import { after, beforeEach, describe, expect, getFixture, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { Deferred, tick } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { Component, xml } from "@odoo/owl"; import { clearRegistry, makeMockEnv, patchTranslations } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { makeEnv, mountComponent, startServices } from "@web/env"; describe.current.tags("headless"); const servicesRegistry = registry.category("services"); beforeEach(() => { clearRegistry(servicesRegistry); }); /** * @param {string} name * @param {string[]} dependencies * @param {(env: import("@web/env").OdooEnv, dependencies: Record) => any} factory */ function registerService(name, dependencies, factory) { servicesRegistry.add(name, { dependencies, start: factory, }); } test(`can start a service`, async () => { registerService("test", [], () => 17); const env = await makeMockEnv(); expect(; }); test(`crashing service start causes startService to crash`, async () => { registerService("ouch", [], () => { throw new Error("boom"); }); await expect(makeMockEnv()).rejects.toThrow("boom"); }); test(`crashing async service start causes startService to crash`, async () => { registerService("ouch", [], async () => { throw new Error("boom"); }); await expect(makeMockEnv()).rejects.toThrow("boom"); }); test(`can start an asynchronous service`, async () => { const deferred = new Deferred(); registerService("test", [], async () => { expect.step("before"); const result = await deferred; expect.step("after"); return result; }); const envCreationPromise = makeMockEnv(); await tick(); // wait for startServices expect.verifySteps(["before"]); deferred.resolve(15); const env = await envCreationPromise; expect.verifySteps(["after"]); expect(; }); test(`can start a service with a dependency`, async () => { registerService("aang", ["appa"], () => expect.step("aang")); registerService("appa", [], () => expect.step("appa")); await makeMockEnv(); expect.verifySteps(["appa", "aang"]); }); test(`get an object containing dependencies as second arg`, async () => { registerService("aang", ["appa"], (_, dependencies) => { expect.step("aang"); expect(dependencies).toEqual({ appa: "flying bison" }); }); registerService("appa", [], () => { expect.step("appa"); return "flying bison"; }); await makeMockEnv(); expect.verifySteps(["appa", "aang"]); }); test(`can start two sequentially dependant asynchronous services`, async () => { const deferred2 = new Deferred(); registerService("test2", ["test1"], () => { expect.step("test2"); return deferred2; }); const deferred1 = new Deferred(); registerService("test1", [], () => { expect.step("test1"); return deferred1; }); registerService("test3", ["test2"], () => { expect.step("test3"); }); const envCreationPromise = makeMockEnv(); await tick(); expect.verifySteps(["test1"]); deferred2.resolve(); await tick(); expect.verifySteps([]); deferred1.resolve(); await tick(); expect.verifySteps(["test2", "test3"]); await envCreationPromise; }); test(`can start two independant asynchronous services in parallel`, async () => { const deferred1 = new Deferred(); registerService("test1", [], () => { expect.step("test1"); return deferred1; }); const deferred2 = new Deferred(); registerService("test2", [], () => { expect.step("test2"); return deferred2; }); registerService("test3", ["test1", "test2"], () => { expect.step("test3"); }); const envCreationPromise = makeMockEnv(); await tick(); expect.verifySteps(["test1", "test2"]); deferred1.resolve(); await tick(); expect.verifySteps([]); deferred2.resolve(); await tick(); expect.verifySteps(["test3"]); await envCreationPromise; }); test(`startServices: throws if all dependencies are not met in the same microtick as the call`, async () => { const env = makeEnv(); registerService("b", ["a"], () => "b"); const serviceStartingPromise = startServices(env); await expect(serviceStartingPromise).rejects.toThrow( "Some services could not be started: b. Missing dependencies: a" ); expect({}); registerService("a", [], () => "a"); await startServices(env); expect({ a: "a", b: "b" }); }); test(`startServices: waits for all synchronous code before attempting to start services`, async () => { const env = makeEnv(); registerService("b", ["a"], () => "b"); const serviceStartingPromise = startServices(env); // Dependency added in the same microtick doesn't cause startServices to throw even if it was added after the call // (eg, a module is defined after main.js) registerService("a", [], () => "a"); await serviceStartingPromise; expect({ a: "a", b: "b" }); }); test(`mountComponent creates an env and sets the application as root when no env is provided`, async () => { patchTranslations(); registerService("my_service", [], () => "a"); class Root extends Component { static template = xml`Root`; static props = ["*"]; } const app = await mountComponent(Root, getFixture()); after(() => { delete odoo.__WOWL_DEBUG__; }); const { env } = app; expect({ my_service: "a" }); expect(odoo.__WOWL_DEBUG__).toEqual({ root: app.root.component }); expect(getFixture()).toHaveText("Root"); }); test(`mountComponent uses the env when provided and doesn't start the services`, async () => { patchTranslations(); registerService("my_service", [], () => { expect.step("starting myService"); return "a"; }); const env = makeEnv(); expect.verifySteps([]); await startServices(env); expect.verifySteps(["starting myService"]); class Root extends Component { static template = xml`Root`; static props = ["*"]; } const app = await mountComponent(Root, getFixture(), { env }); expect.verifySteps([]); expect(; expect(odoo.__WOWL_DEBUG__).toBe(undefined); expect(getFixture()).toHaveText("Root"); }); test(`mountComponent: can pass props to the root component`, async () => { class Root extends Component { static template = xml``; static props = ["*"]; } await mountComponent(Root, getFixture(), { props: { text: "text from props" } }); after(() => { delete odoo.__WOWL_DEBUG__; }); expect(getFixture()).toHaveText("text from props"); });