# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import annotations import base64 import itertools import json from odoo import api, models from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.models import BaseModel, NewId from odoo.osv.expression import AND, TRUE_DOMAIN, normalize_domain from odoo.tools import unique, OrderedSet from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError from collections import defaultdict from odoo.tools.translate import LazyTranslate _lt = LazyTranslate(__name__) SEARCH_PANEL_ERROR_MESSAGE = _lt("Too many items to display.") def is_true_domain(domain): return normalize_domain(domain) == TRUE_DOMAIN class lazymapping(defaultdict): def __missing__(self, key): value = self.default_factory(key) self[key] = value return value DISPLAY_DATE_FORMATS = { 'day': 'dd MMM yyyy', 'week': "'W'w YYYY", 'month': 'MMMM yyyy', 'quarter': 'QQQ yyyy', 'year': 'yyyy', } class Base(models.AbstractModel): _inherit = 'base' @api.model @api.readonly def web_search_read(self, domain, specification, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count_limit=None): records = self.search_fetch(domain, specification.keys(), offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order) values_records = records.web_read(specification) return self._format_web_search_read_results(domain, values_records, offset, limit, count_limit) def _format_web_search_read_results(self, domain, records, offset=0, limit=None, count_limit=None): if not records: return { 'length': 0, 'records': [], } current_length = len(records) + offset limit_reached = len(records) == limit force_search_count = self._context.get('force_search_count') count_limit_reached = count_limit and count_limit <= current_length if limit and ((limit_reached and not count_limit_reached) or force_search_count): length = self.search_count(domain, limit=count_limit) else: length = current_length return { 'length': length, 'records': records, } def web_save(self, vals, specification: dict[str, dict], next_id=None) -> list[dict]: if self: self.write(vals) else: self = self.create(vals) if next_id: self = self.browse(next_id) return self.with_context(bin_size=True).web_read(specification) @api.readonly def web_read(self, specification: dict[str, dict]) -> list[dict]: fields_to_read = list(specification) or ['id'] if fields_to_read == ['id']: # if we request to read only the ids, we have them already so we can build the return dictionaries immediately # this also avoid a call to read on the co-model that might have different access rules values_list = [{'id': id_} for id_ in self._ids] else: values_list: list[dict] = self.read(fields_to_read, load=None) if not values_list: return values_list def cleanup(vals: dict) -> dict: """ Fixup vals['id'] of a new record. """ if not vals['id']: vals['id'] = vals['id'].origin or False return vals for field_name, field_spec in specification.items(): field = self._fields.get(field_name) if field is None: continue if field.type == 'many2one': if 'fields' not in field_spec: for values in values_list: if isinstance(values[field_name], NewId): values[field_name] = values[field_name].origin continue co_records = self[field_name] if 'context' in field_spec: co_records = co_records.with_context(**field_spec['context']) extra_fields = dict(field_spec['fields']) extra_fields.pop('display_name', None) many2one_data = { vals['id']: cleanup(vals) for vals in co_records.web_read(extra_fields) } if 'display_name' in field_spec['fields']: for rec in co_records.sudo(): many2one_data[rec.id]['display_name'] = rec.display_name for values in values_list: if values[field_name] is False: continue vals = many2one_data[values[field_name]] values[field_name] = vals['id'] and vals elif field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many'): if not field_spec: continue co_records = self[field_name] if 'order' in field_spec and field_spec['order']: co_records = co_records.search([('id', 'in', co_records.ids)], order=field_spec['order']) order_key = { co_record.id: index for index, co_record in enumerate(co_records) } for values in values_list: # filter out inaccessible corecords in case of "cache pollution" values[field_name] = [id_ for id_ in values[field_name] if id_ in order_key] values[field_name] = sorted(values[field_name], key=order_key.