stock.production.lot.form stock.lot 10
stock.production.lot.list stock.lot stock.production.lot.kanban stock.lot Production Lots Filter stock.lot Lots / Serial Numbers stock.lot lots {'search_default_group_by_location': True, 'display_complete': True} ['|', ('location_id', '=', False), ('location_id.company_id', 'in', allowed_company_ids + [False])]

Add a lot/serial number

Lots/Serial numbers help you tracking the path followed by your products. From their traceability report you will see the full history of their use, as well as their composition.

Lots/Serial Numbers stock.lot {'search_default_group_by_product': 1, 'display_complete': True, 'default_company_id': allowed_company_ids[0]} ['|', ('location_id', '=', False), ('location_id.company_id', 'in', allowed_company_ids + [False])]

Add a lot/serial number

Lots/Serial numbers help you tracking the path followed by your products. From their traceability report you will see the full history of their use, as well as their composition.