('move_line_ids').filtered( lambda m: m.lot_id == move_line.lot_id and m.state == 'done' ) - lines_seen # if MTS elif move_line.location_id.usage in ('internal', 'transit'): lines = self.env['stock.move.line'].search([ ('product_id', '=', move_line.product_id.id), ('lot_id', '=', move_line.lot_id.id), ('location_dest_id', '=', move_line.location_id.id), ('id', 'not in', lines_seen.ids), ('date', '<=', move_line.date), ('state', '=', 'done') ]) else: continue if line_id is None or line_id in lines.ids: lines_todo += list(lines) lines_seen |= lines return lines_seen - move_lines @api.model def get_lines(self, line_id=False, **kw): context = dict(self.env.context) model = kw and kw['model_name'] or context.get('model') rec_id = kw and kw['model_id'] or context.get('active_id') level = kw and kw['level'] or 1 lines = self.env['stock.move.line'] move_line = self.env['stock.move.line'] if rec_id and model == 'stock.lot': lines = move_line.search([ ('lot_id', '=', context.get('lot_name') or rec_id), ('state', '=', 'done'), ]) elif rec_id and model == 'stock.move.line' and context.get('lot_name'): record = self.env[model].browse(rec_id) dummy, is_used = self._get_linked_move_lines(record) if is_used: lines = is_used elif rec_id and model in ('stock.picking', 'mrp.production'): record = self.env[model].browse(rec_id) if model == 'stock.picking': lines = record.move_ids.move_line_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.lot_id and m.state == 'done') else: lines = record.move_finished_ids.mapped('move_line_ids').filtered(lambda m: m.state == 'done') move_line_vals = self._lines(line_id, model_id=rec_id, model=model, level=level, move_lines=lines) final_vals = sorted(move_line_vals, key=lambda v: v['date'], reverse=True) lines = self._final_vals_to_lines(final_vals, level) return lines @api.model def _get_reference(self, move_line): res_model = '' ref = '' res_id = False picking_id = move_line.picking_id or move_line.move_id.picking_id if picking_id: res_model = 'stock.picking' res_id = picking_id.id ref = picking_id.name elif move_line.move_id.is_inventory: res_model = 'stock.move' res_id = move_line.move_id.id ref = 'Inventory Adjustment' elif move_line.move_id.scrapped and move_line.move_id.scrap_id: res_model = 'stock.scrap' res_id = move_line.move_id.scrap_id.id ref = move_line.move_id.scrap_id.name return res_model, res_id, ref @api.model def _quantity_to_str(self, from_uom, to_uom, qty): """ workaround to apply the float rounding logic of t-esc on data prepared server side """ qty = from_uom._compute_quantity(qty, to_uom, rounding_method='HALF-UP') return self.env['ir.qweb.field.float'].value_to_html(qty, {'decimal_precision': 'Product Unit of Measure'}) def _get_usage(self, move_line): usage = '' if (move_line.location_id.usage == 'internal') and (move_line.location_dest_id.usage == 'internal'): usage = 'internal' elif (move_line.location_id.usage != 'internal') and (move_line.location_dest_id.usage == 'internal'): usage = 'in' else: usage = 'out' return usage def _make_dict_move(self, level, parent_id, move_line, unfoldable=False): res_model, res_id, ref = self._get_reference(move_line) dummy, is_used = self._get_linked_move_lines(move_line) data = [{ 'level': level, 'unfoldable': unfoldable, 'date': move_line.move_id.date, 'parent_id': parent_id, 'is_used': bool(is_used), 'usage': self._get_usage(move_line), 'model_id': move_line.id, 'model': 'stock.move.line', 'product_id': move_line.product_id.display_name, 'product_qty_uom': "%s %s" % (self._quantity_to_str(move_line.product_uom_id, move_line.product_id.uom_id, move_line.quantity), move_line.product_id.uom_id.name), 'lot_name': move_line.lot_id.name, 'lot_id': move_line.lot_id.id, 'location_source': move_line.location_id.name, 'location_destination': move_line.location_dest_id.name, 'reference_id': ref, 'res_id': res_id, 'res_model': res_model}] return data @api.model def _final_vals_to_lines(self, final_vals, level): lines = [] for data in final_vals: lines.append({ 'id': autoIncrement(), 'model': data['model'], 'model_id': data['model_id'], 'parent_id': data['parent_id'], 'usage': data.get('usage', False), 'is_used': data.get('is_used', False), 'lot_name': data.get('lot_name', False), 'lot_id': data.get('lot_id', False), 'reference': data.get('reference_id', False), 'res_id': data.get('res_id', False), 'res_model': data.get('res_model', False), 'columns': [data.get('reference_id', False), data.get('product_id', False), format_datetime(self.env, data.get('date', False), tz=False, dt_format=False), data.get('lot_name', False), data.get('location_source', False), data.get('location_destination', False), data.get('product_qty_uom', 0)], 'level': level, 'unfoldable': data['unfoldable'], }) return lines def _get_linked_move_lines(self, move_line): """ This method will return the consumed line or produced line for this operation.""" return False, False @api.model def _lines(self, line_id=False, model_id=False, model=False, level=0, move_lines=None, **kw): final_vals = [] lines = move_lines or [] if model and line_id: move_line = self.env[model].browse(model_id) move_lines, is_used = self._get_linked_move_lines(move_line) if move_lines: lines = move_lines else: # Traceability in case of consumed in. lines = self._get_move_lines(move_line, line_id=line_id) for line in lines: unfoldable = False if line.consume_line_ids or (model != "stock.lot" and line.lot_id and self._get_move_lines(line)): unfoldable = True final_vals += self._make_dict_move(level, parent_id=line_id, move_line=line, unfoldable=unfoldable) return final_vals def get_pdf_lines(self, line_data=[]): lines = [] for line in line_data: model = self.env[line['model_name']].browse(line['model_id']) unfoldable = False if line.get('unfoldable'): unfoldable = True final_vals = self._make_dict_move(line['level'], parent_id=line['id'], move_line=model, unfoldable=unfoldable) lines.append(self._final_vals_to_lines(final_vals, line['level'])[0]) return lines def get_pdf(self, line_data=None): line_data = [] if line_data is None else line_data lines = self.with_context(print_mode=True).get_pdf_lines(line_data) base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url') rcontext = { 'mode': 'print', 'base_url': base_url, } context = dict(self.env.context) if context.get('active_id') and context.get('active_model'): rcontext['reference'] = self.env[context.get('active_model')].browse(int(context.get('active_id'))).display_name body = self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(context)._render_template( "stock.report_stock_inventory_print", values=dict(rcontext, lines=lines, report=self, context=self), ) header = self.env['ir.actions.report']._render_template("web.internal_layout", values=rcontext) header = self.env['ir.actions.report']._render_template("web.minimal_layout", values=dict(rcontext, subst=True, body=Markup(header.decode()))) return self.env['ir.actions.report']._run_wkhtmltopdf( [body], header=header.decode(), landscape=True, specific_paperformat_args={'data-report-margin-top': 17, 'data-report-header-spacing': 12} ) def _get_main_lines(self): context = dict(self.env.context) return self.with_context(context).get_lines() @api.model def get_main_lines(self, given_context=None): res = self.search([('create_uid', '=', self.env.uid)], limit=1) if not res: return self.create({}).with_context(given_context)._get_main_lines() return res.with_context(given_context)._get_main_lines()