__getitem__) if 'context' in field_spec: co_records = co_records.with_context(**field_spec['context']) if 'fields' in field_spec: if field_spec.get('limit') is not None: limit = field_spec['limit'] ids_to_read = OrderedSet( id_ for values in values_list for id_ in values[field_name][:limit] ) co_records = co_records.browse(ids_to_read) x2many_data = { vals['id']: vals for vals in co_records.web_read(field_spec['fields']) } for values in values_list: values[field_name] = [x2many_data.get(id_) or {'id': id_} for id_ in values[field_name]] elif field.type in ('reference', 'many2one_reference'): if not field_spec: continue values_by_id = { vals['id']: vals for vals in values_list } for record in self: if not record[field_name]: continue if field.type == 'reference': co_record = record[field_name] else: # field.type == 'many2one_reference' co_record = self.env[record[field.model_field]].browse(record[field_name]) if 'context' in field_spec: co_record = co_record.with_context(**field_spec['context']) if 'fields' in field_spec: try: reference_read = co_record.web_read(field_spec['fields']) except AccessError: reference_read = [{'id': co_record.id, 'display_name': self.env._("You don't have access to this record")}] if any(fname != 'id' for fname in field_spec['fields']): # we can infer that if we can read fields for the co-record, it exists co_record_exists = bool(reference_read) else: co_record_exists = co_record.exists() else: # If there are no fields to read (field_spec.get('fields') --> None) and we web_read ids, it will # not actually read the records so we do not know if they exist. # This ensures the record actually exists co_record_exists = co_record.exists() record_values = values_by_id[record.id] if not co_record_exists: record_values[field_name] = False if field.type == 'many2one_reference': record_values[field.model_field] = False continue if 'fields' in field_spec: record_values[field_name] = reference_read[0] if field.type == 'reference': record_values[field_name]['id'] = { 'id': co_record.id, 'model': co_record._name } return values_list @api.model @api.readonly def web_read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, limit=None, offset=0, orderby=False, lazy=True): """ Returns the result of a read_group and the total number of groups matching the search domain. :param domain: search domain :param fields: list of fields to read (see ``fields``` param of ``read_group``) :param groupby: list of fields to group on (see ``groupby``` param of ``read_group``) :param limit: see ``limit`` param of ``read_group`` :param offset: see ``offset`` param of ``read_group`` :param orderby: see ``orderby`` param of ``read_group`` :param lazy: see ``lazy`` param of ``read_group`` :return: { 'groups': array of read groups 'length': total number of groups } """ groups = self._web_read_group(domain, fields, groupby, limit, offset, orderby, lazy) if not groups: length = 0 elif limit and len(groups) == limit: annotated_groupby = self._read_group_get_annotated_groupby(groupby, lazy=lazy) length = limit + len(self._read_group( domain, groupby=annotated_groupby.values(), offset=limit, )) else: length = len(groups) + offset return { 'groups': groups, 'length': length } @api.model def _web_read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, limit=None, offset=0, orderby=False, lazy=True): """ See ``web_read_group`` for params description. :returns: array of groups """ groups = self.read_group(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy) return groups @api.model @api.readonly def read_progress_bar(self, domain, group_by, progress_bar): """ Gets the data needed for all the kanban column progressbars. These are fetched alongside read_group operation. :param domain - the domain used in the kanban view to filter records :param group_by - the name of the field used to group records into kanban columns :param progress_bar - the declaration attributes (field, colors, sum) :return a dictionnary mapping group_by values to dictionnaries mapping progress bar field values to the related number of records """ def adapt(value): if isinstance(value, tuple): value = value[0] return value result = {} for group in self.read_group(domain, ['__count'], [group_by, progress_bar['field']], lazy=False): group_by_value = str(adapt(group[group_by])) field_value = group[progress_bar['field']] if group_by_value not in result: result[group_by_value] = dict.fromkeys(progress_bar['colors'], 0) if field_value in result[group_by_value]: result[group_by_value][field_value] += group['__count'] return result @api.model def _search_panel_field_image(self, field_name, **kwargs): """ Return the values in the image of the provided domain by field_name. :param model_domain: domain whose image is returned :param extra_domain: extra domain to use when counting records associated with field values :param field_name: the name of a field (type many2one or selection) :param enable_counters: whether to set the key '__count' in image values :param only_counters: whether to retrieve information on the model_domain image or only counts based on model_domain and extra_domain. In the later case, the counts are set whatever is enable_counters. :param limit: integer, maximal number of values to fetch :param set_limit: boolean, whether to use the provided limit (if any) :return: a dict of the form { id: { 'id': id, 'display_name': display_name, ('__count': c,) }, ... } """ enable_counters = kwargs.get('enable_counters') only_counters = kwargs.get('only_counters') extra_domain = kwargs.get('extra_domain', []) no_extra = is_true_domain(extra_domain) model_domain = kwargs.get('model_domain', []) count_domain = AND([model_domain, extra_domain]) limit = kwargs.get('limit') set_limit = kwargs.get('set_limit') if only_counters: return self._search_panel_domain_image(field_name, count_domain, True) model_domain_image = self._search_panel_domain_image(field_name, model_domain, enable_counters and no_extra, set_limit and limit, ) if enable_counters and not no_extra: count_domain_image = self._search_panel_domain_image(field_name, count_domain, True) for id, values in model_domain_image.items(): element = count_domain_image.get(id) values['__count'] = element['__count'] if element else 0 return model_domain_image @api.model def _search_panel_domain_image(self, field_name, domain, set_count=False, limit=False): """ Return the values in the image of the provided domain by field_name. :param domain: domain whose image is returned :param field_name: the name of a field (type many2one or selection) :param set_count: whether to set the key '__count' in image values. Default is False. :param limit: integer, maximal number of values to fetch. Default is False. :return: a dict of the form { id: { 'id': id, 'display_name': display_name, ('__count': c,) }, ... } """ field = self._fields[field_name] if field.type in ('many2one', 'many2many'): def group_id_name(value): return value else: # field type is selection: see doc above desc = self.fields_get([field_name])[field_name] field_name_selection = dict(desc['selection']) def group_id_name(value): return value, field_name_selection[value] domain = AND([ domain, [(field_name, '!=', False)], ]) groups = self.read_group(domain, [field_name], [field_name], limit=limit) domain_image = {} for group in groups: id, display_name = group_id_name(group[field_name]) values = { 'id': id, 'display_name': display_name, } if set_count: values['__count'] = group[field_name + '_count'] domain_image[id] = values return domain_image @api.model def _search_panel_global_counters(self, values_range, parent_name): """ Modify in place values_range to transform the (local) counts into global counts (local count + children local counts) in case a parent field parent_name has been set on the range values. Note that we save the initial (local) counts into an auxiliary dict before they could be changed in the for loop below. :param values_range: dict of the form { id: { 'id': id, '__count': c, parent_name: parent_id, ... } ... } :param parent_name: string, indicates which key determines the parent """ local_counters = lazymapping(lambda id: values_range[id]['__count']) for id in values_range: values = values_range[id] # here count is the initial value = local count set on values count = local_counters[id] if count: parent_id = values[parent_name] while parent_id: values = values_range[parent_id] local_counters[parent_id] values['__count'] += count parent_id = values[parent_name] @api.model def _search_panel_sanitized_parent_hierarchy(self, records, parent_name, ids): """ Filter the provided list of records to ensure the following properties of the resulting sublist: 1) it is closed for the parent relation 2) every record in it is an ancestor of a record with id in ids (if ids = records.ids, that condition is automatically satisfied) 3) it is maximal among other sublists with properties 1 and 2. :param records, the list of records to filter, the records must have the form { 'id': id, parent_name: False or (id, display_name),... } :param parent_name, string, indicates which key determines the parent :param ids: list of record ids :return: the sublist of records with the above properties } """ def get_parent_id(record): value = record[parent_name] return value and value[0] allowed_records = { record['id']: record for record in records } records_to_keep = {} for id in ids: record_id = id ancestor_chain = {} chain_is_fully_included = True while chain_is_fully_included and record_id: known_status = records_to_keep.get(record_id) if known_status != None: # the record and its known ancestors have already been considered chain_is_fully_included = known_status break record = allowed_records.get(record_id) if record: ancestor_chain[record_id] = record record_id = get_parent_id(record) else: chain_is_fully_included = False for id, record in ancestor_chain.items(): records_to_keep[id] = chain_is_fully_included # we keep initial order return [rec for rec in records if records_to_keep.get(rec['id'])] @api.model def _search_panel_selection_range(self, field_name, **kwargs): """ Return the values of a field of type selection possibly enriched with counts of associated records in domain. :param enable_counters: whether to set the key '__count' on values returned. Default is False. :param expand: whether to return the full range of values for the selection field or only the field