import { destroy, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { keyDown, keyUp, press, queryAllTexts, queryOne, resize } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { Component, onMounted, useState, xml } from "@odoo/owl"; import { contains, getService, makeDialogMockEnv, mountWithCleanup, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { Dialog } from "@web/core/dialog/dialog"; import { useService } from "@web/core/utils/hooks"; test("simple rendering", async () => { expect.assertions(8); class Parent extends Component { static components = { Dialog }; static template = xml` Hello! `; static props = ["*"]; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog header .modal-title").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the header is rendered by default", }); expect("header .modal-title").toHaveText("Wow(l) Effect"); expect(".o_dialog main").toHaveCount(1, { message: "a dialog has always a main node" }); expect("main").toHaveText("Hello!"); expect(".o_dialog footer").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the footer is rendered by default" }); expect(".o_dialog footer button").toHaveCount(1, { message: "the footer is rendered with a single button 'Ok' by default", }); expect("footer button").toHaveText("Ok"); }); test("hotkeys work on dialogs", async () => { class Parent extends Component { static components = { Dialog }; static template = xml` Hello! `; static props = ["*"]; } await makeDialogMockEnv({ dialogData: { close: () => expect.step("close"), dismiss: () => expect.step("dismiss"), }, }); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect("header .modal-title").toHaveText("Wow(l) Effect"); expect("footer button").toHaveText("Ok"); // Same effect as clicking on the x button await press("escape"); await animationFrame(); expect.verifySteps(["dismiss", "close"]); // Same effect as clicking on the Ok button await keyDown("control+enter"); await keyUp("ctrl+enter"); expect.verifySteps(["close"]); }); test("simple rendering with two dialogs", async () => { expect.assertions(3); class Parent extends Component { static template = xml`
Hello! Hello again!
`; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(2); expect(queryAllTexts("header .modal-title")).toEqual(["First Title", "Second Title"]); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_dialog .modal-body")).toEqual(["Hello!", "Hello again!"]); }); test("click on the button x triggers the service close", async () => { expect.assertions(2); class Parent extends Component { static template = xml` Hello! `; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv({ dialogData: { close: () => expect.step("close"), dismiss: () => expect.step("dismiss"), }, }); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog header button[aria-label='Close']").click(); expect.verifySteps(["dismiss", "close"]); }); test("click on the button x triggers the close and dismiss defined by a Child component", async () => { expect.assertions(2); class Child extends Component { static template = xml`
`; static props = ["*"]; setup() { this.env.dialogData.close = () => expect.step("close"); this.env.dialogData.dismiss = () => expect.step("dismiss"); this.env.dialogData.scrollToOrigin = () => {}; } } class Parent extends Component { static template = xml` `; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Child, Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog header button[aria-label='Close']").click(); expect.verifySteps(["dismiss", "close"]); }); test("click on the default footer button triggers the service close", async () => { expect.assertions(2); class Parent extends Component { static template = xml` Hello! `; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv({ dialogData: { close: () => expect.step("close"), dismiss: () => expect.step("dismiss"), }, }); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_dialog footer button").click(); expect.verifySteps(["close"]); }); test("render custom footer buttons is possible", async () => { expect.assertions(2); class SimpleButtonsDialog extends Component { static components = { Dialog }; static template = xml` content
`; static props = ["*"]; } class Parent extends Component { static template = xml`
`; static props = ["*"]; static components = { SimpleButtonsDialog }; setup() { super.setup(); this.state = useState({ displayDialog: true, }); } } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog footer button").toHaveCount(2); }); test("embed an arbitrary component in a dialog is possible", async () => { expect.assertions(4); class SubComponent extends Component { static template = xml`
