# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import csv import datetime import functools import io import itertools import json import logging import operator from collections import OrderedDict from werkzeug.exceptions import InternalServerError from odoo import http from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.http import content_disposition, request from odoo.tools import lazy_property, osutil from odoo.tools.misc import xlsxwriter _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def none_values_filtered(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrap(iterable): return func(v for v in iterable if v is not None) return wrap def allow_empty_iterable(func): """ Some functions do not accept empty iterables (e.g. max, min with no default value) This returns the function `func` such that it returns None if the iterable is empty instead of raising a ValueError. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrap(iterable): iterator = iter(iterable) try: value = next(iterator) return func(itertools.chain([value], iterator)) except StopIteration: return None return wrap OPERATOR_MAPPING = { 'max': none_values_filtered(allow_empty_iterable(max)), 'min': none_values_filtered(allow_empty_iterable(min)), 'sum': sum, 'bool_and': all, 'bool_or': any, } class GroupsTreeNode: """ This class builds an ordered tree of groups from the result of a `read_group(lazy=False)`. The `read_group` returns a list of dictionnaries and each dictionnary is used to build a leaf. The entire tree is built by inserting all leaves. """ def __init__(self, model, fields, groupby, groupby_type, read_context): self._model = model self._export_field_names = fields # exported field names (e.g. 'journal_id', 'account_id/name', ...) self._groupby = groupby self._groupby_type = groupby_type self._read_context = read_context self.count = 0 # Total number of records in the subtree self.children = OrderedDict() self.data = [] # Only leaf nodes have data def _get_aggregate(self, field_name, data, aggregator): # When exporting one2many fields, multiple data lines might be exported for one record. # Blank cells of additionnal lines are filled with an empty string. This could lead to '' being # aggregated with an integer or float. data = (value for value in data if value != '') if aggregator == 'avg': return self._get_avg_aggregate(field_name, data) aggregate_func = OPERATOR_MAPPING.get(aggregator) if not aggregate_func: _logger.warning("Unsupported export of aggregator '%s' for field %s on model %s", aggregator, field_name, self._model._name) return if self.data: return aggregate_func(data) return aggregate_func((child.aggregated_values.get(field_name) for child in self.children.values())) def _get_avg_aggregate(self, field_name, data): aggregate_func = OPERATOR_MAPPING.get('sum') if self.data: return aggregate_func(data) / self.count children_sums = (child.aggregated_values.get(field_name) * child.count for child in self.children.values()) return aggregate_func(children_sums) / self.count def _get_aggregated_field_names(self): """ Return field names of exported field having a group operator """ aggregated_field_names = [] for field_name in self._export_field_names: if field_name == '.id': field_name = 'id' if '/' in field_name or field_name not in self._model: # Currently no support of aggregated value for nested record fields # e.g. line_ids/analytic_line_ids/amount continue field = self._model._fields[field_name] if field.aggregator: aggregated_field_names.append(field_name) return aggregated_field_names # Lazy property to memoize aggregated values of children nodes to avoid useless recomputations @lazy_property def aggregated_values(self): aggregated_values = {} # Transpose the data matrix to group all values of each field in one iterable field_values = zip(*self.data) for field_name in self._export_field_names: field_data = self.data and next(field_values) or [] if field_name in self._get_aggregated_field_names(): field = self._model._fields[field_name] aggregated_values[field_name] = self._get_aggregate(field_name, field_data, field.aggregator) return aggregated_values def child(self, key): """ Return the child identified by `key`. If it doesn't exists inserts a default node and returns it. :param key: child key identifier (groupby value as returned by read_group, usually (id, display_name)) :return: the child node """ if key not in self.children: self.children[key] = GroupsTreeNode(self._model, self._export_field_names, self._groupby, self._groupby_type, self._read_context) return self.children[key] def