image values. Default is False. :param field_name: the name of a field of type selection :param model_domain: domain used to determine the field image values and counts. Default is []. :return: a list of dicts of the form { 'id': id, 'display_name': display_name, ('__count': c,) } with key '__count' set if enable_counters is True """ enable_counters = kwargs.get('enable_counters') expand = kwargs.get('expand') if enable_counters or not expand: domain_image = self._search_panel_field_image(field_name, only_counters=expand, **kwargs) if not expand: return list(domain_image.values()) selection = self.fields_get([field_name])[field_name]['selection'] selection_range = [] for value, label in selection: values = { 'id': value, 'display_name': label, } if enable_counters: image_element = domain_image.get(value) values['__count'] = image_element['__count'] if image_element else 0 selection_range.append(values) return selection_range @api.model def search_panel_select_range(self, field_name, **kwargs): """ Return possible values of the field field_name (case select="one"), possibly with counters, and the parent field (if any and required) used to hierarchize them. :param field_name: the name of a field; of type many2one or selection. :param category_domain: domain generated by categories. Default is []. :param comodel_domain: domain of field values (if relational). Default is []. :param enable_counters: whether to count records by value. Default is False. :param expand: whether to return the full range of field values in comodel_domain or only the field image values (possibly filtered and/or completed with parents if hierarchize is set). Default is False. :param filter_domain: domain generated by filters. Default is []. :param hierarchize: determines if the categories must be displayed hierarchically (if possible). If set to true and _parent_name is set on the comodel field, the information necessary for the hierarchization will be returned. Default is True. :param limit: integer, maximal number of values to fetch. Default is None. :param search_domain: base domain of search. Default is []. with parents if hierarchize is set) :return: { 'parent_field': parent field on the comodel of field, or False 'values': array of dictionaries containing some info on the records available on the comodel of the field 'field_name'. The display name, the __count (how many records with that value) and possibly parent_field are fetched. } or an object with an error message when limit is defined and is reached. """ field = self._fields[field_name] supported_types = ['many2one', 'selection'] if field.type not in supported_types: types = dict(self.env["ir.model.fields"]._fields["ttype"]._description_selection(self.env)) raise UserError(self.env._( 'Only types %(supported_types)s are supported for category (found type %(field_type)s)', supported_types=", ".join(types[t] for t in supported_types), field_type=types[field.type], )) model_domain = kwargs.get('search_domain', []) extra_domain = AND([ kwargs.get('category_domain', []), kwargs.get('filter_domain', []), ]) if field.type == 'selection': return { 'parent_field': False, 'values': self._search_panel_selection_range(field_name, model_domain=model_domain, extra_domain=extra_domain, **kwargs ), } Comodel = self.env[field.comodel_name].with_context(hierarchical_naming=False) field_names = ['display_name'] hierarchize = kwargs.get('hierarchize', True) parent_name = False if hierarchize and Comodel._parent_name in Comodel._fields: parent_name = Comodel._parent_name field_names.append(parent_name) def get_parent_id(record): value = record[parent_name] return value and value[0] else: hierarchize = False comodel_domain = kwargs.get('comodel_domain', []) enable_counters = kwargs.get('enable_counters') expand = kwargs.get('expand') limit = kwargs.get('limit') if enable_counters or not expand: domain_image = self._search_panel_field_image(field_name, model_domain=model_domain, extra_domain=extra_domain, only_counters=expand, set_limit= limit and not (expand or hierarchize or comodel_domain), **kwargs ) if not (expand or hierarchize or comodel_domain): values = list(domain_image.values()) if limit and len(values) == limit: return {'error_msg': str(SEARCH_PANEL_ERROR_MESSAGE)} return { 'parent_field': parent_name, 'values': values, } if not expand: image_element_ids = list(domain_image.keys()) if hierarchize: condition = [('id', 'parent_of', image_element_ids)] else: condition = [('id', 'in', image_element_ids)] comodel_domain = AND([comodel_domain, condition]) comodel_records = Comodel.search_read(comodel_domain, field_names, limit=limit) if hierarchize: ids = [rec['id'] for rec in comodel_records] if expand else image_element_ids comodel_records = self._search_panel_sanitized_parent_hierarchy(comodel_records, parent_name, ids) if limit and len(comodel_records) == limit: return {'error_msg': str(SEARCH_PANEL_ERROR_MESSAGE)} field_range = {} for record in comodel_records: record_id = record['id'] values = { 'id': record_id, 'display_name': record['display_name'], } if hierarchize: values[parent_name] = get_parent_id(record) if enable_counters: image_element = domain_image.get(record_id) values['__count'] = image_element['__count'] if image_element else 0 field_range[record_id] = values if hierarchize and enable_counters: self._search_panel_global_counters(field_range, parent_name) return { 'parent_field': parent_name, 'values': list(field_range.values()), } @api.model def search_panel_select_multi_range(self, field_name, **kwargs): """ Return possible values of the field field_name (case select="multi"), possibly with counters and groups. :param field_name: the name of a filter field; possible types are many2one, many2many, selection. :param category_domain: domain generated by categories. Default is []. :param comodel_domain: domain of field values (if relational) (this parameter is used in _search_panel_range). Default is []. :param enable_counters: whether to count records by value. Default is False. :param expand: whether to return the full range of field values in comodel_domain or only the field image values. Default is False. :param filter_domain: domain generated by filters. Default is []. :param group_by: extra field to read on comodel, to group comodel records :param group_domain: dict, one domain for each activated group for the group_by (if any). Those domains are used to fech accurate counters for values in each group. Default is [] (many2one case) or None. :param limit: integer, maximal number of values to fetch. Default is None. :param search_domain: base domain of search. Default is []. :return: { 'values': a list of possible values, each being a dict with keys 'id' (value), 'name' (value label), '__count' (how many records with that value), 'group_id' (value of group), set if a group_by has been provided, 'group_name' (label of group), set if a group_by has been provided } or an object with an error message when limit is defined and reached. """ field = self._fields[field_name] supported_types = ['many2one', 'many2many', 'selection'] if field.type not in supported_types: raise UserError(self.env._( 'Only types %(supported_types)s are supported for filter (found type %(field_type)s)', supported_types=supported_types, field_type=field.type)) model_domain = kwargs.get('search_domain', []) extra_domain = AND([ kwargs.get('category_domain', []), kwargs.get('filter_domain', []), ]) if field.type == 'selection': return { 'values': self._search_panel_selection_range(field_name, model_domain=model_domain, extra_domain=extra_domain, **kwargs ) } Comodel = self.env.get(field.comodel_name).with_context(hierarchical_naming=False) field_names = ['display_name'] group_by = kwargs.get('group_by') limit = kwargs.get('limit') if group_by: group_by_field = Comodel._fields[group_by] field_names.append(group_by) if group_by_field.type == 'many2one': def group_id_name(value): return value or (False, self.env._("Not Set")) elif group_by_field.type == 'selection': desc = Comodel.fields_get([group_by])[group_by] group_by_selection = dict(desc['selection']) group_by_selection[False] = self.env._("Not Set") def group_id_name(value): return value, group_by_selection[value] else: def group_id_name(value): return (value, value) if value else (False, self.env._("Not Set")) comodel_domain = kwargs.get('comodel_domain', []) enable_counters = kwargs.get('enable_counters') expand = kwargs.get('expand') if field.type == 'many2many': if not expand: domain_image = self._search_panel_domain_image(field_name, model_domain, limit=limit) image_element_ids = list(domain_image.keys()) comodel_domain = AND([ comodel_domain, [('id', 'in', image_element_ids)], ]) comodel_records = Comodel.search_read(comodel_domain, field_names, limit=limit) if limit and len(comodel_records) == limit: return {'error_msg': str(SEARCH_PANEL_ERROR_MESSAGE)} group_domain = kwargs.get('group_domain') field_range = [] for record in comodel_records: record_id = record['id'] values= { 'id': record_id, 'display_name': record['display_name'], } if group_by: group_id, group_name = group_id_name(record[group_by]) values['group_id'] = group_id values['group_name'] = group_name if enable_counters: search_domain = AND([ model_domain, [(field_name, 'in', record_id)], ]) local_extra_domain = extra_domain if group_by and group_domain: local_extra_domain = AND([ local_extra_domain, group_domain.get(json.dumps(group_id), []), ]) search_count_domain = AND([ search_domain, local_extra_domain ]) values['__count'] = self.search_count(search_count_domain) field_range.append(values) return { 'values': field_range, } if field.type == 'many2one': if enable_counters or not expand: extra_domain = AND([ extra_domain, kwargs.get('group_domain', []), ]) domain_image = self._search_panel_field_image(field_name, model_domain=model_domain, extra_domain=extra_domain, only_counters=expand, set_limit=limit and not (expand or group_by or comodel_domain), **kwargs ) if not (expand or group_by or comodel_domain): values = list(domain_image.values()) if limit and len(values) == limit: return {'error_msg': str(SEARCH_PANEL_ERROR_MESSAGE)} return {'values': values, } if not expand: image_element_ids = list(domain_image.keys()) comodel_domain = AND([ comodel_domain, [('id', 'in', image_element_ids)], ]) comodel_records = Comodel.search_read(comodel_domain, field_names, limit=limit) if limit and len(comodel_records) == limit: return {'error_msg': str(SEARCH_PANEL_ERROR_MESSAGE)} field_range = [] for record in comodel_records: record_id = record['id'] values= { 'id': record_id, 'display_name': record['display_name'], } if group_by: group_id, group_name = group_id_name(record[group_by]) values['group_id'] = group_id values['group_name'] = group_name if enable_counters: image_element = domain_image.get(record_id) values['__count'] = image_element['__count'] if image_element else 0 field_range.append(values) return { 'values': field_range, } def onchange(self, values: dict, field_names: list[str], fields_spec: dict): """ Perform an onchange on the given fields, and return the result. :param values: dictionary mapping field names to values on the form view, giving the current state of modification :param field_names: names of the modified fields :param fields_spec: dictionary specifying the fields in the view, just like the one used by :meth:`web_read`; it is used to format the resulting values When creating a record from scratch, the client should call this with an empty list as ``field_names``. In that case, the method first adds default values to ``values``, computes the remaining fields, applies onchange methods to them, and return all the fields in ``fields_spec``. The result is a dictionary with two optional keys. The key ``"value"`` is used to return field values that should be modified on the caller. The corresponding value is a dict mapping field names to their value, in the format of :meth:`web_read`, except for x2many fields, where the value is a list of commands to be applied on the caller's field value. The key ``"warning"`` provides a warning message to the caller. The corresponding value is a dictionary like:: { "title": "Be careful!", # subject of message "message": "Blah blah blah.", # full warning message "type": "dialog", # how to display the warning } """ # this is for tests using `Form` self.env.flush_all() env = self.env cache = env.cache first_call = not field_names if any(fname not in self._fields for fname in field_names): return {} if first_call: field_names = [fname for fname in values if fname != 'id'] missing_names = [fname for fname in fields_spec if fname not in values] defaults = self.default_get(missing_names) for field_name in missing_names: values[field_name] = defaults.get(field_name, False) if field_name in defaults: field_names.append(field_name) # prefetch x2many lines: this speeds up the initial snapshot by avoiding # computing fields on new records as much as possible, as that can be # costly and is not necessary at all self.fetch(fields_spec.keys()) for field_name, field_spec in fields_spec.items(): field = self._fields[field_name] if field.type not in ('one2many', 'many2many'): continue sub_fields_spec = field_spec.get('fields') or {} if sub_fields_spec and values.get(field_name): # retrieve all line ids in commands line_ids = OrderedSet(self[field_name].ids) for cmd in values[field_name]: if cmd[0] in (Command.UPDATE, Command.LINK): line_ids.add(cmd[1]) elif cmd[0] == Command.SET: line_ids.update(cmd[2]) # prefetch stored fields on lines lines = self[field_name].browse(line_ids) lines.fetch(sub_fields_spec.keys()) # copy the cache of lines to their corresponding new records; # this avoids computing computed stored fields on new_lines new_lines = lines.browse(map(NewId, line_ids)) for field_name in sub_fields_spec: field = lines._fields[field_name] line_values = [ field.convert_to_cache(line[field_name], new_line, validate=False) for new_line, line in zip(new_lines, lines) ] cache.update(new_lines, field, line_values) # Isolate changed values, to handle inconsistent data sent from the # client side: when a form view contains two one2many fields that # overlap, the lines that appear in both fields may be sent with # different data. Consider, for instance: # # foo_ids: [line with value=1, ...] # bar_ids: [line with value=1, ...] # # If value=2 is set on 'line' in 'bar_ids', the client sends # # foo_ids: [line with value=1, ...] # bar_ids: [line with value=2, ...] # # The idea is to put 'foo_ids' in cache first, so that the snapshot # contains value=1 for line in 'foo_ids'. The snapshot is then updated # with the value of `bar_ids`, which will contain value=2 on line. # # The issue also