import { expect, test, getFixture } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { click, press, queryAll } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import { reactive } from "@odoo/owl"; import { contains, defineModels, fields, getService, models, mountWithCleanup, mountWithSearch, onRpc, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { ControlPanel } from "@web/search/control_panel/control_panel"; import { WebClient } from "@web/webclient/webclient"; class Foo extends models.Model { _views = { search: ``, list: ``, kanban: ``, }; } defineModels([Foo]); test("simple rendering", async () => { await mountWithSearch(ControlPanel, { resModel: "foo" }); expect(`.o_control_panel_breadcrumbs`).toHaveCount(1); expect(`.o_control_panel_actions`).toHaveCount(1); expect(`.o_control_panel_actions > *`).toHaveCount(0); expect(`.o_control_panel_navigation`).toHaveCount(1); expect(`.o_control_panel_navigation > *`).toHaveCount(0); expect(`.o_cp_switch_buttons`).toHaveCount(0); expect(`.o_breadcrumb`).toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags`desktop`("breadcrumbs", async () => { await mountWithSearch( ControlPanel, { resModel: "foo" }, { breadcrumbs: [ { jsId: "controller_7", name: "Previous", onSelected: () => expect.step("controller_7"), }, { jsId: "controller_9", name: "Current", onSelected: () => expect.step("controller_9"), }, ], } ); const breadcrumbItems = queryAll(`.o_breadcrumb li.breadcrumb-item, .o_breadcrumb .active`); expect(breadcrumbItems).toHaveCount(2); expect(breadcrumbItems[0]).toHaveText("Previous"); expect(breadcrumbItems[1]).toHaveText("Current"); expect(breadcrumbItems[1]).toHaveClass("active"); await click(breadcrumbItems[0]); expect.verifySteps(["controller_7"]); }); test.tags`desktop`("view switcher", async () => { await mountWithSearch( ControlPanel, { resModel: "foo" }, { viewSwitcherEntries: [ { type: "list", active: true, icon: "oi-view-list", name: "List" }, { type: "kanban", icon: "oi-view-kanban", name: "Kanban" }, ], } ); expect(`.o_control_panel_navigation .o_cp_switch_buttons`).toHaveCount(1); expect(`.o_switch_view`).toHaveCount(2); const views = queryAll`.o_switch_view`; expect(views[0]).toHaveAttribute("data-tooltip", "List"); expect(views[0]).toHaveClass("active"); expect(`.o_switch_view:eq(0) .oi-view-list`).toHaveCount(1); expect(views[1]).toHaveAttribute("data-tooltip", "Kanban"); expect(views[1]).not.toHaveClass("active"); expect(`.o_switch_view:eq(1) .oi-view-kanban`).toHaveCount(1); getService("action").switchView = (viewType) => expect.step(viewType); await click(views[1]); expect.verifySteps(["kanban"]); }); test.tags`mobile`("view switcher on mobile", async () => { await mountWithSearch( ControlPanel, { resModel: "foo" }, { viewSwitcherEntries: [ { type: "list", active: true, icon: "oi-view-list", name: "List" }, { type: "kanban", icon: "oi-view-kanban", name: "Kanban" }, ], } ); expect(`.o_control_panel_navigation .o_cp_switch_buttons`).toHaveCount(1); await click(".o_control_panel_navigation .o_cp_switch_buttons .dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); expect(`.dropdown-item`).toHaveCount(2); const views = queryAll`.dropdown-item`; expect(views[0]).toHaveText("List"); expect(views[0]).toHaveClass("selected"); expect(queryAll(`.oi-view-list`, { root: views[0] })).toHaveCount(1); expect(views[1]).toHaveText("Kanban"); expect(views[1]).not.toHaveClass("selected"); expect(queryAll(`.oi-view-kanban`, { root: views[1] })).toHaveCount(1); getService("action").switchView = (viewType) => expect.step(viewType); await click(views[1]); expect.verifySteps(["kanban"]); }); test("pager", async () => { const pagerProps = reactive({ offset: 0, limit: 10, total: 50, onUpdate: () => {}, }); await mountWithSearch(ControlPanel, { resModel: "foo" }, { pagerProps }); expect(`.o_pager`).toHaveCount(1); = 0; await animationFrame(); expect(`.o_pager`).toHaveCount(0); }); test("view switcher hotkey cycles through views", async () => { onRpc("has_group", () => true); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ res_model: "foo", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "list"], [false, "kanban"], ], }); expect(`.o_list_view`).toHaveCount(1); await press(["alt", "shift", "v"]); await animationFrame(); expect(`.o_kanban_view`).toHaveCount(1); await press(["alt", "shift", "v"]); await animationFrame(); expect(`.o_list_view`).toHaveCount(1); }); test.tags`desktop`("control panel layout buttons in dialog", async () => { onRpc("has_group", () => true); Foo._fields.char = fields.Char(); Foo._records = [ { char: "a", }, { char: "b", }, ]; Foo._views["list,false"] = ``; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ res_model: "foo", type: "ir.actions.act_window", target: "new", views: [[false, "list"]], }); expect(`.o_list_view`).toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_data_cell").click(); expect(".modal-footer .o_list_buttons button").toHaveCount(2); expect(".o_control_panel .o_list_buttons button").toHaveCount(0, { message: "layout buttons are not replicated in the control panel when inside a dialog", }); }); test.tags("mobile"); test("Control panel is shown/hide on top when scrolling", async () => { await mountWithSearch( ControlPanel, { resModel: "foo" }, { viewSwitcherEntries: [ { type: "list", active: true, icon: "oi-view-list", name: "List" }, { type: "kanban", icon: "oi-view-kanban", name: "Kanban" }, ], } ); const contentHeight = 200; const sampleContent = document.createElement("div"); = `${2 * contentHeight}px`; const target = getFixture(); target.appendChild(sampleContent); = `${contentHeight}px`; = "auto"; target.scrollTo({ top: 50 }); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_control_panel").toHaveClass("o_mobile_sticky", { message: "control panel becomes sticky when the target is not on top", }); target.scrollTo({ top: -50 }); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_control_panel").not.toHaveClass("o_mobile_sticky", { message: "control panel is not sticky anymore", }); });