insert_leaf(self, group): """ Build a leaf from `group` and insert it in the tree. :param group: dict as returned by `read_group(lazy=False)` """ leaf_path = [group.get(groupby_field) for groupby_field in self._groupby] domain = group.pop('__domain') count = group.pop('__count') records = self._model.search(domain, offset=0, limit=False, order=False) # Follow the path from the top level group to the deepest # group which actually contains the records' data. node = self # root node.count += count for node_key in leaf_path: # Go down to the next node or create one if it does not exist yet. node = node.child(node_key) # Update count value and aggregated value. node.count += count records = records.with_context(self._read_context) node.data = records.export_data(self._export_field_names).get('datas', []) class ExportXlsxWriter: def __init__(self, fields, columns_headers, row_count): self.fields = fields self.columns_headers = columns_headers self.output = io.BytesIO() self.workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(self.output, {'in_memory': True}) self.header_style = self.workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) self.date_style = self.workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'num_format': 'yyyy-mm-dd'}) self.datetime_style = self.workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'num_format': 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'}) self.base_style = self.workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True}) # FIXME: Should depends of the field digits self.float_style = self.workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'num_format': '#,##0.00'}) # FIXME: Should depends of the currency field for each row (also maybe add the currency symbol) decimal_places = request.env['res.currency']._read_group([], aggregates=['decimal_places:max'])[0][0] self.monetary_style = self.workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'num_format': f'#,##0.{(decimal_places or 2) * "0"}'}) header_bold_props = {'text_wrap': True, 'bold': True, 'bg_color': '#e9ecef'} self.header_bold_style = self.workbook.add_format(header_bold_props) self.header_bold_style_float = self.workbook.add_format(dict(**header_bold_props, num_format='#,##0.00')) self.header_bold_style_monetary = self.workbook.add_format(dict(**header_bold_props, num_format=f'#,##0.{(decimal_places or 2) * "0"}')) self.worksheet = self.workbook.add_worksheet() self.value = False if row_count > self.worksheet.xls_rowmax: raise UserError(request.env._('There are too many rows (%(count)s rows, limit: %(limit)s) to export as Excel 2007-2013 (.xlsx) format. Consider splitting the export.', count=row_count, limit=self.worksheet.xls_rowmax)) def __enter__(self): self.write_header() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.close() def write_header(self): # Write main header for i, column_header in enumerate(self.columns_headers): self.write(0, i, column_header, self.header_style) self.worksheet.set_column(0, max(0, len(self.columns_headers) - 1), 30) # around 220 pixels def close(self): self.workbook.close() with self.output: self.value = self.output.getvalue() def write(self, row, column, cell_value, style=None): self.worksheet.write(row, column, cell_value, style) def write_cell(self, row, column, cell_value): cell_style = self.base_style if isinstance(cell_value, bytes): try: # because xlsx uses raw export, we can get a bytes object # here. xlsxwriter does not support bytes values in Python 3 -> # assume this is base64 and decode to a string, if this # fails note that you can't export cell_value = cell_value.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: raise UserError(request.env._("Binary fields can not be exported to Excel unless their content is base64-encoded. That does not seem to be the case for %s.", self.field_names)[column]) from None elif isinstance(cell_value, (list, tuple, dict)): cell_value = str(cell_value) if isinstance(cell_value, str): if len(cell_value) > self.worksheet.xls_strmax: cell_value = request.env._("The content of this cell is too long for an XLSX file (more than %s characters). Please use the CSV format for this export.", self.worksheet.xls_strmax) else: cell_value = cell_value.replace("\r", " ") elif isinstance(cell_value, datetime.datetime): cell_style = self.datetime_style elif isinstance(cell_value, datetime.date): cell_style = self.date_style elif isinstance(cell_value, float): field = self.fields[column] cell_style = self.monetary_style if field['type'] == 'monetary' else self.float_style self.write(row, column, cell_value, cell_style) class