occurs with other fields. For instance, an onchange on # a move line has a value for the field 'move_id' that contains the # values of the move, among which the one2many that contains the line # itself, with old values! # initial_values = dict(values) changed_values = {fname: initial_values.pop(fname) for fname in field_names} # do not force delegate fields to False for parent_name in self._inherits.values(): if not initial_values.get(parent_name, True): initial_values.pop(parent_name) # create a new record with initial values if self: # fill in the cache of record with the values of self cache_values = {fname: self[fname] for fname in fields_spec} record = self.new(cache_values, origin=self) # apply initial values on top of the values of self record._update_cache(initial_values) else: # set changed values to null in initial_values; not setting them # triggers default_get() on the new record when creating snapshot0 initial_values.update(dict.fromkeys(field_names, False)) record = self.new(initial_values, origin=self) # make parent records match with the form values; this ensures that # computed fields on parent records have all their dependencies at # their expected value for field_name in initial_values: field = self._fields.get(field_name) if field and field.inherited: parent_name, field_name = field.related.split('.', 1) if parent := record[parent_name]: parent._update_cache({field_name: record[field_name]}) # make a snapshot based on the initial values of record snapshot0 = RecordSnapshot(record, fields_spec, fetch=(not first_call)) # store changed values in cache; also trigger recomputations based on # subfields (e.g., line.a has been modified, line.b is computed stored # and depends on line.a, but line.b is not in the form view) record._update_cache(changed_values) # update snapshot0 with changed values for field_name in field_names: snapshot0.fetch(field_name) # Determine which field(s) should be triggered an onchange. On the first # call, 'names' only contains fields with a default. If 'self' is a new # line in a one2many field, 'names' also contains the one2many's inverse # field, and that field may not be in nametree. todo = list(unique(itertools.chain(field_names, fields_spec))) if first_call else list(field_names) done = set() # mark fields to do as modified to trigger recomputations protected = [ field for mod_field in [self._fields[fname] for fname in field_names] for field in self.pool.field_computed.get(mod_field) or [mod_field] ] with self.env.protecting(protected, record): record.modified(todo) for field_name in todo: field = self._fields[field_name] if field.inherited: # modifying an inherited field should modify the parent # record accordingly; because we don't actually assign the # modified field on the record, the modification on the # parent record has to be done explicitly parent = record[field.related.split('.')[0]] parent[field_name] = record[field_name] result = {'warnings': OrderedSet()} # process names in order while todo: # apply field-specific onchange methods for field_name in todo: record._apply_onchange_methods(field_name, result) done.add(field_name) if not env.context.get('recursive_onchanges', True): break # determine which fields to process for the next pass todo = [ field_name for field_name in fields_spec if field_name not in done and snapshot0.has_changed(field_name) ] # make the snapshot with the final values of record snapshot1 = RecordSnapshot(record, fields_spec) # determine values that have changed by comparing snapshots result['value'] = snapshot1.diff(snapshot0, force=first_call) # format warnings warnings = result.pop('warnings') if len(warnings) == 1: title, message, type_ = warnings.pop() if not type_: type_ = 'dialog' result['warning'] = dict(title=title, message=message, type=type_) elif len(warnings) > 1: # concatenate warning titles and messages title = self.env._("Warnings") message = '\n\n'.join([warn_title + '\n\n' + warn_message for warn_title, warn_message, warn_type in warnings]) result['warning'] = dict(title=title, message=message, type='dialog') return result def web_override_translations(self, values): """ This method is used to override all the modal translations of the given fields with the provided value for each field. :param values: dictionary of the translations to apply for each field name ex: { "field_name": "new_value" } """ self.ensure_one() for field_name in values: field = self._fields[field_name] if field.translate is True: translations = {lang: False for lang, _ in self.env['res.lang'].get_installed()} translations['en_US'] = values[field_name] translations[self.env.lang or 'en_US'] = values[field_name] self.update_field_translations(field_name, translations) class ResCompany(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.company' @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): companies = super().create(vals_list) style_fields = {'external_report_layout_id', 'font', 'primary_color', 'secondary_color'} if any(not style_fields.isdisjoint(values) for values in vals_list): self._update_asset_style() return companies def write(self, values): res = super().write(values) style_fields = {'external_report_layout_id', 'font', 'primary_color', 'secondary_color'} if not style_fields.isdisjoint(values): self._update_asset_style() return res def _get_asset_style_b64(self): # One bundle for everyone, so this method # necessarily updates the style for every company at once company_ids = self.sudo().search([]) company_styles = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('web.styles_company_report', { 'company_ids': company_ids, }, raise_if_not_found=False) return base64.b64encode(company_styles.encode()) def _update_asset_style(self): asset_attachment = self.env.ref('web.asset_styles_company_report', raise_if_not_found=False) if not asset_attachment: return asset_attachment = asset_attachment.sudo() b64_val = self._get_asset_style_b64() if b64_val != asset_attachment.datas: asset_attachment.write({'datas': b64_val}) class RecordSnapshot(dict): """ A dict with the values of a record, following a prefix tree. """ __slots__ = ['record', 'fields_spec'] def __init__(self, record: BaseModel, fields_spec: dict, fetch=True): # put record in dict to include it when comparing snapshots super().__init__() self.record = record self.fields_spec = fields_spec if fetch: for name in fields_spec: self.fetch(name) def __eq__(self, other: 'RecordSnapshot'): return self.record == other.record and super().__eq__(other) def fetch(self, field_name): """ Set the value of field ``name`` from the record's value. """ if self.record._fields[field_name].type in ('one2many', 'many2many'): # x2many fields are serialized as a dict of line snapshots lines = self.record[field_name] if 'context' in self.fields_spec[field_name]: lines = lines.with_context(**self.fields_spec[field_name]['context']) sub_fields_spec = self.fields_spec[field_name].get('fields') or {} self[field_name] = {line.id: RecordSnapshot(line, sub_fields_spec) for line in lines} else: self[field_name] = self.record[field_name] def has_changed(self, field_name) -> bool: """ Return whether a field on the record has changed. """ if field_name not in self: return True if self.record._fields[field_name].type not in ('one2many', 'many2many'): return self[field_name] != self.record[field_name] return self[field_name].keys() != set(self.record[field_name]._ids) or any( line_snapshot.has_changed(subname) for line_snapshot in self[field_name].values() for subname in self.fields_spec[field_name].get('fields') or {} ) def diff(self, other: 'RecordSnapshot', force=False): """ Return the values in ``self`` that differ from ``other``. """ # determine fields to return simple_fields_spec = {} x2many_fields_spec = {} for field_name, field_spec in self.fields_spec.items(): if field_name == 'id': continue if not force and other.get(field_name) == self[field_name]: continue field = self.record._fields[field_name] if field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many'): x2many_fields_spec[field_name] = field_spec else: simple_fields_spec[field_name] = field_spec # use web_read() for simple fields [result] = self.record.web_read(simple_fields_spec) # discard the NewId from the dict result.pop('id') # for x2many fields: serialize value as commands for field_name, field_spec in x2many_fields_spec.items(): commands = [] self_value = self[field_name] other_value = {} if force else other.get(field_name) or {} if any(other_value): # other may be a snapshot for a real record, adapt its x2many ids other_value = {NewId(id_): snap for id_, snap in other_value.items()} # commands for removed lines field = self.record._fields[field_name] remove = Command.delete if field.type == 'one2many' else Command.unlink for id_ in other_value: if id_ not in self_value: commands.append(remove(id_.origin or id_.ref or 0)) # commands for modified or extra lines for id_, line_snapshot in self_value.items(): if not force and id_ in other_value: # existing line: check diff and send update line_diff = line_snapshot.diff(other_value[id_]) if line_diff: commands.append(Command.update(id_.origin or id_.ref or 0, line_diff)) elif not id_.origin: # new line: send diff from scratch line_diff = line_snapshot.diff({}) commands.append((Command.CREATE, id_.origin or id_.ref or 0, line_diff)) else: # link line: send data to client base_line = line_snapshot.record._origin [base_data] = base_line.web_read(field_spec.get('fields') or {}) commands.append((Command.LINK, base_line.id, base_data)) # check diff and send update base_snapshot = RecordSnapshot(base_line, field_spec.get('fields') or {}) line_diff = line_snapshot.diff(base_snapshot) if line_diff: commands.append(Command.update(id_.origin, line_diff)) if commands: result[field_name] = commands return result