`; static props = ["*"]; _onClick() { expect.step("subcomponent-clicked"); this.props.onClicked(); } } class Parent extends Component { static components = { Dialog, SubComponent }; static template = xml` `; static props = ["*"]; _onSubcomponentClicked() { expect.step("message received by parent"); } } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog main .o_subcomponent").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_subcomponent").toHaveText("Wow(l) Effect"); await contains(".o_subcomponent").click(); expect.verifySteps(["subcomponent-clicked", "message received by parent"]); }); test("dialog without header/footer", async () => { expect.assertions(4); class Parent extends Component { static components = { Dialog }; static template = xml` content `; static props = ["*"]; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog header").toHaveCount(0); expect("main").toHaveCount(1, { message: "a dialog has always a main node" }); expect(".o_dialog footer").toHaveCount(0); }); test("dialog size can be chosen", async () => { expect.assertions(5); class Parent extends Component { static template = xml`
content content content content
`; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(4); expect(".o_dialog .modal-dialog.modal-xl .xl").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog .modal-dialog.modal-lg .lg").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog .modal-dialog.modal-md .md").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog .modal-dialog.modal-sm .sm").toHaveCount(1); }); test("dialog can be rendered on fullscreen", async () => { expect.assertions(2); class Parent extends Component { static template = xml` content `; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".o_dialog").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_dialog .modal").toHaveClass("o_modal_full"); }); test("can be the UI active element", async () => { expect.assertions(4); class Parent extends Component { static template = xml`content`; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; setup() { this.ui = useService("ui"); expect(this.ui.activeElement).toBe(document, { message: "UI active element should be the default (document) as Parent is not mounted yet", }); onMounted(() => { expect(".modal").toHaveCount(1); expect(this.ui.activeElement).toBe( queryOne(".modal", { message: "UI active element should be the dialog modal" }) ); }); } } await makeDialogMockEnv(); const parent = await mountWithCleanup(Parent); destroy(parent); expect(getService("ui").activeElement).toBe(document, { message: "UI owner should be reset to the default (document)", }); }); test.tags("mobile"); test("dialog can't be moved on small screen", async () => { class Parent extends Component { static template = xml`content`; static components = { Dialog }; static props = ["*"]; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".modal-content").toHaveStyle({ top: "0px", left: "0px", }); const header = queryOne(".modal-header"); const headerRect = header.getBoundingClientRect(); // Even if the `dragAndDrop` is called, confirms that there are no effects await contains(header).dragAndDrop(".modal-content", { position: { // the util function sets the source coordinates at (x; y) + (w/2; h/2) // so we need to move the dialog based on these coordinates. x: headerRect.x + headerRect.width / 2 + 20, y: headerRect.y + headerRect.height / 2 + 50, }, }); expect(".modal-content").toHaveStyle({ top: "0px", left: "0px", }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("dialog can be moved", async () => { class Parent extends Component { static template = xml`content`; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".modal-content").toHaveStyle({ left: "0px", top: "0px", }); const modalRect = queryOne(".modal").getBoundingClientRect(); const header = queryOne(".modal-header"); const headerRect = header.getBoundingClientRect(); await contains(header).dragAndDrop(".modal-content", { position: { // the util function sets the source coordinates at (x; y) + (w/2; h/2) // so we need to move the dialog based on these coordinates. x: headerRect.x + headerRect.width / 2 + 20, y: headerRect.y + headerRect.height / 2 + 50, }, }); expect(".modal-content").toHaveStyle({ left: `${modalRect.y + 20}px`, top: `${modalRect.x + 50}px`, }); }); test.tags("desktop"); test("dialog's position is reset on resize", async () => { class Parent extends Component { static template = xml`content`; static props = ["*"]; static components = { Dialog }; } await makeDialogMockEnv(); await mountWithCleanup(Parent); expect(".modal-content").toHaveStyle({ left: "0px", top: "0px", }); const modalRect = queryOne(".modal").getBoundingClientRect(); const header = queryOne(".modal-header"); const headerRect = header.getBoundingClientRect(); await contains(header).dragAndDrop(".modal-content", { position: { // the util function sets the source coordinates at (x; y) + (w/2; h/2) // so we need to move the dialog based on these coordinates. x: headerRect.x + headerRect.width / 2 + 20, y: headerRect.y + headerRect.height / 2 + 50, }, }); expect(".modal-content").toHaveStyle({ left: `${modalRect.y + 20}px`, top: `${modalRect.x + 50}px`, }); await resize(); await animationFrame(); expect(".modal-content").toHaveStyle({ left: "0px", top: "0px", }); });