import { clickSave, defineModels, fields, models, mountView, onRpc, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { click, edit, pointerDown, queryFirst, queryOne } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { getNextTabableElement } from "@web/core/utils/ui"; import { animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; class Partner extends models.Model { foo = fields.Char({ default: "My little Foo Value", trim: true }); name = fields.Char(); _records = [{ foo: "yop" }, { foo: "blip" }]; } defineModels([Partner]); test("PhoneField in form view on normal screens (readonly)", async () => { await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "partner", mode: "readonly", arch: /* xml */ `
`, resId: 1, }); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveText("yop"); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveAttribute("href", "tel:yop"); }); test("PhoneField in form view on normal screens (edit)", async () => { await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "partner", arch: /* xml */ `
`, resId: 1, }); expect(`input[type="tel"]`).toHaveCount(1); expect(`input[type="tel"]`).toHaveValue("yop"); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveText("Call"); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveAttribute("href", "tel:yop"); // change value in edit mode await click(`input[type="tel"]`); await edit("new"); await animationFrame(); // save await clickSave(); expect(`input[type="tel"]`).toHaveValue("new"); }); test("PhoneField in editable list view on normal screens", async () => { onRpc("has_group", () => true); await mountView({ type: "list", resModel: "partner", arch: '', }); expect("tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector).o_data_cell").toHaveCount(2); expect("tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) a:first").toHaveText("yop"); expect(".o_field_widget a.o_form_uri").toHaveCount(2); // Edit a line and check the result const cell = queryFirst("tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector)"); await click(cell); await animationFrame(); expect(cell.parentElement).toHaveClass("o_selected_row"); expect(`tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) input`).toHaveValue("yop"); await click(`tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) input`); await edit("new"); await animationFrame(); await click(".o_control_panel_main_buttons .o_list_button_save"); await animationFrame(); expect(".o_selected_row").toHaveCount(0); expect("tbody td:not(.o_list_record_selector) a:first").toHaveText("new"); expect(".o_field_widget a.o_form_uri").toHaveCount(2); }); test("use TAB to navigate to a PhoneField", async () => { await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "partner", arch: /* xml */ `
`, }); await pointerDown(".o_field_widget[name=name] input"); expect(".o_field_widget[name=name] input").toBeFocused(); expect(queryOne`[name="foo"] input:only`).toBe(getNextTabableElement()); }); test("phone field with placeholder", async () => { = false; await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "partner", arch: /* xml */ `
`, }); expect(".o_field_widget[name='foo'] input").toHaveProperty("placeholder", "Placeholder"); }); test("unset and readonly PhoneField", async () => { = false; await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "partner", arch: /* xml */ `
`, }); expect(".o_field_widget[name='foo'] a").toHaveCount(0); }); test("href is correctly formatted", async () => { Partner._records[0].foo = "+12 345 67 89 00"; await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "partner", mode: "readonly", arch: /* xml */ `
`, resId: 1, }); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveText("+12 345 67 89 00"); expect(".o_field_phone a").toHaveAttribute("href", "tel:+12345678900"); });