GroupExportXlsxWriter(ExportXlsxWriter): def write_group(self, row, column, group_name, group, group_depth=0): group_name = group_name[1] if isinstance(group_name, tuple) and len(group_name) > 1 else group_name if group._groupby_type[group_depth] != 'boolean': group_name = group_name or request.env._("Undefined") row, column = self._write_group_header(row, column, group_name, group, group_depth) # Recursively write sub-groups for child_group_name, child_group in group.children.items(): row, column = self.write_group(row, column, child_group_name, child_group, group_depth + 1) for record in group.data: row, column = self._write_row(row, column, record) return row, column def _write_row(self, row, column, data): for value in data: self.write_cell(row, column, value) column += 1 return row + 1, 0 def _write_group_header(self, row, column, label, group, group_depth=0): aggregates = group.aggregated_values label = '%s%s (%s)' % (' ' * group_depth, label, group.count) self.write(row, column, label, self.header_bold_style) for field in self.fields[1:]: # No aggregates allowed in the first column because of the group title column += 1 aggregated_value = aggregates.get(field['name']) header_style = self.header_bold_style if field['type'] == 'monetary': header_style = self.header_bold_style_monetary elif field['type'] == 'float': header_style = self.header_bold_style_float else: aggregated_value = str(aggregated_value if aggregated_value is not None else '') self.write(row, column, aggregated_value, header_style) return row + 1, 0 class Export(http.Controller): @http.route('/web/export/formats', type='json', auth='user', readonly=True) def formats(self): """ Returns all valid export formats :returns: for each export format, a pair of identifier and printable name :rtype: [(str, str)] """ return [ {'tag': 'xlsx', 'label': 'XLSX', 'error': None if xlsxwriter else "XlsxWriter 0.9.3 required"}, {'tag': 'csv', 'label': 'CSV'}, ] def _get_property_fields(self, fields, model, domain=()): """ Return property fields existing for the `domain` """ property_fields = {} Model = request.env[model] for fname, field in fields.items(): if field.get('type') != 'properties': continue definition_record = field['definition_record'] definition_record_field = field['definition_record_field'] target_model = Model.env[Model._fields[definition_record].comodel_name] domain_definition = [(definition_record_field, '!=', False)] # Depends of the records selected to avoid showing useless Properties if domain: self_subquery = Model.with_context(active_test=False)._search(domain) domain_definition.append(('id', 'in', self_subquery.subselect(definition_record))) definition_records = target_model.search_fetch( domain_definition, [definition_record_field, 'display_name'], order='id', # Avoid complex order ) for record in definition_records: for definition in record[definition_record_field]: # definition = { # 'name': 'aa34746a6851ee4e', # 'string': 'Partner', # 'type': 'many2one', # 'comodel': 'test_new_api.partner', # 'default': [1337, 'Bob'], # } if ( definition['type'] == 'separator' or ( definition['type'] in ('many2one', 'many2many') and definition.get('comodel') not in Model.env ) ): continue id_field = f"{fname}.{definition['name']}" property_fields[id_field] = { 'type': definition['type'], 'string': Model.env._( "%(property_string)s (%(parent_name)s)", property_string=definition['string'], parent_name=record.display_name, ), 'default_export_compatible': field['default_export_compatible'], } if definition['type'] in ('many2one', 'many2many'): property_fields[id_field]['relation'] = definition['comodel'] return property_fields @http.route('/web/export/get_fields', type='json', auth='user', readonly=True) def get_fields(self, model, domain, prefix='', parent_name='', import_compat=True, parent_field_type=None, parent_field=None, exclude=None): Model = request.env[model] fields = Model.fields_get( attributes=[ 'type', 'string', 'required', 'relation_field', 'default_export_compatible', 'relation', 'definition_record', 'definition_record_field', ], ) if import_compat: if parent_field_type in ['many2one', 'many2many']: rec_name = Model._rec_name_fallback() fields = {'id': fields['id'], rec_name: fields[rec_name]} else: fields['.id'] = {**fields['id']} fields['id']['string'] = request.env._('External ID') if parent_field: parent_field['string'] = request.env._('External ID') fields['id'] = parent_field exportable_fields = {} for field_name, field in fields.items(): if import_compat and field_name != 'id': if exclude and field_name in exclude: continue if field.get('readonly'): continue if not field.get('exportable', True): continue exportable_fields[field_name] = field exportable_fields.update(self._get_property_fields(fields, model, domain=domain)) fields_sequence = sorted(exportable_fields.items(), key=lambda field: field[1]['string'].lower()) result = [] for field_name, field in fields_sequence: ident = prefix + ('/' if prefix else '') + field_name val = ident if field_name == 'name' and import_compat and parent_field_type in ['many2one', 'many2many']: # Add name field when expand m2o and m2m fields in import-compatible mode val = prefix name = parent_name + (parent_name and '/' or '') + field['string'] field_dict = { 'id': ident, 'string': name, 'value': val, 'children': False, 'field_type': field.get('type'), 'required': field.get('required'), 'relation_field': field.get('relation_field'), 'default_export': import_compat and field.get('default_export_compatible') } if len(ident.split('/')) < 3 and 'relation' in field: field_dict['value'] += '/id' field_dict['params'] = { 'model': field['relation'], 'prefix': ident, 'name': name, 'parent_field': field, } field_dict['children'] = True result.append(field_dict) return result @http.route('/web/export/namelist', type='json', auth='user', readonly=True) def namelist(self, model, export_id): export = request.env['ir.exports'].browse([export_id]) return self.fields_info(model, export.export_fields.mapped('name')) def fields_info(self, model, export_fields): field_info = [] fields = request.env[model].fields_get( attributes=[ 'type', 'string', 'required', 'relation_field', 'default_export_compatible', 'relation', 'definition_record', 'definition_record_field', ], ) fields.update(self._get_property_fields(fields, model)) if ".id" in export_fields: fields['.id'] = fields.get('id', {'string': 'ID'}) # To make fields retrieval more efficient, fetch all sub-fields of a # given field at the same time. Because the order in the export list is # arbitrary, this requires ordering all sub-fields of a given field # together so they can be fetched at the same time # # Works the following way: # * sort the list of fields to export, the default sorting order will # put the field itself (if present, for xmlid) and all of its # sub-fields right after it # * then, group on: the first field of the path (which is the same for # a field and for its subfields and the length of splitting on the # first '/', which basically means grouping the field on one side and # all of the subfields on the other. This way, we have the field (for # the xmlid) with length 1, and all of the subfields with the same # base but a length "flag" of 2 # * if we have a normal field (length 1), just add it to the info # mapping (with its string) as-is # * otherwise, recursively call fields_info via graft_subfields. # all graft_subfields does is take the result of fields_info (on the # field's model) and prepend the current base (current field), which # rebuilds the whole sub-tree for the field # # result: because we're not fetching the fields_get for half the # database models, fetching a namelist with a dozen fields (including # relational data) falls from ~6s to ~300ms (on the leads model). # export lists with no sub-fields (e.g. import_compatible lists with # no o2m) are even more efficient (from the same 6s to ~170ms, as # there's a single fields_get to execute) for (base, length), subfields in itertools.groupby( sorted(export_fields), lambda field: (field.split('/', 1)[0], len(field.split('/', 1)))): subfields = list(subfields) if length == 2: # subfields is a seq of $base/*rest, and not loaded yet field_info.extend( self.graft_subfields( fields[base]['relation'], base, fields[base]['string'], subfields ), ) elif base in fields: field_dict = fields[base] field_info.append({ 'id': base, 'string': field_dict['string'], 'field_type': field_dict['type'], }) indexes_dict = {fname: i for i, fname in enumerate(export_fields)} return sorted(field_info, key=lambda field_dict: indexes_dict[field_dict['id']]) def graft_subfields(self, model, prefix, prefix_string, fields): export_fields = [field.split('/', 1)[1] for field in fields] return ( dict( field_info, id=f"{prefix}/{field_info['id']}", string=f"{prefix_string}/{field_info['string']}", ) for field_info in self.fields_info(model, export_fields) ) class ExportFormat(object): @property def content_type(self): """ Provides the format's content type """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def extension(self): raise NotImplementedError() def filename(self, base): """ Creates a filename *without extension* for the item / format of model ``base``. """ if base not in request.env: return base model_description = request.env['ir.model']._get(base).name return f"{model_description} ({base})" def from_data(self, fields, columns_headers, rows): """ Conversion method from Odoo's export data to whatever the current export class outputs :params list fields: a list of fields to export :params list rows: a list of records to export :returns: :rtype: bytes """ raise NotImplementedError() def from_group_data(self, fields, columns_headers, groups): raise NotImplementedError() def base(self, data): params = json.loads(data) model, fields, ids, domain, import_compat = \ operator.itemgetter('model', 'fields', 'ids', 'domain', 'import_compat')(params) Model = request.env[model].with_context(import_compat=import_compat, **params.get('context', {})) if not Model._is_an_ordinary_table(): fields = [field for field in fields if field['name'] != 'id'] field_names = [f['name'] for f in fields] if import_compat: columns_headers = field_names else: columns_headers = [val['label'].strip() for val in fields] groupby = params.get('groupby') if not import_compat and groupby: groupby_type = [Model._fields[x.split(':')[0]].type for x in groupby] domain = [('id', 'in', ids)] if ids else domain read_context = Model.env.context if ids: Model = Model.with_context(active_test=False) groups_data = Model.read_group(domain, ['__count'], groupby, lazy=False) # read_group(lazy=False) returns a dict only for final groups (with actual data), # not for intermediary groups. The full group tree must be re-constructed. tree = GroupsTreeNode(Model, field_names, groupby, groupby_type, read_context) for leaf in groups_data: tree.insert_leaf(leaf) response_data = self.from_group_data(fields, columns_headers, tree) else: records = Model.browse(ids) if ids else Model.search(domain, offset=0, limit=False, order=False) export_data = records.export_data(field_names).get('datas', []) response_data = self.from_data(fields, columns_headers, export_data) # TODO: call `clean_filename` directly in `content_disposition`? return request.make_response(response_data, headers=[('Content-Disposition', content_disposition( osutil.clean_filename(self.filename(model) + self.extension))), ('Content-Type', self.content_type)], ) class CSVExport(ExportFormat, http.Controller): @http.route('/web/export/csv', type='http', auth='user') def web_export_csv(self, data): try: return self.base(data) except Exception as exc: _logger.exception("Exception during request handling.") payload = json.dumps({ 'code': 200, 'message': "Odoo Server Error", 'data': http.serialize_exception(exc) }) raise InternalServerError(payload) from exc @property def content_type(self): return 'text/csv;charset=utf8' @property def extension(self): return '.csv' def from_group_data(self, fields, columns_headers, groups): raise UserError(request.env._("Exporting grouped data to csv is not supported.")) def from_data(self, fields, columns_headers, rows): fp = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(fp, quoting=1) writer.writerow(columns_headers) for data in rows: row = [] for d in data: if d is None or d is False: d = '' elif isinstance(d, bytes): d = d.decode() # Spreadsheet apps tend to detect formulas on leading =, + and - if isinstance(d, str) and d.startswith(('=', '-', '+')): d = "'" + d row.append(d) writer.writerow(row) return fp.getvalue() class ExcelExport(ExportFormat, http.Controller): @http.route('/web/export/xlsx', type='http', auth='user') def web_export_xlsx(self, data): try: return self.base(data) except Exception as exc: _logger.exception("Exception during request handling.") payload = json.dumps({ 'code': 200, 'message': "Odoo Server Error", 'data': http.serialize_exception(exc) }) raise InternalServerError(payload) from exc @property def content_type(self): return 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' @property def extension(self): return '.xlsx' def from_group_data(self, fields, columns_headers, groups): with GroupExportXlsxWriter(fields, columns_headers, groups.count) as xlsx_writer: x, y = 1, 0 for group_name, group in groups.children.items(): x, y = xlsx_writer.write_group(x, y, group_name, group) return xlsx_writer.value def from_data(self, fields, columns_headers, rows): with ExportXlsxWriter(fields, columns_headers, len(rows)) as xlsx_writer: for row_index, row in enumerate(rows): for cell_index, cell_value in enumerate(row): xlsx_writer.write_cell(row_index + 1, cell_index, cell_value) return xlsx_writer.value